Pirates Post
Week of Sept. 2nd
PCHS...Celebrating 100 Years of Excellence 1924-2024
Message from Principal Drew...
The first week of school was a success. As we look forward to week two there are a few reminders for everyone to consider.
Attendance is taken each period at the high school. This means you can be tardy or absent from each class throughout the day. Students who miss more than 10 days in any class period are in jeopardy of failing that class due to attendance. It is very important that students are on time every period for class and stay throughout the entire period each day. Attendance is one of the most important factors in the overall success of a student at the high school level.
Some of our students have not completed the paperwork or paid the $10 fee necessary to receive their Chromebook. Our classes are housed online in the Canvas platform so students must have their school issued Chromebook in order to access information and assignments from their classes. Students are not allowed to use devices that are not school issued on our network. This includes personal computers, cell phones, Ipads and any other devices not configured by our technology department. If you have not taken the steps necessary to receive your Chromebook it can be completed online or in person in our main office.
Seniors that have not received the meningococcal vaccine must do so by no later than September 24 in order to continue to attend school. Your primary care physician or the local health department are able to provide the vaccine upon request. Once you have received the vaccine, please provide an updated immunization record to the school nurse.
Students that are interested in serving in our student government association, SGA, should complete the google form that will be shared with them on Tuesday of this week. The deadline to complete the google form will be Friday September 6 at 3:00 PM. A school wide vote for SGA officers and representatives will be held next week. We encourage all students to get involved and this is a great way to take a leadership role within our school.
The ACT word of the week was "abundance" which means present in large quantities.
Congratulations to our marching band for their participation at East Carolina Band day this weekend in Greenville, NC. We look forward to seeing their half time show this week at our home football game versus Pasquotank.
This Week at PCHS:
Monday - No School for staff and students in observance of Labor Day
Tuesday - Beta Club will meet at 7:35 AM in Mrs. Nixon's room, Soccer will host NEAAAT at 4:30 and Volleyball will host NECP at 4:30.
Wednesday - Volleyball will host Edenton at 4:30
Thursday - Cross Country will run at Martin County at 4:00 and Volleyball will play at Washington County at 4:30
Friday - Football will host Pasquotank at 7:00 PM
Upcoming dates of interest:
9/9 - Picture day for all students/cap and gown photos will be taken for Seniors on this day
10/18 - Optional teacher workday - no school for students
10/21 - Required teacher workday - no school for students
12/16-12/20 - First semester final exams
ACT Word of the Week
Kind, Generous
"Portrait of a Pirate"
Congrats Madisyn Russell
Congratulations to Madisyn Russell for being invited to attend the Next Generation FFA Conference in Salt Lake, UT. Madisyn was one of a select few nationally chosen to attend this leadership opportunity.
Football Game Day Theme: "Red, White, & Blue"
Boys Soccer playing hard on their new home field.