Brewster Weekly
May 31, 2024
Dear Brewster Elementary School Community,
As we bid farewell to the 2023-2024 school year, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for each and every one of you who has made this year an extraordinary journey of growth, learning, and love. Today, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our incredible PTA, parent volunteers, and families whose unwavering support has been the bedrock of our success.
To our PTA and parent volunteers, your tireless dedication and boundless generosity have enriched the fabric of our school community in countless ways. From organizing educational extensions to coordinating special assemblies and family evenings, you have brought us together with shared joy and celebration. Your commitment to nurturing a vibrant and inclusive environment is truly commendable, and we are immensely grateful for all that you do.
To our parents and families who give their time, talent, or treasure to support our school, your contributions have made a profound impact on the lives of our students. Whether it's volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, or donating resources to enhance learning opportunities, your support has helped us create a nurturing and enriching educational experience for every child. Thank you for being our partners in education and for your unwavering dedication to our school community.
Next, I want to express my deepest appreciation to our dedicated staff, whose passion, love, and commitment to every child have been the driving force behind our success. From pouring extra hours into lesson planning to communicating through both challenges and triumphs, each member of our team plays a vital role in shaping the hearts and minds of our students. Your boundless compassion, creativity, and dedication have created a nurturing and supportive environment where every child can thrive. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and for making Brewster Elementary the warm and welcoming home that it is.
And finally, to our students, who are the heart and soul of our school community, I am endlessly proud of all that you have accomplished this year. From showing kindness and empathy to embracing a growth mindset and persevering through challenges, you have demonstrated resilience, courage, and a genuine commitment to learning and personal growth. Each of you is a precious gift, and it has been an absolute joy and privilege to watch you learn, grow, and flourish throughout the year.
As we embark on a well-deserved summer break, I want to wish each and every one of you a season filled with rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Take this time to recharge your batteries, explore new adventures, and cherish precious moments with loved ones. And know that as we bid farewell to another school year, I will be counting down the days until I have the pleasure of seeing your smiling faces fill our hallways once again.
Thank you, Brewster Elementary School community, for another unforgettable year filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. May the memories we've created together continue to inspire and uplift us for years to come.
With deepest gratitude and warmest wishes,
Mrs. Kelly Dessy
Brewster Elementary Principal
School Theme
If it is going to be, it starts with me!
- We are here to do good things for our students, our coworkers, and our community.
- We represent qualities such as love, hope, kindness, respect, and responsibility.
- Our culture mirrors those attributes.
- Let’s continue to make our school the best place to work and learn where everyone is inspired to be the best they can be.
- What we do, we do well.
- Let’s keep the courage to shape a bright future for our students.
Calendar Updates
June 6 5th Grade Farewell 9am, Doors open for seating at 8:30am.
June 7 Last Day- Half-Day Dismissal
AUGUST 2024- School Communications will be sent starting mid-August!
TBD Playdate on the Playground (TK/Kindergarten Playdate)
TBD New Family Orientation (New Students/Families in 1-5)
August 26 First Day of School
2024-2025 RCS Calendar
June/July/August Birthday Celebrations!
Attention CURRENT KINDERGARTEN families!!
Kindergarten classrooms at all elementary schools will be collecting Chromebooks the last week of school Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 7, 2024. In most cases, students will simply bring their Chromebook and charger to school and turn it in to their classroom teacher. Classroom teachers will print class lists and check off students who have returned their Chromebook and charger. From there, the RCS technology department will arrange pick-up from there once school is out for the summer.
Let your Bulldog out along the curve of U shaped sidewalk marked with orange hearts on the graphic below! Thank you SO MUCH!
Please Cross at the SIDE Crosswalk AWAY from BUSES! Marked with BLUE SMILEY above!
Looking for resources for summer learning?
Here are a few ideas from Ms. Golick to get you started!
Public Library Resources
Did you know that every student in Rochester Community Schools automatically has a library card for the Rochester Hills Public Library? Browse for books, take advantage of the library’s events, and check out their youth resources and bookmobile schedule (currently, Brewster is on the schedule for Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.!). The library staff is knowledgeable and always ready to help!
Summer Reading Program
This year, we also hope you will participate in the Rochester Hills Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. Track your reading online, participate in Reading Challenges, and read a little bit every day to earn rewards! The Brewster staff can’t wait to hear about all the great reading our students do this summer.
Summer In-Person Learning
Rochester Summer STEAM and Lit Camp is a summer learning program offered through the district from July 15 - August 1st. There are still some slots available!
Oakland University Summer Camps: OU also hosts a variety of summer opportunities in the summer months. In addition to the camps on the main page, there are also language camps for 4th-8th graders to gain exposure to French, Spanish, or Japanese!
Paper/Pencil Resources
If you are looking for paper-pencil practice, many of our families recommend the Summer Skills Workbooks as an efficient way to review Math or Reading basics from the grade just completed.
Online Resources
Epic: Many of our students have explored Epic through their classrooms this year. It is an online book site with many great titles to explore, including audio books. It’s an easy way to keep reading all summer long!
Mrs. O’Rourke’s Google Classroom is loaded with online resources that students have been using this school year and can continue to explore! Teachers may have additional online resources to extend over the summer.
Have a safe and happy summer!
So many thanks to the amazing volunteers who have run the program this year & have helped raise some nice money for our library! Thanks to Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Tripoli & Mrs. Sobbota! You are absolute Stars!! & Thanks to the PTA for always supporting the library!
This week in media, many classes continued to review Digital Citizenship & making good choices online. Look at this link to revisit some good habits to build upon as we move into the summer months. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ Is a wonderful resource to help make sure you are checking in with your kids & tech. I encourage you to continue to look at your child’s devices, email, & continue to build open lines of communication.
Last Day to check out books was last week! If your child still has a book out, they should have received a note. Replacement cost for paperback books is $15.00, hardcover is $20.00, graphic novels maybe $25-30, depending upon what we had to pay from the publishing company. So please return your books 😉
The Specials Team is on Facebook! Please follow us at https://www.facebook.com/people/Brewster-Elementary-Specials-Art-Library-Music-Phys-Ed/100063552367921/
Community Services for Families
Brewster PTA Update
Skip the hassle and order your back to school kit! Kits include the materials your student will need for back to school 2024-2025 and they get delivered right to your door! Does it get any better? Order yours today! http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=51179
Membership Toolkit
Membership Toolkit is a website and app used by the Brewster PTA. On Membership Toolkit you can find a Brewster directory, calendar of events, and make secure purchases. You do not need to be a PTA member to use most of the features on Membership Toolkit. To create an account, you need to go the website first. Once you create your account on the website, you can download the app on your mobile device. If you already use Membership Toolkit, please log in to update your student’s information for the new school year. Use this link to create or update your account https://membershiptoolkit.com
Brewster Facebook Group
The Brewster Facebook group is a great way to connect with Brewster families and learn about upcoming events. If you are a member of the Brewster Facebook group, please send an invite to Brewster families that are not yet members. For the safety of our students, the Brewster Facebook group is private. To join, you need to be a current Brewster family and answer the questions to join the group.
Yearbooks should be passed out to students who ordered one in the next week or so. They will be distributed during school hours. A BIG thank you to Favi Bogen for all her time and dedication in assembling the yearbook. I cannot wait to look back at the amazing year we had!
Brewster gear is available for purchase at brewsterspiritwear.com. These would be a great gift for the holiday season.
President – Michele Endres BrewsterPTAPresident@gmail.com
Stay Connected!
Email: kdessy@rochester.k12.mi.us
Website: https://brewster.rochester.k12.mi.us/
Location: 1535 Brewster Road, Rochester Hills, MI, USA
Phone: 248-726-3300
Twitter: @BrewsterRCS