Weekly Update to Families
September 6, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Goodwater Families,
What a fantastic short week of learning and engagement we've had! Our Grandparents Day was a tremendous success, and it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces on campus. Research shows that family involvement is one of the strongest predictors of student success, and we truly appreciate your participation and support.
Thank you for spreading the word and contributing to our vibrant school community.
Stay tuned for many more opportunities to engage with us in the near future!
Grandparents Day was a Success!
Breakfast Menu - September 2nd - 20th
Lunch Menu - September 2nd - 20th
Please do not send students with prescription or over-the-counter medicines. All medicine must be checked in at the front office by a guardian. This includes vitamins and supplements. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Pre K Pick Up
Pre-K parents,
Please do not park in fire lanes when picking up your child. Please stay in your vehicle until you are in front of the building by the columns. Now, when the parents/caregivers come at 11:45 to pick up their child(ren) they will proceed to the right lane and come to the orange cone at the far end of the front of the building facing north. As they proceed we will read their car tag # and put the number into our Curbsmart system. Each student that comes to the atrium will have a name tag and cart tag # on a lanyard so staff can bring the child(ren) to the parents/caregiver’s vehicle. If the student is still wearing their lanyard please notify staff. We appreciate the feedback from parents/caregivers on how we can improve processes.Please reach out if you have additional questions.
Note from Dr. Bruce
Happy Friday Goodwater Families
Hope this note finds you and your families well.
Wow! We have been in school for a month already. I would like to first thank all of our Grand Parents who came to have muffins with our students this week. It was a tremendous success. We learned quite a bit on how to organize it better for next year. We appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions from everyone. Next year we will have an RSVP request, advanced checkin, and more details on where to park. Feedback is essential for continuous improvement and we appreciate everyone’s patience. We will be having more events this year so be on the look out. Next week we will be Remembering 9/11. Each year we provide appropriate education for students. I do want to share that we will be celebrating Veterans Day on November 11th with a morning event. We will be sending out more information in the coming weeks on how you can help us honor our Veterans.
If you joined us for Montessori Philosophy nights we thank you for taking time out of your busy day to learn more about the nuances of a Montessori education are different from a traditional environment. In the weeks to come we will be providing another opportunity for parents/caregivers/grand parents to learn about the Montessori material that is so important for students and how the material assists in helping students become independent and life long learners.
We have delayed out Orchard event that was scheduled for September 7th. The orchard is still extremely muddy and we want to make sure that we can bring equipment out to the orchard when we do our clean up. I do want to share with families that we are looking for more orchard volunteers. We are talking with several organizations and looking for an outdoor educator to assist our school in providing instruction and time for our students to go to the orchard. The weather has been an issue with the extreme heat and all the welcomed rain we have received in the last few weeks. The orchard is very important to our school and if you have time and would like to volunteer please call the school at 512-931-3560. Please visit our website https://goodwatermontessori.org/current-families/volunteering/ https://goodwatermontessori.org/current-families/volunteering/https://goodwatermontessori.org/current-families/volunteering/
We hope you have a great weekend, and again thank you for all the support you provide our school.
Kindest Regards
Dr. Bruce
Substitutes Needed...
We need your help! We are in need of substitute teachers for the 24-25 school year. Please go to our website and complete an application to be a guest guide.
We appreciate your help!
Goodwater Featured....2023-2024 TPCSA Annual Report
News from the PTO
Donations to Goodwater Montessori
Setting up a one-time or recurring online donation is the best way to support Goodwater Montessori. Charter schools in Texas receive significantly less funding than public schools. For more information on these topics, see how we are funded and the different giving options available for families to support our school.
Click on the link below if you would like to make a donation:
Sponsorship Opportunity
We are currently organizing a fundraiser to support our teachers, and as part of these efforts, we’re designing custom t-shirts that our students, staff, and supporters will proudly wear.
We’d be thrilled to feature your business as a sponsor on these t-shirts. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to education and the local community while gaining valuable visibility for your brand. The shirts will be worn by approximately 320 Students and 50 staff individuals, offering significant exposure for your business.
Your sponsorship will directly contribute to our teacher retention fund, and as a token of our appreciation, we’ll proudly display your logo on the shirts.
We believe this partnership would be mutually beneficial, and we’re excited about working together. Please let us know if you’re interested in supporting our school and making a meaningful impact on our students.
Thank you for considering this opportunity.
Please reach out to Ms. Beverly at beverly.al-tabatabaie@goodwatermontessori.org if you would like to be a sponsor.
Participating in Family Living: Prepared Environment
Children often want to participate, the essence of a Montessori guide's work is observing the activities that each child gravitates toward and then altering the classroom environment to provide the children opportunities to safely practice these activities to their heart's content. You don't need to worry about chores around the house; Children naturally gravitate towards activities from which they are primed to receive rapid developmental benefits. Maria Montessori called this a "sensitive period."
Developmental Benefits
In the Montessori Classroom, there is a section devoted to activities of practical life. Here you can observe children at work in a very traditional sense. This area of their cognitive development. The classroom is just as important as traditional academic subjects like math and reading because as children master the activities of daily living, they become functionally independent and begin to see themselves as productive members of their community. By offering the children an appropriate environment and appropriately sized tools you are allowing them to experience the dignity of working towards a common goal within a community. This can be as simple as including your child in preparing their school lunch, or dinner with the family in the evenings. With appropriately sized tools you can include your children in chores inside and in the yard. It helps to strengthen the relationship with parents and siblings by doing these activities together. Doing the daily activities step by step can also strengthen.
The developmental outcomes include:
Emotional Enrichment- Provides a sense of fulfillment. The child is happy and at peace. The love of the environment and community deepens.
Social Consequences - The child develops a true understanding of the dignity of labor.
Stewardship of the Environment The child becomes aware of the needs of the environment and his or her ability to fulfill those needs. This results in self-confidence and responsibility.
Executive Functioning Skills The child develops the ability to observe a situation and act competently in context towards a desired end.
Preparation for further work The child becomes aware of the steps for all life activities (choosing a work, doing it well, and putting it away). The child also develops a taste for purposeful activities and they actively work to develop their intellect, will, coordination, and control of movement.
Upcoming Events
September 3 – 20, 2024
September 3 – 20, 2024
- TPRI BOY (1st & 2nd)
September 19, 2024
- National IT Professional Day - celebrate Rachel
September 23, 2024
- Professional Development Day All Staff - no students
September 24, 2024
- Board Meeting
Friday, September 27, 2024
- End of 6 weeks
Friday, October 18, 2024
- Movie Night
Friday, November 1, 2024
- Fall Festival/Riddle Day
September 16 - October 15
- Hispanic Heritage Month
Contact Info
Goodwater Montessori Charter School
Principal: Mrs. Beverly Al-TabatabaieWebsite: www.goodwatermontessori.org
Location: 710 Stadium Dr, Georgetown, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 931-3560