We ARE Vestaburg
January 2021
From the Superintendent
In an effort to try and continue to improve communication, I am launching this monthly newsletter that will be completed after the board meeting each month. The goal is not that this will be all-inclusive but rather I will try to highlight events, activities, and district happenings.
Snow Days: Snow days will be handled in the same fashion as in the past. At this time students are not required to log in and complete work if school is canceled. However, if and when we reach our limit of 6 days this may change and students may be required to participate in remote learning. Should this change need to be made, the school will send out multiple announcements.
Please take care and remain safe!
Board News
New Board Members: Welcome to Mr. Brian Zinn, Mr. Ivan Palmer, and Mrs. Renae Caudill. Mr. Zinn and Mrs. Caudill are were both elected to 6-year terms and Mr. Palmer was elected to a 2-year term. Mr. Zinn and Mr. Palmer are both incumbents and have served for many years. Mrs. Caudill is a new member. She replaces Mrs. Lora Beatty. Mrs. Caudill has two sons that attend Vestaburg Community School. On behalf of the Board of Education and VCS, we would like to congratulate each of these citizens on their appointments and thank them for their service. We would also like to thank Mrs. Beatty for her outstanding service and leadership during her time on the Board.
January is Board Recognition Month: Please join us in recognizing and thanking our Board of Education members for their service. This is a tough position that brings with it a lot of stress, scrutiny, and behind the scenes hours. Each member participated on additional ad-hoc board committees in addition to the regularly scheduled Board meetings. This year has been a very difficult year due to all of the Covid-19 complications with a lot of additional meetings and time invested. We know that not everyone will agree with all the decisions, however, thank you for always putting our students and staff first!
January Shout-Outs:
- Food Service: Thank you for continuing to make meals possible for our students. All of you are amazing.
- Jerry Allison (Busdriver): Jerry is the most wonderful employee and co-worker anyone could ask for. He goes above and beyond for everyone and always puts others first.
- Emily Clayton: Since last year was cut short, the Publications class wasn't able to finish the yearbook. Mrs. Clayton has been single-handedly finishing the 2020 yearbook and doing an amazing job to ensure that we have a record of that unprecedented year for years to come.
*Monthly Board Minutes can be found on the district website*
Facebook Live with the Superintendent
Friday, Jan 29, 2021, 11:00 AM
Other News and Links
Contact Us
Email: bhubbard@vcsw-k12.net
Website: www.vcs-k12.net
Location: 7188 Avenue B, Vestaburg, MI, USA
Phone: 989-268-5353
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vestaburg-Community-School-190353380995433
Twitter: @HSVestaburg