Highland Happenings
December 6th, 2024

The 12 Days Are Underway!
Good Afternoon Highland Families,
I hope you all had a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving! It was great to have everyone back at Highland this week for a full-week of learning and fun! This week we kicked off the 12 Days of Highland with red and green day and tropical day! We continue the fun next week and are looking forward to welcoming the Herrick Chamber Choir, Chamber Strings, and Jazz Band to Highland for a holiday concert next week. Aimsweb Winter benchmark testing begins the last week of school before Winter break, and MAP testing will take place in January. A MAP schedule will be shared in next week's edition of the Happenings. We hope to see many of our Highland families at tomorrow's PTA holiday shop! If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 630-719-5835. Take care and have a great weekend!
My Best,
Zac Craft
Principal, Highland School
Weekly Preview
- 12/12/24: Grades 4-6 Art Club
- 12/12/24: Highland Scoop Meeting
- 12/13/24: Fun Lunch: Al's Pizza.
Later On
- 12/17/24: 5th Grade Intramurals
- 12/19/24: 4th-6th Grade Art Club
- 12/20/24: December All-School Meeting
- 12/20/24: Annual Holiday Sing
- 12/20/24: Winter classroom parties.
Winter weather procedures in District 58
If winter weather requires schools to close, District 58 will promptly email and call all families and staff. The District will also post school closure information on the website, www.dg58.org, and social media channels.
District 58 has the option to use an e-learning day or an emergency day (also called snow day) during bad weather.
This year, District 58 will likely use e-learning days. E-learning days do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. District 58 needs to maximize the summer for referendum construction, so e-learning days would allow District 58 to keep on its construction schedule.
Learn more about District 58's winter weather procedures.
Staff Member of the Week!
Each week, a member of the Highland staff will be highlighted in the Highland Happenings! This is a great opportunity for our Highland community to learn more about our staff members and all of the information featured in the Happenings can be found in the staff directory on our website. This week we are highlighting Mrs. Doty!
This Week's Episode of the Highland Scoop
PTA All Day
Holiday Shop
The Holiday Shop is tomorrow!!!!
Saturday December 7th from 9AM to 12PM
This is an opportunity for students to shop from a huge variety of fun and affordable gifts for family, friends and even pets
An envelope was sent home in the coming weeks to help students prepare prior to shopping
NHS volunteers will be onsite to assist shoppers with budgeting, checking out and wrapping
Donuts and beverages will be available for purchase for $1 each- cash only!
All sales are cash only!
Volunteers are needed to make this event possible - please visit the sign-up link here
Contact Krystal Lovitsch (Kcamalic@yahoo.com) or Jenny Bain (jenny.gallagher.bain@gmail.com) if you have any questions.
The Deadline for 6th Grade Shout Outs is TWO WEEKS Away!
Parents and relatives of 6th Grade Students have the opportunity to purchase 1/8 page or 1/4 page “Shout Outs” in the 2024-25 yearbook to celebrate their student’s promotion to Middle School!
All “Shout Outs” are full color and are $5.00 for 1/8 page, $10.00 for 1/4 page.
For more information and detailed instructions on how to purchase your "Shout Out" please visit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gtkd1rykOaSBomUJI9sMd16Vnyn9xYEv/view?usp=sharing
The deadline to design and purchase “Shout Outs” is Friday, December 20 - This is the day before Winter Break!
Dining 4 Dollars
Our next dinner is Panera on 12/12 & we'll earn 30% from sales. Join us at Panera, 160 Ogden Ave, from 4pm-8pm! Use code FUND4U on the website, app and in store kiosks.
As we plan the Dining 4 Dollars events for the remainder of the year, we would love to hear from YOU! Please use this survey [link] to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Staff Holiday Wishlist
Here is the Staff Holiday Wishlist! There is no obligation to give gifts, but it helps to have ideas if you choose to!
Tell Us What You Think!
We want to hear from you! Do you have an idea to share with the PTA? Do you have a question or two for us? Now if your time! CLICK HERE
Always Here!
Item's that can be found in every edition of the Highland Happenings, such as the Highland Playbook and our student attendance form can be found below. We want to ensure that these resources are always available to our families while also making each week's Happenings as reader-friendly as possible!
The 2024-2025 Highland Playbook is Now Available!
The Highlanad Playbook is your place to find important information about Highland including a staff directory, arrival/dismissal procedures, informaion about social-emotional learning, and much more. Click the image to the right to access the 2024-2025 Highland Playbook.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar (click to enlarge)
Community Resources
Personal Electronic/Technology Devices Policy in DG58
It is amazing how far technology has come over the last decade and continues to advance. We recognize the value technology has not just in education, but our world. However, we hope that we can work together to remind students that during the school day, personal electronic devices should be turned off or silenced and out of sight. This includes wearable devices if they become distracting to the learning environment. Students should not be using phones, Apple Watches, or other devices to send or receive text messages or phone calls during the school day.
Keep In Touch
Email: zcraft@dg58.org
Website: DG58.org/HG
Location: 3935 Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: (630)-719-5835
Facebook: facebook.com/HGHuskies
Twitter: @HGHuskies