Eagles' Landing
Fort Myers Christian School May 22, 2024
Walk-A-Thon .... Thank you for being "ALL IN?"
Important Dates
22 Elementary Awards Chapel
22-23 8th Grade Final Exams
23 Pre-K Promotion and Art Show, 9:00am
24 8th Grade and K4 Final Day
8th Graduation, 6:00pm (5th and 6th Graders performing during Graduation)
6th (5 hrs.) & 7th (10 hrs.) volunteer hours due (Bible class requirement).
27 Memorial Day (No School, No Childcare)
28 AR Celebration
5th grade Celebration
Kindergarten Promotion 6:00pm
28-29 6th and 7th Final Exams, Half day for 6th/7th only
30 MS Awards Chapel (6th-7th Only), 8:15am
End of Year Chapel: All School: Colonial Chapel 11:00am
Last day of school- Half-Day
* Mom's In Prayer meet each Friday school is in session in the CC cafeteria 8:15am.
Congratulations Class of 2024!
8th Grade Graduation - May 24
Our 8th Grade Graduation is on May 24 at 6:00 pm in the First Assembly Auditorium. Students should arrive at 5:45 and meet in the choir room behind the auditorium.
5th & 6th grade choir and strings will be performing.
The graduation will be followed by a reception in the Middle School Cafeteria.
5th Grade Celebration- May 28
5th Grade Celebration will be on May 28 in the Elementary Chapel at 11:30 AM. The 5th grade Choir and strings will be performing. Parents are invited to bring a dish to share. FMCS will provide chicken and drinks.
Looking forward to celebrating the end of the year with our 5th Grade students.
May Students of the Month - Loyalty
Kindergarten Promotion- May 28
Kindergarten Promotion is on May 28 in the First Assembly Auditorium at 6:00 pm. Students should be dropped off in their classrooms at 5:45.
5th Grade Overnight Field Trip to the Aquarium
One of many aquariums
Learning about Sea Turtles
Aquarium top view
6th & 7th Grade Student Volunteer Hours Due Soon
As part of the Bible curriculum, each student in middle school will have a community service requirement: 5 hours for 6th grade per semester and 10 hours for 7th and 8th grade per semester. Only work completed during that SEMESTER is accepted. A student cannot receive credit for more than 10 hours per semester.
DUE DATE - 6th & 7th Grade - May 24
These service hours are:
a) To be hours of free services.
b) Rendered outside of the household and/or unrelated to anyone in your household. Note: You CANNOT work at a business for anyone to whom you are related.
c) A MAXIMUM of half of the semester hours can be completed for credit at a student’s church.
d) It is our desire to see students move out into the community and “let their light shine” – hours can be accomplished off of the school campus.
Activities may include babysitting, lawn care, nursing home visitation, Sunday church nursery and/or children’s programs, community outreach with church or school group, class clean-up projects, work within a non-profit organization and any creative project submitted in writing and approved by the Bible teacher and/or an administrator.
A verification slip will be filled out by the student, signed by the supervisor and a parent and turned in to Middle School Receptionist on or before the assigned due date. The student is also required to turn in a 150-word summarized report of his/her duties and experiences during the Community Service Project.
The Community Service Requirement (CSR) will be graded so that each hour will represent one-tenth of the CSR grade. Example: 6 hours = 60% CSR grade, 10 hours=100% CSR grade. The CSR grade will count for 25% of the overall semester Bible grade. Penalty for late submission: (drops one letter grade) one day late = B+ (89%), two days late = C+ (79%), after two days late - 0%.
Summer Volleyball Camp July 22-26
What’s up Eagles!
This summer FMCS will be having its first ever volleyball camp!
- Who: Incoming 5th-8th graders.
- When: July 22-26th from 8am-12pm.
- Where: FMCS Gymnasium
The cost is $150 per student. Each player will receive a volleyball camp shirt, snacks, and experience in the sport.
Register at the Brush Fire link below.
Elementary Awards Chapel
Perfect Attendance
Safety Patrol
National Elementary Honor Society -4th Grade
National Elementary Honor Society - 5th Grade
Accelerated Reading Recognition 100-1000+ points
Academic Excellence
Top Classroom GPA for each Grade 2nd through 5th.
Specialist Recognition
Awarded to top Beginning Orchestra Players
5th Grade Band - Levi Debnar
Physical Education
K4 through 5th Grade
K4-5th Grade
Eagle Award K4-1
Christian Character, Academics and Peer Relationships
Eagle Award 2-5
Christian Character, Academics and Peer Relationships
Head of School Merit Award
Fort Myers Christian 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Summer Reading
Hello Middle School Family,
Summer is here, and it is time to relax, but never stop reading! This summer, I have created a reading list for all of middle school, including honors classes. You will need to purchase these books, because you will be annotating each chapter (see attached Close Reading Marks for annotating symbols). When you annotate, you are writing directly in the book, responding and actually giving the story feedback. What did you like? What surprised you? What confused you? What did this remind you of? What was important? Using the symbols or special marks helps to keep your reading going at a comfortable pace. The marks also allow you to return to the book and see where you found something interesting or noteworthy.
You will be bringing your book to class for the first day of school where we will be discussing the main text. I will also be giving you a grade for the quality of your annotations. Please note, you may have more annotations at the beginning of the story than as the story develops. You are not required to have a note on each page. Only respond when you really see something that you noticed.
If you have any questions, please email me at abarkman@fmcs-fl.com. Enjoy your summer and your summer reading! Make wonderful memories and stay safe.
In His Service,
Mrs. Barkman
6th Grade – Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
7th Grade – A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
7th Grade Honors – The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
8th Grade – The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan
8th Grade Honors – The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Parent Survey Results. 23-24 School Year
StarBooks Day in 1st Grade
Science Wacky Machines by 4th Grade
Friday PTC Snack Shack
Friday's our PTC volunteers have snacks for our FMCS students to purchase in the afternoons. Items are $1 each. Volunteers will bring the cart to both the elementary and middle school buildings for students to make their snack purchases. Thank you to the parents that have donated items to be sold. If you are interested in doing this also, please reach out to WSulzer@fmcsifl.com.
Google Calendar
FMCS 2024-25 School Year Calendar
School Calendar for the 2024-25 Year
Curious about the first day of school next year? Trying to plan ahead for spring break 2025? Below is the Calendar for NEXT school year. Something new next year is late start Wednesday's. This will allow for teacher collaboration before students arrive and it will give you an extra hour with your students Wednesday mornings.
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