Mustang Memo
September 16, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
It may officially be the last week of summer, but we are fully into our Fall routine. Thank you for your support in helping our students take responsibility for their schoolwork by encouraging good study habits and organization skills. Students in grades 2-8 should be using their assignment notebooks!
Progress Reports for students in Grades 1-8 will be emailed on Friday. Please use this midpoint of the first quarter as an opportunity to celebrate successes and discuss goals. FYI…Students always have homework because independent reading (a HUGE indicator of academic success) and studying math facts (fact fluency is foundational) are work students can do every day!
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Our partnership is the secret to our success.
God bless,
Maureen Hoy
Reading time in Miss Manger's Class
Mrs. Fisher's 1st Grade working through a math lesson
Outdoor Classroom time with the fantastic weather
Playing Sparkle in Mrs. Pensick's class
Mr. Vacek discussing the events of 9/11
Creating vocabulary flash cards in Mrs. Newsome's class
Upcoming Events
Sept. 17: Robotics Practice - Grades 5 - 8
Sept. 18: Choir Practice - Grades 6 -8
Sept. 18: Altar Server Orientation Meeting - Grades 5 - 8
Sept. 19: Chess Club - Grades 3 - 8
Sept. 19: Home & School Dine Out at Don and Millies
Sept. 20: Progress Reports Emailed to Parents
Sept. 20: Kindergarten Field Trip to Vala's Pumpkin Patch
All Kindergarten and 7th grade students must have a copy of their physical health record, including updated immunization records, on file in the office.
If you have not shared this documentation with the school office, you may receive a phone call reminder that we need these forms as soon as possible. This information is part of a required state report.
Illness and Absences
Thank you for keeping students home when they are not feeling well. It is important to keep our learning environment healthy. As a reminder, students should remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours. Students have one day for every day they are absent to complete missed work. Teachers are more than happy to send work home with siblings or it can be picked up in the school office if students would like to work at home while they are recovering.
MOQ Playground Blessing
The energy was high this past Thursday as we held a ribbon cutting and prayer blessing. This vibrant new space offers our students endless opportunities to explore, play, and grow together. It would not have been possible without the remarkable generosity of our school community, with special thanks to the MOQ Home & School Association and Fr. Marc Lim for their support in bringing this project to life.
Already, the playground has become a favorite gathering spot, filled with the sounds of laughter and the joyful energy of our students. We are confident that this new addition will not only boost their physical well-being but also serve as a space for creativity, friendship, and fun for years to come.
Early Childhood Family Night
Last Thursday, we kicked off our first Early Childhood Family Night, and what a colorful evening it was! Families gathered to meet their children’s classmates and connect with one another over snacks, crafts, and fun activities. It was wonderful to see everyone mingling, creating, and enjoying the start of what is sure to be a fantastic school year.
For those who couldn't join us this time, don't worry—we have more family nights planned throughout the year! Our next one is scheduled for November 14. These evenings are a great way to build community and make lasting memories with your little ones.
2024-25 Yearbook Order
If your child would like a yearbook, NOW is the time to order it. There will not be an opportunity to order one in the Spring. Yearbooks must be ordered through Inter-State Studio when you place your student picture order. Click HERE to order. Select package #8.
MOQ Musical in the Works!
For the first time in nearly 30 years, MOQ School is presenting a musical! Our 2025 production is High School Musical. This is an exciting opportunity for our students in grades 6, 7 and 8 to showcase their creativity, talent, and teamwork.
Production: High School Musical
Auditions for Lead Roles: September 30 and October 1 at 3:15 PM in the Trinity Rooms. Students complete application HERE and return this form to Miss Mattern.
Performance Date: Thursday, April 10 at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
Rehearsals: Most rehearsals and production work will take place during scheduled music classes. If any additional rehearsals are needed outside of class time, they will take place during guided study. After-school rehearsals will only occur if absolutely necessary and would be held the week before or during the week of the performance.
Participation: All students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will participate in the production in some capacity, whether on stage or behind the scenes, ensuring that everyone has a role in bringing this musical to life.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to Miss Mattern at cmattern@moqschool.org
Extracurricular Opportunities
- Chess Club - Students Grades 3-8: Click HERE to register. The first meeting will be September 19.
- Youth Choir - Students in Grades 6-8: Click HERE for information. Applications are available in the Music Room and School Office. The first rehearsal is Sept. 4 at 3:15 in the church.
- Book Bowl - Grades 7-8: Contact Ms. Vranes, lvranes@moqschool.org Book Bowl is an engaging, competitive reading program specifically for 7th and 8th graders, designed to encourage them to read a variety of books and test their knowledge in a fun and interactive way. Teams of students read from a selected list of books and then compete in a quiz-style format, answering questions about the stories, characters, and themes. This exciting event, which fosters a love for reading, teamwork, and friendly competition, will take place at St. Vincent de Paul on Friday, February 21, 2025, bringing together students with a shared passion for books. Interested students are encourgaged to attend an informational meeting on Sept. 17 at 3:15 in the Library.
- Journalism Club- Students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 are invited to join the MOQ Journalism Club. Student journalists will keep students and staff informed about MOQ current events in the Mustang Monthly. The club will meet Mondays, 3:15-4:00 PM. Completed applications (click HERE) need to be turned in to Miss McGonigal by Sept. 25th. The first meeting of the Journalism Club will be Sept. 30. Look for the first publication of the Mustang Monthly on Oct. 30!
- Jr. Legion of Mary - Blessed Mother Mary and Holy Angels are calling 2nd through 8th graders to join Our Lady Queen of Angels Junior Legion of Mary presidium. The first meeting is Tuesday, September 24th in the Mary Queen of Peace room after school (3:30). Meetings follow the MOQ school calendar. Students will be dismissed to their parents at the narthex doors approximately at 4:30. Come pray the Rosary with readings and spiritual direction by Deacon Bob Hamilton. For more information contact Joanne, 402-334-7419, devakat@cox.net or Ellie, 402-290-9842, ellieroza@yahoo.com.
Math Club - Grades 6-8, Volunteers Needed; please contact Mrs. Petersen, tpetersen@moqschool.org
MOQ Parent Volunteer Program
We are blessed to have so many members of our community willing to lend a helping hand! Each family is encouraged to donate 15 hours of volunteer time at MOQ School. For more details, click HERE to read the MOQ Family Volunteer Program Handbook. Don't forget to RECORD your family's service hours in FACTS on your Dashboard. Thank you!
Wonderful Wednesdays: Help brighten up our teachers' week with this special program. Sign up HERE.
Home and School Committee Volunteers: Join one of our committees and help plan exciting events and initiatives throughout the year. Sign up HERE.
Home and School Room Parent Sign-Ups: Be a room parent and support your child’s class with fun activities and communication. Sign up HERE.
K-8 CAFETERIA: Click HERE to sign up, and THANKS for volunteering! Please enter the cafeteria through door #9.
PRESCHOOL/PRE-K CAFETERIA: Click HERE to volunteer for the Preschool/Pre-K lunch.
CGS PRESCHOOL ATRIUM: To volunteer in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium, please contact Mrs. Hannah Casey at hcasey@moqchurch.org.
Art Room: Contact Mrs. Robinson at jrobinson@moqschool.org for information and schedule.
All volunteers need to be Safe Environment certified.
Cafeteria News
- To help you monitor your family lunch account, each Sunday a lunch account statement will be emailed to those families with a balance of $20 or less. Feel free to contact mewith questions.
- If a student will be tardy, parents are expected to call the school office before 8:15 a.m.to notify them of the student’s hot lunch option. Students will receive Option 3 (yogurtand cheese stick) if they arrive after 8:30 a.m. and the office has not been notified oftheir hot lunch option.
- Each MOQ family should review and consider filling out the Free & Reduced PriceSchool Meals application. This free, one-page application is accepted throughout theschool year. Click HERE for the application.
- Please consider volunteering in the MOQ cafeteria. The only requirement is that your Safe Environment certificate must be current. The SignUp Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E48A4A92AAAF85-50275480-aug2024
- A part-time position in cafeteria is available. This position is for both the preschool and elementary kitchens from 11 am to 2pm each day lunch is served. Click HERE for more information.
Thank you,
Michelle Zaleski
Cafeteria Manager
Extended Care News
We had a great 1st Break Care this past Friday!
Our next Break Care dates are scheduled for Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25th. Please fill out the October Calendar to secure your students' spot. We will have Early Out Care following the Mustang March on Friday, October 18th.
Drop off for Morning Care begins at 6:15 am, please use the southeast door (#3) of the Early Childhood Education and Youth Center. As always, please drive slowly and use extra caution as you enter and leave the parking lot or parking space across from the building.
Extended Care Reminders:
After Care has a waiting list. If interested, please email extendedcare@moqschool.org to place your name on the list.
There are spots available in Early Out Care (noon dismissal days), Break Care (Conferences, Christmas and Spring Break), and Summer 2025 Care.
Enrolled families: Please fill out your calendars for Morning Care, Early Out Care, and Break Care as soon as possible.
Ashley Rosenthal
Extended Care Director
Nominations for the 2025 Spirit of Mary Our Queen Award
The Spirit of Mary Our Queen Award honors a family or individual in our faith community who has shown unwavering love and outstanding service to our parish. The recipients will be celebrated at the MARQUEE fundraiser on February 22, 2025.
You can click HERE to submit a nomination!
News from MOQ Home & School Association
📢 Room Parents Needed!
We’re looking for Room Parents to support our amazing teachers in the following classrooms:
4th - Eagan | 5th - Schlautman | 6th - Newsome | 8th - Targy To view the Room Parent Signup Genius click HERE.
If you're interested in helping make this year great for our students, join us for the Room Parent Info Meeting on Thursday, September 26th at 6 PM in the Kenney Center!
Your involvement makes a huge difference, and we’d love to have you join the team! 🙌
Show your MOQ Spirit
The sale for Yard Signs ends on Tuesday, September 17th. Click HERE to order
Countdown to Mustang March!
We’re just 32 days away from the big day on October 18th!
Get ready to lace up your shoes, show your Mustang pride, and support our amazing school! Watch for Friends & Family sales coming soon. Student Mustang March Kickoff is scheduled for September 26th.