Stephens Weekly Update
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Weekly Newsletter
Stephens Families,
There is some important information below, including "campus happenings", VATRE, bus driver recruitment, early release/late arrival (Seniors only), and important dates.
Parents, please check your email for your student's Progress to Graduation report. Success Coaches will email your student's progress on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Please let us know if you did not receive the first email which was sent on Monday, August 26th. Success Coaches are assigned based on student last name and can be reached at the email below:
Mrs. Ollison (student last name A-L): sollison@magnoliaisd.org
Mrs. Ferguson (student last name M-Z): lferguson@magnoliaisd.org
Early Release/Late Arrival Guidelines
- Seniors only
- Good standing: Attendance, Behavior, Course Progress
- Parent Approval
- Admin Approval
Seniors that are interested in 1 period late arrival OR 1 or 2 periods early release will complete the form below. Once received administration will review the form, contact the parent and if approved the student will receive a letter to take home and get signed. Once returned and processed the student will receive a new schedule. If the student does not stay in good standing on all requirements early release/late arrival will be removed.
Stephens Academy New Seniors
In the box immediately below this, you will see a letter from our district about the Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election. There are many details in that letter for you to read. Magnolia ISD's social media accounts will be sending out more information on the VATRE in the near future.
Hiring Bus Drivers
Upcoming Events
Labor Day Holiday -No School
Monday, Sep 2, 2024, 07:00 AM
PD Day- No school for students
Monday, Sep 16, 2024, 07:00 AM
Fall Graduation
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 07:00 PM
Magnolia Event Center, Farm to Market Road 1488, Magnolia, TX, USA
Stephens Academy Bell Schedule
Student Parking
If your student is planning to park at Stephens Academy please see the information linked below. Students MUST have a valid drivers license and proof of insurance prior to receiving a parking pass. There is no charge for the pass. The completed application and supporting documentation may be submitted at the Open House or on the first day of school.
Attendance Requirements in Texas Schools
Contact us
Mr. Anderson @ ganderson@magnoliaisd.org 281-252-2265 ext. 18025
Success Coach
Mrs. Ollison - sollison@magnoliaisd.org 281-252-2265 ext. 18027
Mrs. Ferguson - lferguson@magnoliaisd.org 281-252-2265 ext. 18026
Mrs. Glover - cglover@magnoliaisd.org 281-252-2265 ext. 18045
Principal: phorrigan@magnoliaisd.org
Location: 919 Cloyd Drive, Magnolia, Texas 77355
Phone: 281-252-2265