April 13, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Hello Families,
Thank you to all of you who joined for our Scotch Parent/ Caregiver Night on Thursday. Connecting with the community continues to be a passion of mine and Scotch will always be a space where all are welcome! I am committed to ensuring the transition into the 2024-2025 school year is a successful one. If you were not able to attend, please find all four elementary slide presentations below. We look forward to getting to know all of our families in the months to come!
We also have an upcoming assembly sponsored by our PTO and we are thankful for their continued dedication to providing fun activities and exceptional experiences for our students!
James Scrivo
Important Scotch Dates
Blizzard Orders due- click here to order
5th Grade Camp Tanuga Packet will come home
PTO Meeting at 7 PM in the iCenter
Late Start - School begins at 10:10 AM
DQ Blizzards during lunch for those who ordered!
Half Day for students - Dismissal at 12:12 pm
7 p.m. 5th Grade music performance at WBHS
Staff Appreciation Week
Field Day
Family Open House at 7:30 PM
Click the Flyer Below to Order your Blizzard!
Staff Appreciation Week - May 6th through May 10th
Scotch PTO is planning and preparing a week of pampering our favorite superheros, the Scotch Elementary staff! With that said, their deserved showering of appreciation is not successful without the help of all of you! If you feel compelled to donate, volunteer or assist we have a sign up here.
If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Petrocella at Kelly.Petrocella@raymondjames.com
WBSD Bridges Math
Below are informative parent handouts for our Bridges Math Units for the month of April.
iCenter Book of the Week
Brown is Beautiful By: Supriya Kelkar
On a hike with her grandparents, a young Indian-American girl makes note of all the things in nature that are brown, too. From a nurturing mother bear, to the steadiness of deep twisting roots, to the beauty of a wild mustang, brown is everywhere! On her way, the girl collects the beautiful brown things she encounters as mementos for a scrapbook to share with a very special new addition to her family--a baby brother!
Solar Eclipse 2024
WBSD Transition Activities
Upcoming Redistricting Transition Activities and Events
Thank you to all the parents who attended the parent/guardian meeting at Scotch on Thursday, April 11. Here are more upcoming transition activities:
- Student Mingle Field Trip
- Rising K/1st Grade - May 20 (updated date)
- Rising 2nd/3rd Grades - May 10
- Rising 4th/5th grades - May 14th
- Preparing all Families for Launch
- Doherty: May 8th from 5:30-6:30 pm
Sheiko: May 8th from 5:30-6:30 pm
*Meet at the Abbott location
Gretchko: May 16th from 6-7 pm
Scotch: May 16th from 7:30-8:30 pm
- Popsicles with the Principal for Families (dates in August TBD)
We'd love your input. Please share ideas in this Transition Activity Ideas form.
Math Pentathlon D2 Tournement
A huge shout out to our amazing Scotch D2 Math Pentathletes!
Alora Bills, Asher Bills, Filip Djokic - Silver Medal, Nathan Gerak, Zayden Ibbetson - Honorable Mention, Peter King
WBSD Community
Mamma Mia!
Tickets for the WBHS production of Mamma Mia! are available for purchase as of March 28th on the website https://wbhstheatrearts.ludus.com.
The show dates are April 25-27th at 7pm and one ASL interpreted matinee on Sat, April 27th at 1pm. All WB student tickets are only $5! All WBMS 8th grade students are invited to the Sat matinee at 1pm for no cost at all. This show stars Carley Law and Emelia Duffield, as well as features the Scotch Elementary student Thea Maher. Please consider supporting the high school theatre department, and just great theatre in general, by booking tickets today! They are selling fast! We hope to see you there!
Questions: email wbhstheatreprograms@gmail.com
WB Lacrosse Kids Day Saturday April 27th
Join West Bloomfield High School Boys Lacrosse Kids Day Meet and Greet!!
This is for elementary and middle school students interested in LACROSSE.
WB Boys Lacrosse is hosting Kids Day Saturday, April 27 at West Bloomfield High School Athletic Field after the Varsity game finishes. Meet and Play LAX with the high school team on the West Bloomfield High School Athletic Field after the Varsity game. The JV game starts at 10:30am and the Varsity Game starts at 12 noon Saturday April 27th.
The first 100 registered participants will receive West Bloomfield Lacrosse Tee shirts generously donated by Maple Orthodontics located in West Bloomfield. Sign up early. You don't want to miss out on your free WB Lacrosse swag. Show your school spirit and wear your Tee to the game. Free admission for ALL Students wearing their WB Lacrosse Tee shirt!
Sign up now for a great time Click Here!
Youth Assistance Camp and Skill Buildings Scholarship
Information about the scholarship
Apply here for the Youth Assistance Camp and Skill Building Scholarship! Parents/Guardians of applicants will be notified within two weeks of eligibility after the completion of this application. Please apply three weeks prior to the start of the camp/program to ensure payment of the scholarship is received by the camp/program before its start date. Please email info@wbyouthassistance.org if you have any questions.
The purpose of the West Bloomfield Youth Assistance (WBYA) Camp and Skill Building Scholarship is to offer enrichment opportunities to economically disadvantaged children between the ages of 5 - 17 years old. This application can be used for the following:
- Summer Camp
- Skill Building/Workshop
- Educational and Enrichment Activity
Process and Guidelines:
- Application must be completed and submitted to West Bloomfield Youth Assistance.
- The recipient must reside in the West Bloomfield School District.
- WBYA will award scholarship money on merit and a first come, first served basis while funding is available, and until all available funding is exhausted.
- Families may apply for more than one program per child. However, the maximum awarded is $250 per child per calendar year.
- WBYA agrees to cover ninety percent (90%) of the total cost, while families are responsible for the remaining ten percent (10%).
- Please apply three weeks prior to the start of the camp/program to ensure payment of the scholarship is received by the camp/program before its start date. WBYA will pay the program provider or vendor directly. Funding for scholarships is limited, as is the number of students able to attend each camp/program, so please apply as early as possible.
- Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the determination letter (or email) sent to the Parents/Guardians of the applicant(s) by the Food Service Department or State for free/reduced price meals.
- If the scholarship is accepted and not used, or the applicant is a no-show for the camp or program, then the applicant must contact WBYA to let the organization know the reason(s). The applicant may apply for a different program using the same application form (subject to Board approval).
- Families are encouraged to submit a thank you letter and/or a drawing/photo of the applicant at the activity, to share with WBYA Board. If the family chooses to remain anonymous, WBYA will accept the notes without identifying features.
Friday, May 10, 2024, at 7 a.m. TEMPLE ISRAEL
Greater West Bloomfield volunteers give their time, talent, and personal resources on a daily basis without regard for recognition or promotion. We invite you to help us celebrate and recognize these individuals and organizations that serve our community year-round.
To purchase tickets, click here.
Scotch Contact Information
Main Office Phone: (248) 865-3280
SAFELINE to report an Absence: (248) 865-3282
Website: Scotch Elementary School Website