TSD Weekly Newsletter

January 17, 2025
MLK Community Wide Day of Service Monday, January 20
Thank you to our MLK Day Sponsors!
Athens High School and the American Red Cross are hosting a blood drive during the MLK Day of Service!
Blood Program Leader Name: Kelley Delong
Click here to make an appointment
Attendance Area Review Committee Update
Plante Moran and Dr. Machesky presented the Attendance Area information on behalf of the Attendance Area Review Committee at the Board of Education Workshop at Baker Middle School on Tuesday, January 14. During the meeting, the Board reviewed several potential options for school boundary adjustments. At the meeting, the Board determined that the only option they would like to learn more about is Option C. During the presentation, the board asked several clarifying questions and requested additional data. Option C was updated after the Attendance Area Review Committee had concluded, based on questions asked by the group. In this option, all Troy Union students would go to Smith Middle School. All students living in community housing follow their currently assigned elementary school to that elementary school’s assigned middle school. No high school boundaries will change. Administration is gathering additional information and data for the Board to review at the next board meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 21. If you are interested in viewing the initial presentation, click here. After the January 21 Board Meeting, the district will complete the following:
Hold Community Meetings
Presentation Given
Feedback Requested
Community Survey Given
Results Gathered
Community Feeback Provided to the Board of Education
Board of Education Consideration
Decision Determined
The Troy School District wants to hear your feedback. All community members will be invited to community meetings and asked to complete the survey. Please be on the lookout for this information in future newsletters.
Powerschool Cybersecurity Incident - TSD Not Impacted
Morse Large Group Instruction (LGI) Room is Nearly Complete!
Culturally Responsive Read Recommendations
About the Book...
In Our Differences Make Us Stronger, La June and her best friend, Jenefer, love school in Detroit, sitting together every day despite looking different from the other kids. But when Jenefer moves away, La June feels out of place. A new classmate, Eva, moves in, and everything about her seems unfamiliar.
When their teacher reshuffles the lunch seating, the class learns to explore the challenges and rewards of connecting across differences. Through open conversations, La June and her classmates discover that while it's natural to gravitate toward those like us, true community grows when we embrace and learn from our differences.
This story reflects the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's racial healing practices, inspiring young readers to share, listen, and build stronger, more inclusive communities.
Visit this site to read the entire January TSD Inclusive Newsletter.
Over 100 Troy School District artists are featured in an incredible art show currently running at Oakland Schools! Due to the predicted cold weather, our Tuesday, January 21, reception has been moved to Monday, January 27 from 4:30-7:00 PM at 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328.
There is also a virtual gallery video that showcases each of our artists. Please follow this link to see their wonderful work!
Services Building Staff Cheers on the Lions!
Come Support the OneTroy Unified Basketball Team!
Community Agency Fair at Troy Center for Transition January 22
Festival of Choirs Hits the High Notes!
If you missed the concerts, you can still view them on YouTube.
Wattles, Barnard, & Morse Elementary, Baker Middle School & Athens High School
Concert Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pISfRy6vM4w
Bemis, Hamilton, & Schroeder Elementary, Boulan Park Middle School, & Troy High School
Concert Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaVe2SEwU9w
Troy Union, Martell, & Leonard Elementary, Smith Middle School, & Troy High School
Concert Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ofo2L_w1aA
Hill, Wass, & Costello Elementary, Larson Middle School & Athens High School
Concert Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru3y_pZzXUg
Troy High Orchestra Gala - February 1, 2025
The Career Accelerator Program Holds First Class
Last week, 72 juniors and seniors embarked on their Career Accelerator Program journey with their first CAP class. This session delved into essential aspects of professionalism, guiding students through topics like professional appearance, body language, workplace greetings, responsible use of electronics, and the art of small talk. The students then honed these skills through interactive scenarios with their peers.
These classes lay the foundation for students who will soon embark on a 20-hour pre-internship with local businesses this spring. Learn more about CAP: https://www.troy.k12.mi.us/.../career-accelerator-program
Leonard Student Uses Skills to Advocate For What Matters To Them!
Just before winter break, Leonard’s 3rd graders completed a unit on persuasive writing. One student put their new skills into action by writing to Governor Whitmer, asking for a day off school if the Lions make it to the Super Bowl! The student’s mom shared the letter on Instagram, where it caught the attention of Coach Dan Campbell’s wife, Holly, and was even featured on Sports Illustrated’s website. We love to see our students using their voices to advocate for what matters to them. Go Lions!
Pre-K/Kindergarten Info Night - January 30, 2025
For more information on enrolling in Pre-K/Kindergarten, please visit our website. You can also call Patricia Barash at 248-823-4002 or Cheryl Ruppel at 248-823-4042.
Enrollment for the GSRP Program opened on January 1, 2025. This is for children aged 4. To enroll, please visit https://www.miecc.org/MiECC/application/add/63.
Enrollment for the TSD Tuition-Based Preschool opens on March 3, 2025.
Troy High bests Athens 54-40 in Last Week's Rivalry Match
Troy Unified Basketball Team Takes to the Court!
The Troy Unified Basketball Teams took to the court during the Athens vs. Troy High game last Friday. Athens held the lead for much of the game, but Troy High clinched the victory in the end!
Cheer on Troy High Girls Basketball Tonight!
Come out tonight for some Friday night hoops! JV at 5:30 and varsity at 7:00p vs. league opponent Seaholm!
Mason Parker becomes THS All Time Leading Scorer!
Athens Wrestling Places 3rd at Sonny's Invitational
The Athens Wrestling Team placed 3rd overall at Sonny's Invitational last weekend. Individual results are as follows:
106 - Victor Hayoo, 4th113 - Derek Gonzalez, 3rd
120 - Moises Benavides, 2nd
157 - Stephen Lezotte, 2nd
157 - Hank Hegdal, 3rd
165 - Cristian Jhun, 3rd
175 - Alijah McCray, 5th
Troy High Swim & Dive Wins Walled Lake Invitational
Troy/Avondale Gymnastics Team Competition Results
The Troy/Avondale gymnastics team competed in Fraser last weekend. Individual results are as follows:
Vault: Alyse 5th place, Izzy 7th place
Bars: Alyse 3rd place
Floor: Alyse & Izzy 7th
All Around: Alyse 5th
Looking for Athletic Schedules?
Athletic Links:
Athens Athletics: https://RedhawkAthletics.org
Troy High Athletics: https://TroyAthletics.org
Facebook Links:
Troy High: https://www.facebook.com/troyhighathleticboosters
Athens: https://www.facebook.com/AthensBoosters
Booster SignUpGenius Links:
Troy High: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BA4AC29A4F4CF8-troy#/
Join fellow business leaders at the TSD Business Council Lunch on Wednesday, January 22. There will be a networking opportunity, followed by the opportunity to hear from a TSD student, and an update from district leadership. RSVP for the Business Council lunch at this website.
- Monday, January 20, 2025 - No School, MLK Day
- Saturday, May 31, 2025 - Athens and Troy High Graduation at the O'rena on the campus of Oakland University
- Sunday, June 1, 2025, 4 p.m. - IAE Graduation at Pine Knob
- Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 6 p.m. - TCCHS Graduation at Troy High
Troy School District Employment
If you are interested in employment in the Troy School District, click here to access our Frontline Recruiting and Hiring System.