September 2024 Newsletter
Back to School Edition
September 2024
School Hours:
Elementary School
School in-session: 8:00am - 3:00pm
AM Carpool: 7:30am - 8:00am
PM Carpool: 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Middle School
School in-session: 7:45am - 3:15pm
AM Carpool: 7:30am - 7:45am
PM Carpool: 3:30pm - 3:45pm
Office Hours: 7:15am - 4:00pm
With the return to school, we are seeing the spread of illnesses in the community. Here is a helpful guide for Reasons to keep your child home.
- Children with a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher should stay at home until there is no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
- Any child who has vomited twice in 24 hours should stay home. Your child may return to school after 24 hours of no vomiting or fever.
In the event of an absence, please use our Online Absence Excuse Form, also found on the homepage of our school website.
If your child needs to take medication at school, you must drop the medication off at the school office with an Authorization Form. Please do not send your child in to school with the medication.
School Lunch
It's not too late to submit a Free/Reduced Lunch Application! You may submit additional applications throughout the year if your situation changes.
Remember, you must still order lunches through MyPaymentsPlus, regardless of your eligibility status.
Beginning in September, we will only receive lunches for those who ordered, and no additional meals will be sent to the school. Students without pre-orders will receive alternate meals.
Meal order deadlines are every Wednesday at NOON. Meal orders cannot be placed once the deadline has passed.
As a reminder, Elementary School afternoon carpool begins at 3:00pm, and Middle School afternoon carpool begins at 3:15pm.
BOTH schools end carpool at 3:30pm. Please be on time to pick up your child.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Student Check-in and Check-out
Once morning carpool has ended at both schools, a parent/guardian MUST park and sign the student in at the front desk.
Student check-out ends at 2:00pm. After this time, parents/guardians must enter the carpool line. Late check-outs interfere with dismissal safety. Thank you for your understanding.
Have you logged into your ParentVue account? Access student grades, attendance records, and information through the portal or the app.
If you do not have access, you may create an account by clicking on "forgot password" on under "families" at the top right.
You will need to use the email address used to enroll your child in school.
Invitation to review Title I Documents
Dear families of NLAE,
We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to join us at the two Title I Community Meetings this past summer. The team has taken the information and input gathered from these meetings and a plan has been drafted. There will be an opportunity to provide input on these documents at the time of review.
We invite our stakeholders to review these documents on the following days:
Wednesday, September 4, 2024: 7:30 am - 2:30 pm
Thursday, September 5, 2024: 7:30 am - 2:30 pm
The documents will be available at the following locations:
NLAE Elementary School Campus
Conference Room
4725 River Green Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096
NLAE Middle School Campus
Media Center, Room 1
3425 Corporate Way
Duluth, GA 30096
Documents available for review:
- NLAE Schoolwide Plan
- NLAE Plan/Promise
- NLAE Prioritized Budget Wishlist
For questions, please call our Parent Outreach Liaison (POL) for Title I: Mrs. Caine at 470.785.2317
The School Nutrition Program Grace Period ends on Friday, September 13, 2024. If you were eligible for free/reduced lunch last year (School year 2023-2024), your household received these benefits for 30 days into this school year. Once this grace period ends, your household will return to FULL PAY.
Full-pay lunches will cost $4.14. If you may benefit from financial assistance for school meals, please submit a Free/Reduced Lunch application.
Please continue to pre-order your meals on MyPaymentsPlus:
- The student must not have a negative balance in their cafeteria account
- Payment will be pulled from the Cafeteria account for lunch at check-out.
- Parents/Guardians will check-off each day that their student will eat a hot lunch at school.
- Pre-Orders will be open until Wednesday at noon of the prior week.
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications
The New Life Academy of Excellence School Nutrition Program is accepting Free/Reduced Lunch applications for school year 2024-2025.
Did you know?
Filling out an application helps increase funding to support our school and students!
Your application may help with discounted testing fees, technology and internet access.
Don't wait, apply now online!
The online application is a quick and easy way to complete this process:
Free/Reduced Lunch Application Online
*Please note, students may choose to bring a packed lunch to school.
New Life Academy of Excellence will utilize My Payments Plus for all activities and fees this school year.
All students must have an account under NLAE, not Gwinnett County Public Schools.
👉 Tip!
Families may set a threshold for account balances to notify you, or automatically replenish your account. No more worrying about your student lunch account!
❗❗ Important!
When registering, please choose our school, New Life Academy of Excellence, NOT Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). Accounts under GCPS will not transfer to New Life Academy of Excellence, and a refund will have to be processed by contacting GCPS.
Car rider tags are the form of identification for picking up students in carpool. It is crucial that you always have the correct car rider tag displayed from your rearview mirror or in a place that is visible to staff members in order to keep the line moving.
Carpool Procedures
Our goal is to ensure that each child, family, and staff member arrive and depart from New Life Academy of Excellence safely. Please adhere to the following guidelines during your time in carpool.
Morning Carpool:
Please follow the lead of the police officer and/or staff member tasked with controlling the flow of traffic.
Make sure that your child is alert, packed up, and ready to exit the vehicle.
Follow the carpool staff to be placed in the proper lane. Please stay in this lane.
Please remain in your car at all times.
Once your lane has stopped and is ready to unload, PLACE YOUR VEHICLE IN PARK.
Wait for your lane to be released by the staff member on duty before moving your car.
In the event that your child has forgotten anything in your vehicle, please bring it to the front desk.
Afternoon Carpool
Please follow the lead of the police officer and/or staff member.
Make sure you have your burgundy car rider tag or the temporary tag visible to staff. If you do not have a tag, you will need to show your ID to be verified for pick-up. For safety, we will only release students to persons on the student's authorized pick-up list.
Remain in your car at all times.
Please do NOT switch lanes once you have been placed in a lane. Switching lanes will place cars out of order and will delay carpool dismissal.
Once your lane is at a complete stop, place your car in park.
After your child is secured in your vehicle and your lane is released, you may exit the carpool lane.
Please keep in mind, the first week of carpool will be congested as we adjust. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
New Life Academy of Excellence will host a Parent Community Engagement Night on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Families may join us for one or all sessions:
Annual Title I Parent Community Meeting
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Title I Funding
Engagement and Communication
School Goals
NLAE Parent Technology Workshop
5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Accessing Google Classroom
General Tech Assistance
NLAE Parent Math Workshop
6:15 pm - 7:00 pm
Learn about resources to help your student excel in Mathematics
Please take a few moments to take a quick survey on the Climate and Culture at New Life Academy of Excellence. All submissions will be used internally and will remain confidential.
The Survey will close on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Thank you for your time and input!
Please join us at our first Spirit Night of the school year at Chick Fil A!
Thursday, September 19, 2024
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Chick Fil A
3555 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Duluth, GA 30096
Students will complete their work asynchronously from home.
More details will be sent from your child's teacher.
Fall pictures will be taken on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Students should be in full NLAE uniform, no PE attire.
Ordering information will be sent home with your child.
New Life Academy of Excellence students celebrated the school year PBIS kick-off with a Pep Rally on Friday, August 30th. We are excited to encourage Positive Behavior as we SOAR into this school year!
In September, we will learn about Conflict Resolution. Stay tuned for more information!
- 2 ... Labor Day (No School)
- 13 ... Climate and Culture Survey Submission Deadline
- 13 ... School Nutrition Program Grace Period end
- 17 ... Parent Engagement Night, Annual Title I Community Meeting
- 19 ... Spirit Night at Chick Fil A
- 20 ... Digital Learning Day #1 (Asynchronous)
- 27 ... Fall Picture Day (Uniform Required)
Elementary School Campus
4725 River Green Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096
(678) 720-9870 phone
(678) 720-9875 fax
Middle School Campus
3425 Corporate Way
Duluth, GA 30096
(470) 785-2317 phone