St Peter's Primary School
Friday 22nd November 2024
Message from the Principal
Do not become preoccupied with your child’s academical ability,
but instead teach them to sit with those sitting alone.
Teach them to be kind.
Teach them to offer their help.
Teach them to be a friend to the lonely.
Teach them to think of others.
Teach them to share.
Teach them to look for the good.
This is how they will Change the World.
Dear Parents and Members of our School Community,
YEAR SIX CAMP - Camp is one of the main highlights of Year Six, and this year, it did not disappoint! Our students loved their four days away from school, enjoying building rafts, paddling, the flying fox and coastal bike rides. The campers loved the challenges, competing against the staff in soccer, socialising with their peers and enjoying outdoor activities.
It was fantastic to be a part of this experience. I even heard one child say that their favourite part of camp was seeing Mr Tuohy score two goals in the staff v students soccer match. Well, at least that is what I think I heard.
A special thank you to the St Peter’s camping staff team. Every year, the staff not only help make camp happen, but they bring their own special gifts, sense of humour and talents to add a flavour to camp that is truly unique. I really appreciate the time, energy and passion of all staff that attended.
STAFFING NEWS - I am excited to welcome to the St Peter’s school community the following teachers who will be a part of our team in 2025:
Mr Brett Webb joins us from Notre Dame Catholic Primary School.
Miss Kate Ellery, who previously worked at St Paul’s.
Mrs Nicole Gibbs joins us from St Jerome’s.
Mrs Leah Volikov, who was previously at John XXIII.
We look forward to the positive impact these teachers will each have on our school community and to the many achievements that lie ahead. Welcome to St Peter’s!
ST PETER’S ANNUAL COMMUNITY MEETING - I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and staff for their attendance at the School Advisory Council/Parents & Friends ACM. It was a fantastic opportunity to review the year’s events and to acknowledge all the hard work done by everyone involved. It was also an opportunity to show our appreciation to departing members of the School Advisory Council and P&F Executive.
The members of the Catholic School Advisory Council for 2025 are Deanna Exeter, Nicole Edwards, Keith D'Sa, Matt Ferrinda, Sarah Maher, Phillip Mallozzi, Marie Armstrong - P&F Representative, Father Jeronimo Flamenco Castillo – Parish Priest, Hilda Tansley – Parish Representative and Justin Tuohy – Principal. A big thank you to Brett Blanchard (commenced in 2019) and was Treasurer for a period of time and Fiorda Kule (commenced in 2022), for their tremendous service to the school community.
The members of the P&F for 2025 are Marie Armstrong, Michelle Broadbent, Steven Catania, Christine Williams and Dave Dawes. Thanks to Karla Benitez for volunteering her time on the P&F in 2024.
During the meeting, the school budget for 2025 was considered. SAC Treasurer, Keith D’Sa, gave an insight into the complexities that have had to be negotiated in preparing this annual fiscal plan. The CSAC has endorsed a 4% increase for tuition fees and other levies for 2025 - CEWA’s recommendation was slightly higher. On average, this equates to an extra $71.00 ($2.40 per week) for a family of one and an increase of $172.00 ($3.30 per week) for a family of three, due to family discount, across the school year.
While community expectations of schools, both public and independent, continue to grow,
St Peter’s Primary School is committed to ensuring that we continue to provide a high quality, affordable Catholic education, especially during the current economic climate. If you have friends, neighbours or colleagues with children, I encourage you to share the gift of our learning and faith sharing community, centred in Christ with them as well. Supporting future enrolments is one of the most important ways to ensure an active, vibrant future for St Peter’s Primary School.
YEAR FOUR - SIX MUSIC SHOWCASE - On Wednesday 27 November, our students from Years Four to Six (Choir, Guitar Ensemble and Concert Band) will share their special musical talents with their parents in our Library space. These students will perform their Catholic Performing Arts festival entries. Thank you to Ms Sharni Cumming for organising this event and for supporting all our students during Performing Arts!
TRANSITION DAY & CLASS LISTS - Classes will be confirmed in the final week of term, and all students will be involved in our Transition Morning on Thursday 5 December. Many factors are considered when balancing classes, including academics, gender, social dynamics and emotional needs. In addition, children with any specific needs are also accommodated.
Class lists are prepared with input from teachers, students and parents. Students always have the opportunity to list five friends. This is a complex educational process, and we use Classroom Solver, an online program, to assist in the process. I am confident that the teachers put a great deal of thought into the class lists as we have dedicated meeting times to discuss and use our online program. Together, let's encourage our children to embrace change, make new friends and thrive in their educational journey.
REPORTS - The students’ End of Year Reports will be sent out via SEQTA Engage on
Wednesday 4 December.
Every child’s report is disparate and will highlight his/her individual strengths and challenges. Learning is highly developmental and, as such, all children develop at different rates. It is very important to keep this in mind. Reports are also only one measure of achievement for your child. Each child’s achievement is unique, each possessing special gifts and talents. Reports also offer an opportunity to set goals for next year.
Preparation of these reports takes considerable time on the part of teachers, and I applaud their hard work and professionalism, often outside of work hours, to give such a comprehensive overview of individual student achievement across all learning areas of the Western Australian Curriculum.
THANK YOU - A very big thank you to our wonderful community for the generous support towards our community outreach program. The St Vincent de Paul baskets were overflowing. This will make it a special Christmas for some people in our community who otherwise would have nothing.
CODE OF CONDUCT - This week, our focus is on ‘Conduct Statement Four’. You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
This Conduct Statement means that your relationship with other members of the school community is defined by whatever written or verbal agreement has given rise to that relationship. As a parent or acting in a parental capacity, it is part of the student’s enrolment agreement.
The following examples are some of the ways parents can adhere to Conduct Statement Four:
- You notify the School Principal if you witness the unlawful or unsafe conduct of any other member of the school community, or breaches of policy or this Code.
- You treat members of the school community with fairness and justice.
- You respect both the people and the property of the St Peter’s school community.
- You use school property and resources responsibly.
KINDY – YEAR 6 END OF YEAR CONCERT - Our Kindy - Year SIx End of Year Concert will be held on the evening of Thursday 28 November 2024. The concert will commence at 6pm and be held at Catherine Reserve (cnr Rosebery St & Catherine St, Bedford). As per previous years, our Pre Kindy class will have their own end of year celebration in the Library.
All families are invited to a BYO picnic dinner from 5pm. At 5.45pm, each year level will be called over the microphone to come forward to their designated class area in front of the stage so that the concert can begin at 6pm and conclude by 7pm. To ensure the smooth and timely running of the concert, all students will need to remain sitting with their class for the duration of the concert, and students will be released to their parents or caregiver at the conclusion of the event.
As it is an evening concert, the invitation is being extended to parents and grandparents. It also means that all our families will be able to watch all children participate in the one concert.
As outlined in the letter at the end of Term Three, each cohort will perform a dance that contributes to the theme, ‘A Movie Adventure.' This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and demonstrate what they have learnt during dance lessons this term. On the evening, our school will provide you with copy of the program for the night.
This is an Alcohol-Free event and families are invited to BYO one family picnic rug and/or low picnic chairs. As it is a public venue, picnic rugs and chairs can be placed in the marked designated seating area only from 4pm onwards. Audience seating will be split into two sections, with picnic rugs being assigned the area in front of those on picnic chairs. A map of the venue including details for parking and seating will be communicated closer to the event. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!
Wednesday 27 November: Year Four - Six Music Showcase – 2pm (Library)
Thursday 28 November: End of Year Concert – Catherine Reserve from 5pm
Friday 29 November: Year Three NRL Incursion
Tuesday 3 December: Year Six Graduation Mass & Morning Tea – 10am
Wednesday 4 December: Excursion Day
Wednesday 4 December: Reports to be sent home – via SEQTA
Thursday 5 December: Transition Morning – children meeting 2025 teachers
Friday 6 December: Last day of 2024 for students
Monday 9 – Thursday 12 December: Staff Professional Development & Handover
With regards and best wishes
Justin Tuohy
Congratulations to Courtney and Frank Caputi on the birth of their baby boy, Oscar Joseph Caputi born on Friday 15th November. We wish them all the very best as they settle into life as a family of three.
Office News
KINDY 2026 - If your child was born between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 2022, just a reminder to lodge a Kindy application form before the end of the school year (2024.)
For queries or to email your completed application form, please contact Liz Cunningham elizabeth.cunningham@cewa.edu.au
Music News
Canteen News
Netball News
Congratulations to all our Spring netballers for another fantastic season of netball! A reminder to all to please return any uniforms to your Team Manager / Coach before the end of November please for stocktake.
2025 registrations will open in Term 1 next year and we look forward to an even bigger season of netball fun.
Congratulations to Josie Tran 2B who attended the 82nd South Suburban Music Eisteddfod - Piano Preliminary. It was a sizable Eisteddfod this year with 500 students enrolled. Josie was lucky enough to win the first prize in her section. Well done Josie!!
P&F News
The P&F is incredibly grateful to all of the parents who have organised and volunteered at our events this year. Our children and school are so lucky to have a community so giving of their time.
As a way to thank our volunteers, we complied a list of everyone who has helped over the year and entered them into a raffle - this raffle was made possible due to a donation to be used as prizes from Lisa Baker local politician.
The following 10 winners were drawn:
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Young Engineers
Uniform Shop
Community News
- LA SALLE COLLEGE - will be hosting Carols by Candlelight on Thursday 5 December from 5pm.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900