Warrior Weekly
November 8, 2022
Volleyball--Home Tuesday 5:00
Field Hockey--Away Tuesday 4:00
Soccer--Away Wednesday 4:00
Football--Home Friday 7:00
CONGRATS! KPMB--Second Place at Nationals!
English National Honor Society 7:00 am (1st Monday of the Month)
Stu Co-7:00 am library
Debate Club-2:15 pm room 205
Active Minds 7:00 am library
Leo Club 7:00 am auditorium
Mock Trial 2:15 room 205
French NHS 2:15 room 226
GSA 2:15 room 402
Yearbook 2:15 room 109
Peer Mentors 2:15 Location TBD
People of Prosperity 2:15 room 106
( oqqlg6r) Info on classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM5MzkwOTEwMTM2?cjc=oqqlg6r
Model United Nations 2:15 pm room 103
Newspaper 2:15 pm room 134
Science NHS 7:00 am library (second Thursday of the month)
NHS 7:00 am auditorium (first Thursday of the month)
Math Team:
First and Last Thursday of the month. Email gearys@kingphilip.org for more details.
KP Cares 7:00 am (first and third Friday of the month)
Bird Club 2:15 room 221 (Every other Friday--Hikes on Weekends)
- Friday, November 11 - No School, Veterans Day
- Monday, November 14- Picture Make-up Day
- Wednesday, November 16 - Early Dismissal (11:00 AM), Teacher Professional Development
- Wednesday, November 23 - Early Dismissal (11:00 AM), Thanksgiving Break
- Thursday-Friday, November 24-25 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
- Wednesday, December 7- Early Release Professional Development
- December 9 & 10--KPHS Drama Performance
- Tuesday, December 20- HS Band & Chorus Concert 7:00 pm
- December 23rd through January 2nd- No School
KP Cares, a community service group made up of KPHS Students is planning its 8th annual Holiday Gift Drive. The Giving Tree helps support local families that need help during the holidays with gifts for their children
If you or someone you know in the King Philip community could use some assistance this year please fill out the attached form and submit by November 14, 2022. While we would love to help as many people as possible we must limit our support to those families that live in one of the 3 towns King Philip services: Norfolk, Plainville or Wrentham. All family names will be kept completely confidential as only our faculty advisor will know who they are. We are asking that you only request 3 items per child and that the children be between the ages of 0-18 (or if 19 are still in high school) as we hope to be able to help every family that submits a request. Please note since these gifts are being purchased by students and we anticipate an increase in requests we are not in a position to fulfill requests for TVs/video game systems/or individual items in excess of $100.00. Please submit forms through email to rowec@Kingphilip.org Or by mail to : Cheryl Rowe – KP Cares Advisor King Philip H.S. 201 Franklin St. Wrentham, MA 02093 FORMS MUST BE RETURNED BY NOVEMBER 14TH TO BE INCLUDED. Gifts will be available for pick on December 11, 2022 and you will be contacted by email with your pick up