Hamilton Avenue Update
Diane Chiappetta Fox, Principal
June 14, 2024
Vol. 2 No. 40
Today is Flag Day, which celebrates the symbolism of the American flag.
The U.S. has celebrated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes in a variety of ways when President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation establishing June 14 as Flag Day in May 1916. These celebrations include flying the flag in front of residences, participating in parades, and holding other patriotic events. While its look has changed more than a few times over the years, the American flag has remained a symbol of freedom and justice. Each student at Hamilton Avenue School received their very own America Flag today, thanks to the generous contribution of a community member. Please take your flag home and proudly display it!
It is important that you know the deadline for the device form. This form (Click here for the link) is necessary if you'd like your child's iPad to come home for the summer (K-2). Please ensure you complete it by [MONDAY]. All 3-5 students will bring their Chromebooks home this summer. Remember, it's vital for our children to read every day over the summer. You can find more resources in the memo.
DIBELS Score Reports
For families with children in grades K-3 and grades 4-5 with reading goals on their IEP, DIBELS End of Year Home-Connect report will be sent home in student folders Tuesday, June 18th. DIBELS is GPS’s universal reading screening assessment tool that measures early literacy skills aligned to the five pillars of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The Home-Connect report reviews the skills your child was assessed on in June and makes suggestions on things you can do at home to support their continued progress as a reader. For more information about DIBELS, please read the parent guide in English or Spanish.
Thank you to all who made our beautiful ceremony possible today. I can't believe how fast time has flown. We will undoubtedly miss this class and the families who will be moving on after a long time at Hamilton Avenue School. I wish them a spirited celebration tonight at 5:00 in the Cafetorium and Gym.
REMINDER: Monday is a full day of school and Tuesday is early release at 11:15 for Pre-K and 12:45 for K-5.
I wish you a restful weekend!
Mrs. Fox
PTA Headlines!
We made it! Thank you all for your support this year especially the last few weeks for our end of year activities and congrats to our fifth grade graduates!
Yearbooks are available for purchase, we have a few left. They are $40.
Husky Shout Out!
4th and 5th grade Chorus!
Click the photo for a video from today!
Scenes from the week!
First-Grade Ice Cream and Bubble Party!
KC Class Picnic!
Click the photo above for album!
Clothes to Kids of Fairfield County (CTKF) provides clothing to eligible school age children,
kindergarten through 12th grade. Each eligible child may visit the CTKF Store twice in a
12-month period, to shop for a full week’s worth of school clothes (the CTKF Wardrobe). Extra items,
such as pajamas, gloves, hats, scarfs may also be available. Our ability to provide a week’s wardrobe
is based upon the available clothing, donated or purchased. All underwear, socks, and bras are new;
whereas all other clothing is a combination of new and gently used items.
News From Around the District
Mark Your Calendar!
June 18: Last Day - students EARLY RELEASE
August 30: First Day for all students
September 2: Schools Closed - Labor Day