Frisco ISD Special Needs Resources
May Events & Resources
Welcome to the FISD In-Home/Parent Trainers' Resource Newsletter!
Our trainings this month will be "Creating a Summer Behavior Plan" (5/2) and "Summer Fun & Learning Ideas" (5/17). Information about these events as well as additional learning & social opportunities are shared below.
Don't forget to check out our website for visuals, training videos & much more: http://www.friscoisd.org/in-home
If you were not able to attend our trainings, you can access videos of the presentations here:
LIKE us on Facebook, where we post events, resources, and celebrations: https://www.facebook.com/FISDSpecialNeedsEvents
Sign-up for notifications of events through Remind:
http://rmd.at/fisdin or text @fisdin to 81010
We hope to see you soon!!
Colleen Kugler
Kristin Foster
Kimberly Goushey
469-633-6805 x76963
FISD-Hosted Events This Month
"Creating a Summer Behavior Plan" Training: Thursday, May 2nd, 10:00am-11:30am
Early Childhood School- 10330 Red Cedar Drive Frisco, TX 75035
Monica Piper, BCBA of Stepping Stones will inspire you make a plan for preventing/managing behavior this summer.
- Register here: https://whoozin.com/R36-J36-3C9F-H4CH
- As a courtesy to all, children may not attend this training.
"Summer Fun & Learning Ideas" Workshop: Friday, May 17th, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Early Childhood School- 10330 Red Cedar Drive Frisco, TX 75035
Join us to discover fun & engaging ideas for having fun and learning in the community & beyond this summer!
- Register here: https://whoozin.com/CQY-YFT-E37A-QDK3
- As a courtesy to all, children may not attend this training.
Parent Sanctuary & Lending Library Corner
The Parent Sanctuary & Lending Library will be closing for the school year on FRIDAY, MAY 10TH.
Would you like to teach social skills, life skills, coping skills, money management, or need some fun at-home/community/vacation ideas? Stop by this week to explore the items pictured above and more!
Items pictured:
- Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Junior
- Life Skills for Kids, Christine M. Field
- Reaching Out, Joining In: Teaching Social Skills to Young Children with Autism, Mary Jane Weiss & Sandra L. Harris
- The New Social Story Book, Carol Gray
- The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids, Lawrence E. Shapiro & Robin K. Sprague
- The Amazingly Awesome Activity Book, Lisa Regan
- Awesome Science Experiments for Kids, Crystal Chatterton
- 300 Three Minute Games, Jackie Silberg
- 15 Minutes Outside, Rebecca P. Cohen
- Fun on the Run! 324 Instant Family Activities, Cynthia L. Copeland
- 100 Places That Can Change Your Child's Life: From Your Backyard to the Ends of the Earth, Keith Bellows
Please let us know if there is something that would benefit your family! If you have gently used books, weighted items, or games you would like to donate, we would be ever-so-grateful to add them to our library! You are welcome to drop your donation at the Early Childhood School or contact one of the Parent Trainers (contact information above) and we will arrange to pick it up from you!
Join us on a virtual tour of the Parent Sanctuary by opening the video above,
or following the link below:
We hope to welcome you in soon!
Community Events
SENSORY-FRIENDLY JUMP TIME: Saturday, May 4th from 9am-11am. Jump Street hosts a semi-private event on the first Saturday of each month for children with special needs & their siblings. 9am-10am- only open to families of children with special needs; 10am-11am open to the public. Children ages 5+ can jump for 2 hours for $8, ages 4 and under are $4. Parents are free. To learn more, please visit: https://www.gotjump.com/texas/plano/
DALLAS CHILDREN'S THEATER SENSORY-FRIENDLY PERFORMANCE: DCT offers specially-adapted plays for the enjoyment of those with sensory needs. Throughout the course of the year, Dallas Children's Theater will present a variety of plays from which you can choose. Some stories, especially fairy tales, may be disturbing to some children, for example, the villain or conflict in the story. If you would like to arrange a pre-visit to the theater or have additional questions, you can contact Gina Waits at: 214-978-0110 or gina.waits@dct.org.
DCT wants to make sure families have no barriers that would prevent them from at least sampling these great opportunities created especially for them! Tickets are only $5 per person. Regular DCT show prices range from $15 to $30.
- 12:30pm - 1:30pm Optional pre-show activities such as face painting, clown performances, music therapy and others.
- 1:00pm Doors to the theater are opened
- 1:30pm Show begins
- Next performance: The Island of the Skog on May 4th at 1:30pm. The best laid plans of mice and well, Skog, are upended in this lively musical adventure that navigates land and sea. When Jenny and her mice friends grow weary of ravenous cats, noisy humans, and peril on the streets, they decide a new island paradise is the order of the day. Led by the surly Captain Bouncer, the Rough-riding Rowdies think they've hit the jackpot until they discover that a "giant" already has dibs on their newfound home. The Rowdies and Skog each devise a survival of the fittest plan that, in the end, only points out the flaws that come with assuming the worst and refusing to compromise. A delightfully charming and gentle story that brings to life the author's beloved illustrations and characters. Recommended for ages 3 and up
- To purchase tickets, please call the DCT Box Office at 214-740-0051. Seating for the sensory-friendly performance will be general admission. If someone in your group needs wheelchair accessible seating, please contact them at least 24 hours in advance so they can ensure your time at DCT is organized and well-spent. You can even visit their website to view/print a production-specific social story AND a parent tipsheet: https://www.dct.org/sensory/
GUARDIANSHIP WEBINAR: Join Partners Resource Network on May 7th at 12:15 p.m. CDT for their next statewide webinar on Guardianship with Colleen Elbe, Disability Rights Texas. This webinar will provide parents with information on Guardianship in Texas, Alternatives to Guardianship, as well as Supported Decision Making Agreements. Parents will learn the purpose, process, benefits and drawbacks of each. Resources will be provided to direct parents to sample forms and additional information. If you have questions, please contact Meagan Sanders at msandersprn@sbcglobal.net.
Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_e6sC9KU7TMWGFVq0vx1XjQ
FRISCO SAGE COFFEE TALK: Frisco SAGE is a non-profit that exists to meet the needs of families with diverse learners of all ages in Frisco and the surrounding communities.
They would love for you to join them at their next Coffee Talk! This event is a great opportunity for parents in Frisco and surrounding areas to come together, network, and share information with families. If there is a topic you specifically want to discuss, please email programs@friscosage.org. Coffee Talk dates for May:
- May 9th 9am–11am at First Watch (5404 Preston Road Frisco, TX 75034). For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/620486541723558/
- May 16th 6pm – 8pm at Ascension (3625 The Star Blvd #300, Frisco, Texas 75034). For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/2240562782884526/
MIRACLE LEAGUE FAMILY NIGHT AT THE ROUGHRIDERS: Family Night with The Miracle League of Frisco and the Frisco RoughRiders will be held on Friday, May 17th. Deadline to purchase tickets is May 10th. Miracle League athletes can purchase tickets buy-one-get-one-free. Purchase tickets here: https://groupmatics.events/event/MLoF2019
Tickets are $12 and include:
- Best available seat
- Postgame fireworks
- Pregame parade
- Donation to The Miracle League of Frisco
brickLAB SOCIAL SKILLS CLASSES: brickLAB in Frisco (2552 Stonebrook Parkway) is hosting a monthly Teen Social Club for those who access special education services beginning May 11th from 6pm-9pm. Cost is $25.00 per person; snacks will be provided. Vending machines are available for additional drinks and snacks. Adult and teen volunteers will provide supervision. Future dates are: June 8th & July 13th. To register, please email Jenni Jensen: jenni.brickLAB@gmail.com or call 469-952-7607.
STUDIO MOVIE GRILL SCREENINGS: Studio Movie Grill continues to host sensory-friendly special needs movie screenings each month, at no charge for children with special needs (sibs are free, too!). All others pay $6. On May 11th at 11am, they will screen "Avengers: Endgame" (PG-13). On May 18th at 11:00am, they will screen "Uglydolls" (PG). For more information, please visit: https://www.studiomoviegrill.com/Movie/Film-Series/Special-Needs-Screenings
ROBO PARA-OLYMPICS: An FISD student has organized an amazing event for children with special needs in grades 6-12 on May 11th from 10am-12pm (flyer attached to this newsletter). From the student organizer: "I am the president of the FTC Liberty CyberHawks Team and am interested in sharing my knowledge and skills with others, especially with those who lack the opportunity to participate in STEM-related activities due to their disabilities. I am fond of children with special needs because I had a brother with cerebral palsy. My family is aware of the difficulties and challenges in the lives of families with children with special needs. But, we also know the joy of helping and supporting their lives with enriched activities and learning opportunities that will provide them with skills and lasting memories. I would like to offer a FREE Robotics Special Olympics event for children in grades 6 through 12 with special needs. The event will consist of a Lego robot building clinic with visual aids followed by two competitions: a robot obstacle course, and a robot soccer match. I would like to invite 24 children in grades 6-12 that will be working in teams of 3 throughout the event. We would form 8 teams. We would be expecting about 48 guests plus our 20+ volunteers that would be at welcome tables, helping the teams, at the entrances and bathroom monitor, at the robot games and taking pictures documenting the event. I will provide all materials and resources needed including the place (at my chartered organization building which is a church building in Frisco,) tables and chairs, the robots made of Legos, and the games setup. I am counting on the help of my family, my troop members, my robotics team members, and the Key Club members who can volunteer their time helping in our event. I would provide a training for all volunteers before the event. Parents will need to stay with their children for the duration of the event."
Let's support this amazing young man & enjoy a fun STEM activity!! To RSVP, please visit: http://bit.ly/robotsignup2019
SUPER DUPER TENNIS DAY: Frisco Parks & Recreation is working with their awesome tennis instructors to host "Super Duper Tennis Day" on May 11th at the Frisco Athletic Center. This event is open to all FISD students with special needs (ages 6-21). Tennis training will be taught by tennis pros from the Frisco Tennis School, along with FISD high school tennis volunteers. They’ll feature different stations for skill introduction/training. All tennis equipment will be provided; tennis shoes recommended. Wheelchair accessible.
The event is free, but pre-registration is required. Full details and registration info found here: https://friscotexas.perfectmind.com/23114/Clients/BookMe4LandingPages/CoursesLandingPage?widgetId=15f6af07-39c5-473e-b053-96653f77a406&embed=True&redirectedFromEmbededMode=True&courseId=d302c321-0033-4540-ba2c-1c7240684793
CHARIS HILLS CAMP OPEN HOUSE: Charis Hills is hosting an Open House on Saturday, May 11th from 10am - 2:00pm. You will have an opportunity to tour the camp, have some refreshments, meet staff and make some new friends. If that date doesn't to work for your family, they are happy to offer a private tour. To learn more about Charis Hills, please visit: https://charishills.org/
SENSORY-FRIENDLY CRAYOLA EXPERIENCE: Crayola is hosting a sensory-friendly experience on Sunday, May 18th from 9–11am. Join them to experience specially-designed arts & craft activities inside the Crayola Experience Plano attraction. Families of children with special needs get exclusive access to the entire 60,000-square-foot attraction from 9–11am; the attraction is open to everyone at 11am.
- Lights will be dimmed
- Music will be turned off
- Quiet room/space available
- Special appearance by Crayola character Tip (such as Mango Tango or Bluetiful)
- $21.99 plus tax per person. Online price $19.99. Free for 2 and younger. Senior Citizens age 65 and older are $19.99 plus tax each.
To learn more, visit crayolaexperience.com/plano or call 469-642-2901.
BUDDY BREAK RESPITE: Would you enjoy some time to relax or run errands while your child with special needs is treated as a “VIP”? A lovely & passionate woman brought the Buddy Break respite program to our area and would love for your family to join them! Each event is free and will be held at Chase Oaks Church in Plano from 10am-1pm. The next event is Saturday, May 18th (future date: June 22nd). For additional information/registration, please visit: http://www.chaseoaks.org/connect/kids-students/buddy-break/For registration issues or to volunteer, please contact Sara Chacon: buddybreak.coc@gmail.com
A NIGHT IN HOLLYWOOD: A SENSORY-FRIENDLY PROM: Grace Jensen, a senior at Reedy High School, has dreamed of hosting a sensory-friendly prom for students with special needs, many of whom find regular school dances and social events to be overwhelming. Working with students with disabilities comes naturally for Grace as she has a sister with Down Syndrome. She also teaches a social skills class at a local Lego-based business called BrickLab, and has volunteered with Best Buddies, SibShop, and Teen Squad, a social skills group for teens with high-functioning Autism.
Grace's dream came true & the prom will be held on Thursday, May 23rd from 6pm-9pm at Verona in Frisco, Texas. The community has rallied to support this amazing event & we can't wait to see what a wonderful experience it will be for all!! To learn more/register, please visit: https://shoutout.wix.com/so/c8Mffw_hM
ACEING AUTISM TENNIS PROGRAM: Aceing Autism is a tennis program designed specifically for individuals with Autism & closely-related conditions (ages 5- adult). Each week participants will work on different fundamentals of the game of tennis. Participants will have an opportunity to increase their social skills through taking turns, working in teams, and following instructions. Activities each week will include: group warm-up, hand-eye coordination, racquet skills, volleys, groundstrokes, and group games. Racquets and all necessary equipment are provided. Program registration begins May 1st; program runs June 1st through July 13th. To learn more/register, please visit their website: https://aceingautism.org/locations/dallas-tx/
DOWN HOME RANCH CAMPS: Down Home Ranch is located in Elgin, Texas (NE of Austin). Over the course of the week-long camp, campers will care for animals, learn to fish, swim, run races, toast marshmallows, paddle a boat, go for hikes, put on plays and sing camp songs.
- Campers are 18+ years old and have a range of cognitive disabilities.
- Ranch Camp is for campers who enjoy group activities and the hustle and bustle of camp life.
- Campers who are disturbed by loud noise, crowds of people and disruptions in routine may not enjoy Ranch Camp.
The cost of camp is $900 per session. They accept the following funding options:
- Private pay
- Contracted rates through Texas IDD waivers including Home and Community Based Services (HCS), Texas Home Living (TxHmL), Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) and other programs that offer respite in their service array
- Contract General Revenue (GR) rates from the Local Intellectual Development Disability Authorities (LIDDA).
To learn more, please visit: https://www.downhomeranch.org/ranch-camp/
UNT SUMMER PRESCHOOL LANGUAGE & LITERACY PROGRAM: UNT is hosting a summer preschool program this summer! All children ages 4-7 who would benefit from language and literacy enrichment are welcome. The program runs June 11th-August 1st. The program will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 at the UNT Speech and Hearing Center in Denton. Full or partial scholarships are available to offset program fees. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Kathy Shelby (940) 565-2292 or email Dr. Kouri at theresa.kouri@unt.edu
FRISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY'S SOCIAL READERS LEAGUE: The Frisco Public Library invites you to the Social Readers League on Friday, June 14th & July 19th from 3pm-4pm! SRL is an exciting hour for tweens (grades 4th-8th) in Functional Academics (FA) and Resource to make connections, build friendships, improve reading skills, and have fun! To learn more, please visit: https://friscolibrary.com/event/social-readers-league-1
iCAN SWIM: Creating an effective swimming program for people with disabilities takes a patient understanding of each swimmer as well as a well-thought-out plan for how the lessons can be adapted to each child. The iCan Swim camp will be held in Dallas at the Moody YMCA June 17th – 21st. For questions about this swim camp please e-mail Samantha Escherich: samantha@downsyndromedallas.org or call 214-267-1374.
To learn more, please visit: http://downsyndromedallas.org/ican-swim-camp?fbclid=IwAR0wHbwsuHa6g_4_O7ISjAyFcFeQ2aHIQp_t4JGqCY9ti2zFaa8Fk79Z8jM
FRISCO SAGE FAMILY NIGHT: Frisco SAGE (Special and Gifted Education) is a non-profit that exists to meet the needs of families with diverse learners of all ages in Frisco and the surrounding communities. Family Night is a great opportunity for parents in Frisco and surrounding areas to come together, network, share information and discuss issues of concerns to our families. Join SAGE on June 20th from 5pm-8pm at Palios on Preston. Even if it's a quick hello, they would love to meet you and your family. If there is a topic you specifically want to discuss, please email programs@friscosage.org and they will do everything they can to have resources for that issue.
CHAMPIONS DAY CAMP: Champions Special Ministries is a nonprofit organization based in Overland Park, Kansas that offers national and international day camps for children and young adults with special needs. They will be in Dallas this summer at The Village Church Dallas Northway for their sixth Champions Day Camp from June 24th-28th! CSM Day Camp is intended for children and young adults ages 6+ with an intellectual, cognitive, or physical disability. Along with a staff of incredible college students, their community-based volunteers function as "coaches," serving as 1-2 or 1-1 camper to volunteer ratios during our week of camp. They will have 5 days of "high-energy, high fun" activities, including: games, sports, dance, arts, crafts, Bible stories, worship, music, and themed parties.The Village Church Dallas Northway is located at 3877 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas TX, 75229.
The camp will be held Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and Friday from 12:30pm to 8:00pm.
Camp Tuition:
Early Registration - $310 + $15 (registration fee) *Ends May 27
Late Registration - $345+ $15 (registration fee) *Ends June 17
Register here: https://www.championsspecialministries.org/campers/summer-day-camps/dallas-camp-registration
iCAN BIKE: Research shows that over 80% of people with Autism and 90% of people with Down syndrome never experience the thrill of bike riding. This camp exists to defy those odds! The iCan Bike camp will be held at UTD in Richardson, TX from July 15th through July 19th. For information or to register for this bike camp please e-mail Samantha Escherich directly at samantha@downsyndromedallas.org or call 214-267-1374. You can also learn more by visiting: http://downsyndromedallas.org/ican-bike-camp?fbclid=IwAR10N3xEf5Eg-TqkFutWB6ONC2QeaxphLfKw_B7Qaw7BX4HevsBpK3n-H1o
RED RAIDER PRE-COLLEGE SUMMER ACADEMY: The summer academy is a one week summer program for youth with disabilities, ages 16-22, who are interested in pursuing a post-secondary education. Participants will interact with faculty, staff, and students in order to gain experience in navigating a college campus/college life. This program will be held July 15th-19th at Texas Tech University; applications are currently being accepted. To apply/learn more about this opportunity, please contact Rebecca Sametz: Rebecca.sametz@ttuhsc.edu.
SOUND STARTS MUSIC CLASSES: Sound Starts is hosting "Little Jammers", an early childhood music group for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. One visit is $20, monthly (4-5 visits) is $60. To learn more, call 469-443-6224 or visit http://soundstartsmusic.com
COMMUNITY BAND: Sound Starts Music is excited to announce a Special Needs Community Band! This program is specifically for middle and high school children with special needs who are looking for support in playing a band instrument as well as additional opportunities to make music with like-minded peers. The program will be supported by a board-certified music therapist in collaboration with a certified band teacher. To learn more, please visit:https://soundstartsmusic.com/communityband/, email mary@soundstartsmusic.com, or call 469-443-6224.
Community Resources/Information
ANN EISEMANN INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND: Another inclusive playground made its' debut in DFW! The Ann Eisemann Inclusive Playground is an 11,000-square-foot Parks & Recreation amenity located at Cottonwood Park in Richardson.
The playground includes:
Separate play areas for ages 2-5 and ages 5-12
Poured-in-place rubber safety surface
Four types of swings, including traditional "belt" swings and "tot buckets" as well as high-backed, plastic seats that provide added support, and two-person swings, in which a child and an adult face each other
Adaptive merry-go-round, in which children can sit in molded plastic seats next to children who are standing
Double seesaw & tire swing
Two "roller slides," which provide faster movement and more muscle/joint sensation
Adjacent, accessible, family-style restroom with a drinking fountain
Sensory Garden
The playground also includes concrete walkways and an extensive ramp system, which provides access to decks, climbing equipment and slides. The playground is open daily, sunrise to sunset. To learn more, please visit: https://www.cor.net/departments/parks-recreation/parks-trails/inclusive-playground
TEXAS A&M'S COACH TO COMMUNICATE PROJECT: C2C provides a webinar and face-to-face/online individual parent coaching sessions at no cost for parents, caregivers, teachers, and service providers of children with Autism. Participants will be instructed in how to improve the communication skills of their children/students. This (no-cost) project serves Texas parents, caregivers, teachers, or service providers who have a child up to age 22 with Autism or communication disorders who need instruction in communication skills. To learn more, please visit: https://autism.tamu.edu/about-us-2/
29 FRIENDS SOCIAL EVENTS: "29 Friends" hosts social events for young adults (16+) and adults with Autism. To learn more about 29 Friends or to join the group, visit their website: https://29acres.org/programs/29-friends/
THE PARENT-DIRECTED TREATMENT PROJECT will provide a webinar and face-to face/online individual parent training sessions at no cost for parents, caregivers, teachers, and service providers of children with Autism. You will be instructed in how to improve your child’s communication skills. This project is intended for parents, caregivers, teachers, or service providers who have a child up to age 22 with ASD or similar characteristics and who need instruction in communication skills. If you and your child decide to participate in this project, you will participate in one webinar and individual parent training sessions to learn to implement a communication intervention with your child. Your child will receive communication/behavioral assessments and a communication intervention which will be implemented by you. The individual parent training sessions will be conducted for approximately 12 to 14 weeks in total for 1 hour per session. This project will have ongoing enrollment throughout the next one and a half years, so you may participate right away or your services may start later in the year. If you are interested in participating in this project, complete the online application form athttps://u.tamu.edu/parenttraining or contact the project coordinator, Ching-Yi Liao atTAMUAuParent@tamu.edu.
TEXAS STATE PARKS: Have you ever wondered if Texas State Parks would be a good it for your family? This article details special needs accommodations at Texas State Parks: http://www.dfwchild.com/features/3653/texas-state-parks-kids-special-needs
PATH PROJECT: If you would like to learn more about the PATH Project’s events, you can find their calendar here:http://prntexas.org/events/month/
NAA-NT: The National Autism Association of North Texas (NAA-NT) is a great resource for families of children with Autism. To learn more about their mission, events, and resources, visit their website: http://www.naa-nt.org/
UNDERSTOOD: For the first time ever, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey. Understood have a wealth of resources on their website for families: https://www.understood.org/en