The Bulldog Briefing
August 14th, 2024
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Welcome to 2024-2025!
We are so happy to welcome our Bulldogs back for another exciting school year! We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer break. Our team has been eagerly preparing for the arrival of our students, and we are thrilled to welcome both new and returning families to the Bulldog community.
This year promises to be filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment where every student can thrive. Our dedicated teachers and staff are ready to support your child’s academic and personal development, and we look forward to partnering with you to make this school year a success.
We are very happy to announce that our Daly PTA is being re-established! More information about how you can join and our first meeting & election can be found below.
Communication is key to a successful school experience, so please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We will be sending out a weekly community newsletter with important information on Friday evenings. Please be sure to read it regularly to stay informed of everything that is happening at Daly. Together, we can ensure that your child has a positive and enriching 2024-2025 school year.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We're looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
With Bulldog Pride,
Mr. Cedeño & Mrs. Jones
Meet Our New Staff
Dr. Vanessa Chacon
Ms. Elizabeth Reagan
Ms. Lacee Valentine
Ms. Tiffany Railey
Ms. Railey is joining us from Waters Landing Elementary School. She will be joining our Special Education Department and working with our Kindergarten students.
Familiar Faces in New Places
We would also like to acknowledge some current members of the Daly family who are in new roles this year:
- Ms. Laurie Wilson is our new Administrative Secretary
- Ms. Maria Rosanna Liriano is our new Attendance Secretary - ¡Habla Español! 😀
- Ms. Elizabeth Boteler has joined our Special Education Team
- Ms. Sara Kelley is now a part of our Kindergarten Team
- Ms. Tara O'Neill is now a 3rd & 5th Grade Teacher
- Ms. Sydney Rossano has joined our 4th Grade Team
- Ms. Darine Yehya is now a part of our 3rd Grade Team
- Ms. Maria Orellana-Rivas is now our Literacy Paraeducator
What's New This Year
The Daly PTA is Back!
We are very excited to announce the PTA at Daly Elementary School has been re-established. Please join our PTA today! The membership form can be found below. You can complete your form and drop it off with your membership dues payment at the main office at Daly. You can also join the PTA during Open House on Thursday, August 22nd, where they will have a table with membership forms, then join our meeting later that evening! We look forward to working together!
New Parent Communication System
MCPS no longer supports Class Dojo as a method of communication for schools. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all schools will be using Remind as the primary method of school communication. Below are quick start guides and a video to help you become familiar with Remind.
New Elementary Language Arts Curriculum
Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Daly Students All Year!
Daly Elementary School participates in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, which serves meals free of charge to all students!
Community Schools Update
Our food pantry will be open on Monday, August 19, from 10:00-11:30. We will share future dates as they are available. Just a reminder that the pantry will be closing soon, due to cancellation of the program by Capital Area Food Bank. Be on the lookout for future dates for our new Market Day program, starting in late October. The Upcounty Hub is a good resource for food if needed.
Important Events
Daly PTA Meeting & Election
Thursday, Aug 22, 2024, 05:30 PM
Online via Google Meets
Daly's Open House
Thursday, Aug 22, 2024, 02:30 PM
Capt. James E. Daly Elementary School, Brandermill Drive, Germantown, MD, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Back to School Night Bash
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024, 05:30 PM
Capt. James E. Daly Elementary School, Brandermill Drive, Germantown, MD, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Update Contact Information
It is critically important that the school have updated contact information for all parents/guardians and emergency contacts. Please be sure to update all phone numbers and email addresses in Synergy. If you need assistance, please visit our main office during the hours of 8:30am - 3:30pm.
ParentVue is the parent portal to MCPS’s Synergy Student Information System that is available in seven languages on the web or mobile device. It is a secure way to access information about attendance, classes, grades, report cards, online school enrollment, athletic registration, Synergy mail, a link to MyMCPSClassroom digital learning platform to see your child’s class materials, and much more.
Bus Route Information for 2024-2025
MCPS Bus Routes by School for the 2024-2025 School Year can be found by clicking on the link below. Please use the link to ensure you are accessing the most updated version of the bus routes. School bus routes are subject to change during the first few weeks of school and any updates will be posted with a time and date stamp to indicate a change. For any questions about your bus route, please contact your Transportation Cluster Manager. Here are some Safety Tips and Reminders for students, families, and motorists as we begin the new school year.
Classroom Teacher Assignments & Schedules
All teacher assignments and classroom schedules will be available on Synergy on Wednesday, August 21st. If you cannot access Synergy, we will have tables with staff available during Open House and on the first day of school to help parents find their child's homeroom teacher assignment. You will also receive a Remind message from your child's homeroom teacher prior to Open House with your child's room number. As a reminder, classroom teacher assignments cannot be changed.
Regular Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
All students must enter and exit the building through the main entrance at the front of the school. Parents are not allowed to escort their children into the school. School staff will be available to assist families at the front of the school.
Morning Supervision
The doors at Daly open promptly at 9:05am every morning. No students should in front of the school without their parental supervision prior to that time. Morning care is available through our partner, KidsCo. Please contact Mr. Marquise Lee, our Program Director for more information.
Dismissal Procedures
Students will be dismissed according to their designated dismissal method. Any changes to a student's normal method of dismissal (car rider, walker, bus, KidsCo, etc) must be communicated to the main office by no later than 3pm. Parents will no longer be allowed to request students at the main entrance door. Any parent that comes to pick up their child in a different manner will need to go to the main office and present ID. Unexpected changes in dismissal may take time since office staff must verify that the person attempting to pick up the child is listed as a parent or emergency contact. The student will then be individually called down to the main office. Please be mindful that the main office is very busy during dismissal times, therefore delays may occur. If you need to make changes to emergency contacts or people who are authorized to pick up your child, please do so in Synergy or visit the main office between 8:30am - 3:30pm.
We would also like to remind all parents that the cut-off time for early dismissal is 3:30pm. Also, any student that is being picked up early from school must be physically signed out in the main office prior to 3:30pm.
Lastly, ALL students MUST be picked up by 4:10pm at the latest. Student supervision ends at 4:10pm every day. After-school care is available through our partner, KidsCo. Please contact Mr. Marquise Lee, our Program Director for more information.
Attendance Matters!
Good attendance is essential for your child's success in school! Being present every day helps students keep up with lessons, build strong relationships with their classmates and teachers, and develop a routine that supports their learning. When kids attend school regularly, they are more likely to perform better academically and feel more confident in their abilities. Let's work together to make sure every student has the best chance to learn and grow by coming to school on time, every day!
First Day of School Procedures Coming Next Week
Detailed procedures and reminders for the first day of school will be communicated in next week's Bulldog Briefing (August 23rd, 2024).
School Supply Lists
From the Health Room
Medication Updates
- All medication/treatment authorization form(s) must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. Ensure that the appropriate authorization form is completed by your healthcare provider.
- Per SHS regulation, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to deliver medication/treatment authorization form(s) and medication directly to health room staff. Please do not send your child to school with medications.
If you have any questions, please contact the Health Room at arpita_ramkaran@mcpsmd.org.