New Albany Parent Connection
October 2024
Important Dates
Mark Your Calendar
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
October 1: CEHASA Public Meeting 6 PM Rush School Library
October 7-11: National Fire Prevention Week
October 7-11: Week of Respect
October 8: School Picture Day
October 10-11: Second Grade Pennsbury Manor Field Trip
October 11-18: Scholastic Book Fair
October 15: Family Book Fair & Literacy Night 6-8PM
October 15: BOE Meeting 7 PM, CMS Cafetorium
October 16: Cycle 1 of After School Clubs Begins
October 16: Unity Day (Wear Orange in support of Bullying Prevention Month)
October 17: CEHASA Chick Fil A Night 5-8 PM
October 21-25: National School Bus Safety Week
October 21-25: Red Ribbon Week
October 25: IPK Indian Acres Farm Field Trip
October 31: Halloween Parade
Picture Day is Coming!
Bring your best smile and dress to impress for picture day on Tuesday, October 8th! All students will have their photo taken on this day. Bright Eyes and Preschool students will participate in picture day at Memorial School.
If you would like to place your order online, please visit mylifetouch.com. Use School ID Code: EVTQ82KST.
Fire Prevention Week 2024 – Smoke Alarms: Make Them Work For You!
This year’s campaign strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home.
Key smoke alarm safety tips and guidelines
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area (like a hallway), and on each level (including the basement) of the home.
- Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.
- Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or stop responding when tested.
Make sure smoke alarms meet the needs of all family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
Resources for FPW
Literacy Night
We are excited to host our annual Literacy Night on Tuesday, October 15th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm! Join us for an evening of fun and engaging reading activities, as you visit the various stations across the building. There are activities for everyone to enjoy! Don't forget to "Fall Into A Great Book" by visiting the family book fair in the library that evening. We hope to see you there!
For more information, please see the flyer here: Literacy Night
National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to focus and raise awareness on bullying. Addressing and preventing bullying is something that everyone can do, every day. Educators and teachers can create a safe, supportive learning environment and a classroom culture of positivity, inclusiveness and respect. They can reward students for positive social behavior. Parents and caregivers can talk with their children about their school and digital life, and the many roles children can play in bullying. By asking open-ended questions, they can talk about their children’s experience and communicate expectations about appropriate behavior. Parents are the primary role models for their children, and when they model the behavior they expect from their children, they teach through actions.
Show your support during National Bullying Prevention Month by wearing ORANGE on October 16th. Wear the color orange as a tangible representation of the supportive, universal message that our society wants to prevent bullying, and is united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Ms. Mohler and Ms. Jones will lead several fun October events. Please see below for details.
Week of Respect
Throughout the week, students and staff will have various spirit days that tie into the respect theme, as well as quick daily challenges that will be announced each morning.
Respecting Everyone's Differences
- Monday, October 7th: Sweatpants & Sweatshirts - Showing respect is no sweat!
- Tuesday, October 8th: Dress to Impress!
- Wednesday, October 9th: Peace, love, and respect (Tie dye/peace sign apparel)
- Thursday, October 10th: Wear Sports/Team Apparel - Team Up Against Bullying!
- Friday, October 11th: Wear any school color or spirit wear - Show your Cinnaminson Pride!
Red Ribbon Week
Red ribbon week which focuses on healthy habits for our young learners.
Promoting Healthy Habits
- Monday, October 21st: Healthy Habits - What are habits? - Wear RED!
- Tuesday, October 22nd: Healthy Habits - Staying Active
- Wednesday, October 23rd: Healthy Habits - Nutrition Tips
- Thursday, October 24th: Healthy Habits - Self Care - Wear your comfy pajamas to school!
- Friday, October 25th: Healthy Habits - Make time for fun!
Enjoy these Week of Respect Spirit Days!
October 1st kicks off our Socktober donation drive. Staff and students will collect sock donations that will be given to local shelters to help those in need. Help us make a difference in the lives of others! Send in a pair of new socks! Donations will be accepted until October 31st.
Book Fair
Mrs. Conn is so excited to announce that the Scholastic Book Fair will run from October 11 to October 18, 2024. Students LOVE visiting the book fair and shopping for their favorite books. On October 15, 2024, the book fair will be open in the evening from 6:00-8:00 PM,
as we celebrate Literacy Night.
Join Senator Singleton's Jump Into Reading Challenge
We are excited to invite students in grades K-2 to participate in this year’s 9th Annual 7th Legislative District "Jump into Reading Challenge!" It is our utmost belief that the ability to become a life-long reader is one of the keys to success in education, the workplace, and beyond. Current trends in research indicate that early literacy is paramount in a child’s educational and overall development. We can collectively do our part to help students develop strong foundations of literacy and promote this life-long love of reading.
The reading challenge will take place from October 7th through November 15th.
All reading logs are due back to Mrs. Conn in the library by Friday, November 15th.
View flyer here: Jump Into Reading Challenge
View parent letter here: JIR Parent Letter
Nurse's Corner
Attention Parents: The State of New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services has mandated that all preschool students under the age of 5 receive a flu vaccine between September 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Please schedule an appointment with your doctor.
• A request for a religion exemption; (or)
• A note from your child's physician indicating that your child is
medically exempt from receiving vaccine, based on a contraindication.
PLEASE CALL the New Albany Nurse, Kate Ormsby, at 856-786-2284 x6832.
STUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE AN IMMUNIZATION CANNOT COME TO SCHOOL beginning January 2, 2025. The Department of Health will not grant extensions. Please schedule an appointment early to avoid having your child excluded from school.
Getting a flu shot is the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu this season. Clinics will be held on Thursdays.
All Clinics are Walk-Up and will be open to all individuals 6 months and older.
Vaccinations are available free of charge to residents.
See this flyer for clinic locations and times.
Elementary Illness Guidelines
Fall is the peak time for many viral illnesses, as the cold weather can suppress your immune system and increase your vulnerability to infections. Sore throats are most often caused by a viral infection like the common cold. These illnesses show up more commonly during winter, but can happen year round. In addition to a sore, scratchy throat, a cold virus can cause your child to have a fever, runny nose and cough. Here are some home remedies to keep your child healthy and reduce missed school days:
- Saline nasal spray for nasal congestion and sore throats.
- Humidifier used in the bedroom at night to reduce dry air quality.
- Honey, cough lozenges, or mentholated rubs to help break down any excess mucus.
Please review the elementary illness guidelines from Nurse Ormsby and Nurse Quinn.
Contact Nurse Ormsby at (856) 786-2284 ext 6832 or ormsbyk@cinnaminson.com OR Nurse Quinn at (856) 829-7600 ext 2870 or quinnm@cinnaminson.com if you have any questions.
Phanatic About Reading Challenge
Our 2nd grade classes are participating in the "Phanatic About Reading" challenge through the Phillies. To show our support for our 2nd graders as well as support the Phillies as we enter playoff season, we will be having a Red/Phillies dress down day on Tuesday, October 1st! We look forward to supporting our 2nd grade team!
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness Month is celebrated every October to raise awareness of dyslexia and promote inclusivity for people with dyslexia and low literacy. It's a global event that's part of the neurodiversity awareness movement.
A general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols but that do not affect general intelligence.
Dyslexia is the most common learning disability. Individuals with this medical condition have difficulty in the areas of language processing
1 in 5 people suffer from dyslexia.
About 70 to 85% of children who are placed in special education for learning disabilities are dyslexic.
Dyslexia does not reflect an overall defect in language, but a localized weakness within the phonologic module of the brain (where sounds of language are put together to form words or break words down into sounds).
People with dyslexia are usually more creative and have a higher level of intelligence.
Those with dyslexia use only the right side of the brain to process language, while non-dyslexics use three areas on the left side of the brain to process language.
Children have a 50% chance of having dyslexia if one parent has it. And a 100% chance if both parents have it.
Dyslexia ranges from mild to severe. Around 40% of people with dyslexia also have ADHD. And those with dyslexia use about 5 times more energy to complete mental tasks.
Dyslexia is not a disease so there is no cure. It’s a learning disability that includes difficulty in the use/processing of linguistic and symbolic codes, alphabetic letters representing speech sounds or numbers and quantities.
Dyslexics do not “see” words backwards. The “b-d” letter reversal for example is mainly caused by deficits in interpreting left and right.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 15% of the population has dyslexia.
Famous People with Dyslexia:
Jennifer Aniston
Keanu Reeves
Albert Einstein
Anderson Cooper
Octavia Spencer
Steven Speilberg
Thomas Edison
Bella Thorne
Keira Knightly
Channing Tatum
Richard Branson
Whoopi Goldberg
Recommended Literature
Possible books to use with your students to help explain Dyslexia:
Ages 5-8: It’s Called Dyslexia (Written by: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos)
Ages 10+: My name is Brain Brian (Written by: Jeanne Betancourt)
Click on the link to find a suggested list of Dyslexia Friendly Books. The following books are considered dyslexia friendly for ages 9+. They are all specifically written to help readers who have visual stress and for dyslexic readers to enjoy.
Held during the third full week of October each year, October 21-25, National School Bus Safety Week is an active and evolving public education program and an excellent way for parents, students, teachers, motorists, school bus operators, and school administrators - to join forces and address the importance of school bus safety. Designed to promote school bus safety, school districts throughout the country observe School Bus Safety Week.
Each school day, millions of children ride school buses. Did you know that the school bus is one of the safest vehicles on the road? Less than 1% of all traffic fatalities involve children on school transportation vehicles. However, children are more at risk when approaching or leaving a school bus. It’s important for all drivers, as well as parents and students, to understand school bus safety.
Bus Stop Safety
Parents, it’s important to talk to your child, or children, about bus stop safety. Here are some tips.
Before the Bus Arrives
Your child should arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus arrives. Ahead of the new school year, visit the bus stop and show your child where to wait for the bus, at least ten feet — five giant steps — away from the curb. Remind your child that the bus stop is not a place to run or play.
Getting On and Off Safely
When the school bus arrives, your child should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, the door opens, and the driver says it’s okay to get on or off. Your child should use the handrails to avoid falling.
Always Use Caution Around the Bus
Your child should never walk behind a school bus. If your child must cross the street in front of the bus, tell them to walk on a sidewalk or along the side of the street to a place at least ten feet — five giant steps — in front of the bus before crossing. Your child should also make eye contact with the bus driver before crossing to make sure the driver can see that they’re crossing to avoid the danger zone. If your child drops something near the school bus, like a phone or book, the safest thing is for your child to tell the bus driver right away. Your child should not try to pick up the item, because the driver might not be able to see them.
Bus Safety
School buses are the most regulated vehicles on the road; they’re designed to be safer than passenger vehicles in preventing crashes and injuries; and in every state, stop-arm laws protect children from other motorists.
Different by Design
School buses are designed so that they’re highly visible and include safety features such as flashing red lights, cross-view mirrors and stop-sign arms. They also include protective seating, high crush standards and rollover protection features.
Seat belts play an important role in keeping vehicle passengers safe, but since school buses are different by design, they have a different kind of safety restraint system.
- Large school buses are heavier and distribute crash forces differently than passenger cars and light trucks. These differences help bus passengers experience much less crash force than those in passenger cars, light trucks and vans.
- NHTSA decided the best way to provide crash protection to passengers of large school buses is through a concept called “compartmentalization.” This requires that the interior of large buses protect children without them needing to buckle up. Through compartmentalization, children are protected from crashes by strong, closely -spaced seats that have energy-absorbing seat backs.
- Small school buses (with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less) must be equipped with lap or lap/shoulder belts at all designated seating positions. Since the sizes and weights of small school buses are closer to those of passenger cars and trucks, seat belts in those vehicles are necessary to provide occupant protection.
Halloween Parade Information
Halloween will be celebrated on Thursday, October 31st. Students in grades K-2 should bring costumes to school and will change into them at some point during the day.
Preschool students who attend Memorial School will wear their costumes to school. Parents are invited to attend the preschool parade at Memorial School according to the times noted below:
AM Bright Eyes - 10:45 AM
PM Bright Eyes & IPK - 1:15 PM
Preschool parents are asked to line up along the playground side of the blacktop area at Memorial School.
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Weather permitting, we will conduct our parade at 2:00 PM at New Albany School.
Please see the information below regarding parade information for New Albany:
1. Parade spectators should park along New Albany Road or in the Covenant Presbyterian Church lot.
2. The parking lot will be closed during the parade time.
3. All students will walk out of the main entrance, down the driveway sidewalk, along New Albany Road, and back up the bridge sidewalk.
4. Students should come to school with their costumes, and will change prior to the parade. If a costume has props, consider leaving these at home, as they are often misplaced, dropped, or forgotten in school.
5. *Reminder*: NO fake weapons of any kind are allowed. We respectfully ask that costume masks that obscure the complete face not be worn, so as not to impair breathing or vision. We need all students to be able to walk safely through the parade route.
6. Teachers will organize holiday activities/celebrations and will correspond with parents about any needed supplies prior to the date. Teachers will also inform parents who are chosen to assist with classroom celebrations.
The New Jersey Department of Education aims to recognize educators and encourage them to become champions for education and advocates for students and teachers. When a school honors its exemplary teachers and educational services professionals, it promotes a culture that recognizes excellence, creates a sense of pride, and brings public attention to the work of outstanding educators.
Your voice counts! Please help us recognize our New Albany teachers by submitting a nomination form. You may also nominate a teacher by sending an email to Mrs. Jones at jonesv@cinnaminson.com. Please be sure to state that you are nominating a teacher for educator of the year in your correspondence.
All nominations are due to Mrs. Jones no later than Friday, November 15th.
Staff Member of the Month
We are proud to announce that Ms. Dasia Busch has been selected as the September Staff Member of the Month! As an educational support professional, Ms. Busch always has a smile on her face and radiates positivity despite any challenges that may come her way throughout the day. She is so attentive with the students with whom she works, setting a great example for colleagues. She pours her heart into each day and exudes passion for her role. We are so proud of Ms. Busch and her excellent work ethic!
Don't forget...You can nominate a staff member any time for our Staff Member of the Month! Please use this link and share why this person is so deserving of this honor!
School Breakfast & Lunch
October Breakfast & Lunch Menus - Breakfast and Lunch
Parents who choose for their child to receive breakfast must place their breakfast order through the Genesis Parent Portal. Parents may order breakfast for the entire week for their child. Upon arriving at school each day, students will receive their breakfast in their homeroom. A new breakfast menu will appear under the forms tab in the parent portal every week for parents to place their weekly breakfast orders.
Free Dinner for BurlCo Veterans
Sen Singleton is proud to partner with Feeding our Heroes to host a Burlington County Veterans Appreciation Dinner on Wed Oct 2 at 5pm at VFW Post 3020 in Delran. In addition to a free meal, various resource partners will be on site including: Virtua Health, U.S Dept of Veteran Affairs, Cooper- Deborah HeroCare Connect, the BurlCo Veteran Services and Human Services, Garden State Community Outreach, as well as other non-profits. Additionally, veterans can get assistance from the NJ Div of Taxation with filing their Anchor property tax benefit, and get information about Senior Freeze. Registration is required as seating is limited. Register today at https://www.troysingleton.com/feedingheroes For more information, please contact Nisha Ray, Office of Senator Troy Singleton (856) 234-2790 or via email sray@njleg.org
***About Feeding our Heroes: Starting in 2005 with a simple idea of restoring a local food institution, Feeding Our Heroes founder Michael Guinta purchased Bayway Diner. After receiving national recognition by airing on the Food Network’s Diners, Drive- ins, and Dives, Bayway Diner expanded into Bayway Catering. Now occupying a corporate cafeteria and serving 900+ workers each day, Bayway Catering realized the opportunity to give back to those who serve us in times of need by starting NJ food charity, Feeding Our Heroes. Since its inception in 2021, Feeding Our Heroes has fed thousands of veterans using several different programs that have supported first responders through disaster relief. Feeding Our Heroes mission is to celebrate our local heroes, salute our military personnel and veterans and improve awareness around food insecurity in the community.
Special Education Parent Advisory Group
This presentation is open to all!
Accessing Adult Services
Navigating the Division of Developmental Disability Service System
Presented by Camille Maxwell-Nery of the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities
Tuesday, October 8th
Cinnaminson Community Center
Cinnaminson SEPAG
Please follow us on Facebook
We are now on Instagram!
Join Us For Relay For Life
Relay for Life has been rescheduled for October 12th. We hope you can join us for this memorable and important event!
The Lost & Found is already filling up. Please have your child check the lost and found bin, located right outside of the cafeteria, if you think they may have misplaced an item.
Please label all of your child's items so that we can return them safely to the owner.
🗣 Schoolwide Universal Expectations!
📣 New Albany Student Recognition
Good character is important for students and adults. It is shown through our thoughts, words, and actions. At New Albany, we stress respect, responsibility, and kindness by following
our schoolwide expectations:
Be Respectful - I will use good manners and treat others in a way that I would like to be treated. I will be kind, express gratitude, forgive others, and help those in need.
Be Responsible - I will do what I am supposed to do and be accountable for my actions. I will try my best in all academic areas.
Be Safe - I will respect school property and make smart choices, doing my best to keep New Albany School a safe and clean place to learn.
Throughout the school year, students and staff will continue to learn ways to display good character traits through counselor and teacher lessons.
September Pirates of the Month
We are so excited to announce the September Pirates of the Month!
These students exhibited the schoolwide expectations consistently throughout the month, earning Pirate Coins from their teachers, support staff, administrators, and bus drivers.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Aurora Colandrea
Melyssa Vieira
First Grade
Kauan Lopes
Second Grade
Nylah Simpson
Specials Star Student
Congratulations, Pirates!
YMCA Overnight Camp Tour & Explore
YMCA of the Pines is offering overnight camps for children ages 7-16. Fall Open House will take place on Sunday, October 20th from 1:30-4:00pm. There are separate camp locations for boys (Camp Ockanickon) and girls (Camp Matollionequay).
At Camp Ockanickon, the focus is on the individual growth and development of skills and talents distinctive to boys. Living in rustic cabins with boys their own age, Ocky campers learn cooperation, sharing, fair play and how to forge new, lasting friendships. They spend their days swimming, kayaking, canoeing, enjoying a sport with new friends, improving their aim on the archery range or learning a new appreciation of nature in our Earth Education program. Counselors, trained to be mentors, help teach new skills that build confidence, self-esteem and self-reliance. Character-building while connecting with nature; this is the hallmark of a Camp Ockanickon experience.
Camp Matollionequay offers the best of a traditional summer camp experience – amazing friendships, challenging and fun activities – all with a focus on inspiring girls to reach their full potential. With encouragement from an extraordinary staff, Matolly girls have the opportunity to develop positive self-esteem and discover independence in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. Our campers participate in nature hikes, swimming, boating, creative arts, athletics, archery, a ropes and adventure course and so much more. Besides sing-alongs and s’mores by a campfire, Matolly campers end each day with “cabin chat,” to reflect on the day and strengthen friendships. Future leaders are born at Camp Matollionequay.
For more information, please see this flyer or visit the YMCA Camp website.
Healing Hearts Family Support Services
The Samaritan Center for Grief Support in Mount Laurel continues to hold Healing Hearts grief support sessions for children and a parent/guardian. The Healing Hearts group sessions are designed to provide mutual support, information, activities to process grief related feelings, and memorialization opportunities. The next half-day Healing Hearts session is scheduled for Saturday, October 5.
There is a flyer for the October 5, 2024, session at this link:
Healing Hearts Flyer October 2024 final.pdf
You can access our complete 2024 Healing Hearts flyer here:
Please note that per-registration is needed.
For more information, you can reach them at CFGCounseling@SamaritanNJ.org.
Please join us for the first public meeting of the year. The meeting will take place on
Tuesday, October 1st @ 6:00PM in the Rush School Library.
Pretzel Sale
Thank you to all families who supported the pretzel fundraiser! Your support is appreciated!
The first pretzel delivery date is Friday, October 4th.
SchoolStore Fundraiser
This year our school will once again partner with the SchoolStore program, which helps to raise funds for our school and classrooms. Please take a minute to review the envelope that is coming home with your child(ren) this afternoon and register yourself, family and friends to shop at schoolstore.com. Your child will receive a prize for registering and returning their envelope to school with their prize code written on it. For additional information, please view this video: SchoolStore Video
Thank you for your participation in helping our school earn!
**Remember to attach the letter and prize sheet you scanned.
School ID: 158838
Be on the lookout for the SchoolStore fundraiser envelopes to come home this week.
Spirit Wear Sale
Don’t forget to place your Spirit Wear order! Orders close on 10/14!
Chick Fil A Dine & Donate
Come out to support New Albany and Memorial Schools
Thursday, October 17th from 5:00-8:00PM
Delran location at 1301 Fairview Blvd
Dine & Donate Chick Fil A flyer
You can contact CEHASA and find out about current events by:
Following us on Facebook: Cinnaminson Elementary Home and School
Following us on Instagram: cinnaminson_elem_cehasa
Sending us an email cehasa@cinnaminson.com
Follow Us On Social Media
Important Links
New Albany Elementary School
Email: nasmainoffice@cinnaminson.com
Website: https://nas.cinnaminson.com/
Location: 2701 New Albany Road, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Phone: (856) 786-2284