Falcon Athletics Newsletter
Inside the Falcon's Nest!
January 6th - 10th
Cold Weather Gear
Cold weather is here! To ensure your student-athlete stays warm and safe, please note the following:
- Sweats have been issued by the program and must remain in their athletic locker for use during practices and events.
- Additional suggested cold-weather items to keep in their locker include:
- Ear Warmers or Beanie
- Thick Gloves
- Extra Layers (e.g., thermal shirts or leggings)
- We are following the NCISD Cold Weather Policy to prioritize safety and well-being.
West Fork Girls Soccer Middle School Night
We are excited to inform you that the Lady Falcons Athletic Program will go on a field trip to West Fork High School for our Soccer Middle School Night. The details are as follows:
Purpose of the Field Trip:
Due to our soccer season starting at the end of the high school season, we are offering an opportunity for any interested soccer player to attend middle school night. We will bus everyone to the high school to cheer on the Lady Gators. All athletes will need to be picked up at the high school no later than 8:00pm. We will not be transporting back to Woodridge Forest Middle School.
Space is LIMITED on the bus! Turn permission slips in ASAP to guarantee your spot.
Athletes were given permission slips on January 10th.
Upcoming Events
January 16th - Happy Birthday Coach Mahle!
January 20th - NO SCHOOL!
January 23rd - Happy Birthday Coach Merce!
Athletes of the Week
Contact Information
Girls Coordinator
Talia Jones
Boys Coordinator
Eddie Henson
Athletic Trainer
Madison Schilz