Lemur Weekly Update
Week of November 12, 2024🍂
Be Safe, Responsible, Respectful and Unified
Principal's Message
Happy Monday, Lemur Families!
Thank you for another fantastic week at Leaman! Our Lunch with Lemurs was a huge success, and having so many families on campus made for a pretty special day. Our Girls on the Run Club wrapped up their season with a special 5k on Saturday morning. Thank you to those of you who came out to cheer on the girls and support their efforts.
This week we have two more special events taking place thanks to our PTO. On Thursday, November 14th, please remember that we are celebrating Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Our PTO will be providing swag bags to students this week to encourage everyone to join in the event. And of course, everyone is looking forward to this Friday's Fall Festival. All of the details can be found in the newsletter.
Be sure to sign up for your parent conference with your child's teacher if you haven't done so already. And be sure to make a note that school gets out at 12:30 every day during the week of conferences.
Mrs. Johnsrud
Mark Your Calendars
Tuesday, November 12th
Wednesday, November 13th
- Fire Drill - 1:00pm
- Project Cornerstone Training -5:00pm
- (Note: The PTO meeting is an Executive Board Meeting only this month)
Thursday, November 14th
- Walk to School Day 🚶🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️ (Meet out front at 8:05am for a school photo!)
Friday, November 15th
- Fall Festival
Upcoming Events
**November 18th - November 22nd - Conference Week -Dismissal at 12:30pm every day this week
November 25th-Novembe 29th - No School
December 4th - Student Senate
December 10th - 4th Grade Field Trip
December 11th - PTO Meeting -6:00pm
The Fall Festival is Here!
We will be hosting our annual Lemur Festival on Friday night from 5:00 to 7:30.
Join us for inflatable games and an obstacle course, face painting, and local vendors. We will also have a raffle, silent auction, and the kidz holiday shop!!
Grab dinner at one of our food trucks, The Chef's Table, Buckhorn Grill, and Old Town Pizza!
This year will also include the first Lemur Cake Walk event. Take your chances to win a sweet treat of your choice.
Make sure you purchase your wristbands in advance. Kids 2+ are $5. Adults are Free.
You can also purchase your Lemur Bucks and Raffle Tickets online early.
Lemur Bucks can be used in the Holiday Shoppe to buy Lemur Loot and fun holiday gifts for families.
Raffle Tickets are $25 for a $25 ticket sheet, or $1 per ticket. We have some great prizes ready for you. Visit tinyurl.com/leamanfun to make your purchases.
Fall Festival Volunteers and Donations
We are looking for help from our Lemur families to support this event.
Please check out the sign-up genius to select a time slot or two that would work best.
We are also looking for dessert donations for the Lemur Cake Walk. Treats can be store-bought or homemade.
No Peanuts or Peanut Butter please. Donations can be dropped off at the school office during the week, Friday at 12:00 latest.
We appreciate all the help and all that you do for our students.
We look forward to seeing you Friday!
(This is not a rain or shine event. We are crossing our fingers for clear skies by Friday.)
See's Candy Sales - Now Through December 6th
Are you buying See's Candy for the holidays? If so, please consider purchasing directly from this link to help raise money for our school. Share it with family and friends, too! Click here: See's Candy Fundraiser - Leaman Elementary
Lunch with Lemurs
Safety Awareness Day Poster Winner
Way to go, Sasha!
Girls on the Run
5K on Saturday, November 8th
🍎 Reminders 🍎
Yearbooks - On Sale Now!
Order your yearbook here: www.BuytheYearbook.com and enter our school code - 723132
Student Safety
Safety Protocols -Student safety is a top priority and I've been working closely with our district and site staff to ensure that we have all safety measures in place. Recently, we had schoolwide "hold" drill and made sure that all components of the plan were successful. To learn more about the safety protocols on campus, please take a look at the Standard Response Protocol Handout for Families
Bikes & Scooters - We are so fortunate to live in a neighborhood where students can ride their bikes to school! Families - we need your help to make sure students are following the safety rules while they ride to and from campus. Please remind your students to follow the rules of the road. We've heard from a few neighbors that some of your kids may need to pay better attention to the traffic around them.
Updated Registration Information Needed
Have you updated your child's registration information for the 24-25 school year? It is essential that we have current registration, emergency contact and health information for your children. Please ensure all required forms are e-signed and submitted.
Information & Instructions
PowerSchool Parent Portal Log In Link
Need Assistance?
- Contact your child’s school office with any questions.
- If you don’t have a Parent Portal account, you should have received an email or letter with setup instructions.
- Forgot your student’s Access ID/Password? Contact your child’s school for assistance.
- For technical support with your Parent Portal account, email HelpDesk@wpusd.org
- If you forgot your username or password, use the 'Forgot Password' link on the log-in screen.
Student Chromebook Service Plan - New!
WPUSD is offering a Student Chromebook Service Plan for families to purchase to cover damage or replacement of the student’s Chromebook for the school year. For more information or to register, click here.
Volunteer Information
For questions regarding becoming a volunteer, please reach out to cmeijer@wpusd.org and jhess@wpusd.org
Attendance Corner
What is considered an excused absence?
By law [EC § 48205], excused absences are: illness (fever 100° or more], persistent runny nose (not allergy related), vomiting, diarrhea, medical/dental appointments), death in the family, specific religious reasons, required appearance in court, and exclusion from school for contagious disease.
How do I clear my child's absence with the school?
It is important that you communicate with our front office when your child is absent. There are several ways to clear an absence:
- If your student is absent, you will get an automated attendance text/email via Parent Square. Simply reply to that with the reason of your student's absence.
- If you call before 7:30AM you can leave a message on our attendance line at 916-916-409-2402.
- You can email cmeijer@wpusd.org and jhess@wpusd.org (Please email both of our school clerks)
- If you are unable to do any of the methods above, you can call our school between 7:30-4:00PM an office staff member will answer. Due to the number of incoming phone calls and limited staff we ask for this to be a last resort option.
- It is extremely helpful for the teacher to know about any absences, but communicating directly with your child's teachers does NOT clear an absence.
What can I do if my child needs to be out of school for a length of time?
If you are planning to have your child out of school, please request a Travel Study from our front office. A Travel Study does not replace a teacher's instruction, but it does allow students an opportunity to continue learning while they are not at school.
- Inform the front office of the planned absence as soon as possible. Travel Studies require school notification no later than five school days in advance. We always appreciate ample notice.
- Once the office has been informed, you will receive an emailed copy of the travel study contract to sign electronically.
- Your child's teacher will be notified of the absence and will put together assignments/classwork that will be missed. The work will be given to your child the day before your child's Travel Study begins.
- All work must be submitted the day your child returns to campus.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our front office.
Breakfast & Lunch Information
Did you know that our breakfast and lunch is provided at no cost to students? You can find the menu here: WPUSD Menu All of the items on our menu are clickable and will give you details about the menu items. Several item also include photos of the items being served.
Our campus gates open in the morning at the following times:
- 7:45am - Breakfast - Students who are eating breakfast can entire campus at 7:45am and must go directly to the cafeteria
- 7:55am - Campus is Open to Students - Supervision is provided on campus
Morning Gate Information
Our campus gates open in the morning at the following times:
- 7:45am - Breakfast - Students who are eating breakfast can entire campus at 7:45am and must go directly to the cafeteria
- 7:55am - Campus is Open to Students - Supervision is provided on campus
Early Check Out
When checking students out early from school, it is important to know that we will begin checking your ID to ensure that students are being checked out by someone who is cleared to check the students out. Please be sure to bring your ID with you each time you check your child out early.
Tip: Take a picture of your ID with your phone and mark it as a favorite. We can use a photo of your photo ID to verify your identify.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Our Student Handbook includes many important pieces of information and can be found on school website. Over the past few weeks of school, we've had some real challenges in our drop off/pick up lines that have raised concerns about safety for kids and drivers. Thank you for remembering the the Three Ps of Parking Lot Success!
The Three P's of Parking Lot Success:
- Be Prepared - When dropping your children off in the mornings, please make sure that when you pull up to the curb, your children are ready to get out of the car. Thank you for making sure shoes are on, hugs and kisses are completed before pulling up to the curb, and items are organized for a quick exit.
- Be Patient - The parking lot can be a busy place, and we appreciate you being patient when things aren't moving as smoothly as we'd like.
- Please Park if Necessary - If you know you will need extra time to get your child in or out of the car, please park in a parking spot. Our curbs are for quick loading and and unloading, our hope is to move cars through as quickly as possible.
- Thank you for remembering that our curbs are for drop off and pick up only.
From our Handbook: Students may be dropped off in front of the school along the white curb area (North and West parking lots) which are for drop-off /pick-up only; drivers must remain in their vehicles in these areas. If you are walking your student to school, we ask that you say goodbye to your child at one of our gates. If it is necessary to speak with a staff member, please park your vehicle in one of our parking lots, stop by the office and our office personnel will see if he or she is available.
Ask the School Psychologist
Our district school psychologists will be providing a monthly feature titled, "Ask the School Psychologist" that will be shared in the district and principal newsletters.
October: How Much Screen Time is Too Much?
November: Coming Soon!