Bear Necessities
Hollow Hills School Newsletter Week of 4/2/24
The Bear Essentials
Coming Up in Golden Bear Country
Tuesday, April 2nd - PLC Staff Development Day
Wednesday, April 3rd -
- Welcome Students Back to School
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- Math Intervention - 1st Grade (2:20pm - 3:15pm)
- Beginning Band Practice (2:30pm - 3:30pm)
Thursday, April 4th
- CAASPP Prep Rally (Grades 3-6) 9:15am
- Junior Olympics Torch Run (Blacktop - Short Courts) 10:40am(ish)
- First Grade Field Trip 8:30am
- Math Intervention - 2nd Grade (2:20pm - 3:15pm)
- Advanced Band Practice (2:30pm - 3:30pm)
Friday, April 5th
- PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (MPR)
- Math Intervention 5th/6th Grades (2:20pm - 3:15pm)
**Please scroll down for a list of all upcoming dates/events through the end of the school year. More specifics on events such a Hollow Hills Salutes America and Culminations for both 5th and 6th grades will be coming soon.
School Breakfast and Lunches
All students can receive free breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. Menus will be posted weekly in this newsletter. However, menus are subject to change so families are encouraged to check the website directly. Click on the menus below to be directed to the website.
Breakfast is served from 7:40am - 8:05am.
CAASPP Prep Rally & Torch Run Spirit Day
For the CAASPP Prep Rally, grades 3-6 will show their school spirit and grade level pride with grade level chants, rally games, and fun!
Our theme again this year for CAASPP is "Glow What you Know!" and the spirit colors for each grade level are:
3rd Grade - Yellow
4th Grade - Orange
5th Grade - White
6th Grade - Black
Students are encouraged to show their grade level pride by dressing according to their grade level color.
TORCH RUN RALLY: The Torch Run Rally is following the CAASPP Rally giving all students, grades K - 6th an opportunity to show their Golden Bear Pride!
ALL Students in Grades K - 6 are encouraged to wear Spirit Wear (Green and Gold). You might be thinking, but wait, you just told us to wear a special color for our grade level for the CAASPP Rally, I'm confused. You have options!! There is no wrong choice here. Wear your Spirit Wear or wear your grade level color or both!! You just might see Mrs. Godfrey wearing a Hollow Hills Spirit Shirt or Junior Olympics Shirt with a bright colored tutu and hat! Be spirited, be colorful! Let's have fun and support our Junior Olympic athletes!!
Our Apex Fun Run event fundraiser and leadership program kicks off on April 15th!
Apex is a local company that provides a fun 2-week program where students will learn about important leadership habits and positive character traits. Then the program wraps up with a celebratory, high energy fitness event: The Apex Fun Run (4/25). It’s going to be a TON of FUN!
The funds raised from this event will go towards Field Trips, Intervention/Extension Academic Programs and Supplement Teacher Classroom Funds .
We’ll share more info about the Apex program and ways to support our school over the coming weeks.
Hollow Hills Variety Show
Daybreak Parent Classes
Communication With Your Child (elementary)
Monday, May 13 from 6-7pm
Looking Ahead......
Monday, April 8th
- Spring Photos
- 5th & 6th Grade Panoramic Photos 8:15am - 8:45am
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades (2:20pm - 3:15pm)
Tuesday, April 9th
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
- Student Council Meeting 12:30pm - 1:15pm (B3)
- K-Kids Meeting 2:25pm - 3:00pm (B7)
Wednesday, April 10th
- District PE (2, 6, 1)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, April 11th
- Walk Through the American Revolution (A5) 8:30am - 11:00am (MP)
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20 - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, April 12th
- 6th Grade Play 8:30am - 10:30am (MPR)
- Math Intervention 5th/6th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Monday, April 15th
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday, April 16th
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
- Walk Through the American Revolution (B3) 8:15am - 10:45am (MPR)
- Walk Through the American Revolution (B11) 11:45am - 2:15pm
- SVUSD Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 17th
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, April 18th
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, April 19th
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Variety Show Practice (2:30pm - 4:00pm)
Monday, April 22nd
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday, April 23rd
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
- Earthquake/Fire Drill
- Student Council Meeting 12:30pm (B3)
- K-Kids Meeting 2:25pm - 3:0pm (B7)
- School Site Council Meeting 2:30pm (Staff Lounge)
Wednesday, April 24th
- District PE (2, 6, 1)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, April 25th
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, April 26th
- SPIRIT DAY - Wear Green and Gold.
- Volunteer Tea: 9:45am - 11:15am
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Variety Show Practice (2:30pm - 4:00pm)
CAASPP WEEK: 3rd & 4th Grades
Monday, April 29th
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday, April 30th
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
Wednesday, May 1st
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 2nd
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
- Variety Show Dress Rehearsal 6:00pm (Sinaloa MPR)
Friday, May 3rd
- PTA Board Meeting 8:15am (MPR)
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- VARIETY SHOW! 6:00pm at Sinaloa MS MPR
CAASPP WEEK: 5th and 6th Grades
Monday, May 6th
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday, May 7th
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
- 3rd Grade Field (A4 & A8) 8:30am - 1:15pm
- Student Council Meeting 12:30pm (B3)
Wednesday, May 8th
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 9th
- 3rd Grade Field (A2 & A3) 8:30am - 1:15pm
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, May 10th
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Monday, May 13th
- Math Intervention 3rd/4th Grades 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday, May 14th
- District PE (4, 6, 1)
- 2nd Grade Field Trip (8:45am - 1:45pm)
- Honor Club Meeting 7:45am (MPR)
- Fire Drill
- K-Kids Meeting 2:25 - 3:00pm (B7)
Wednesday, May 15th
- District PE (2, 3, K, 5)
- 4th Grade Play Practice 1:15pm (MPR)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 16th
- Golden Bear Awards
- 4th - 6th Grades: 8:15am - 8:45am
- K - 3rd Grades: 8:45am - 9:15am
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, May 17th
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Club Hollow Hills: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Monday, May 20th
Tuesday, May 21st
- 4th Grade Gold Rush Play 8:30am (MPR)
- Student Council Meeting 12:30pm (B3)
- SVUSD Board Meeting 5pm
Wednesday, May 22nd
- District PE (2, 6, 1)
- 3rd Grade Farm Day
- 4th Grade Gold Rush Play 8:30am (MPR)
- Math Intervention 1st Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 23rd
- 4th Grade Gold Rush Play 8:30am (MPR)
- Math Intervention 2nd Grade 2:20pm - 3:15pm
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, May 24th
- HOLLOW HILLS SALUTES AMERICA 8:30am - 10:00am (Wear Red, White and Blue)
- Math Intervention 2:20pm - 3:15pm
Monday, May 27th - NO SCHOOL: MEMORIAL DAY
Tuesday, May 28th
- Kinder Field Day
- K-Kids Meeting 2:25 pm - 3:0pm
Wednesday, May 29th
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- PTA Association Meeting 8:15am (MPR)
- Beginning Band Practice 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 30th
- 3rd Grade Pioneer Day 8:15am - 11:45am (Village Blacktop)
- Advanced Band 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, May 31st - EARLY DISMISSAL (1:05pm)
- SPIRIT DAY - Wear Green and Gold
- FIELD DAY - 1st - 6th Grades
Monday, June 3rd
- District PE (4, 3, K, 5)
- Special Recognition Awards
- K - 2nd Grade 8:30am - 9:45am
- 3rd - 4th Grade Honor Roll Awards 10:15am - 11:00am
- Fire Drill
Tuesday, June 4th
- 5th & 6th Grade Awards Night 6pm (MPR)
Wednesday, June 5th
- 6th Grade Culmination CEREMONY 8:30am - 10:00am
Thursday, June 6th
- 5th Grade Culmination CEREMONY 8:30am - 10:00am
Resources for Families
Meals for March: The March Dinner Site Calendar linked here and also attached to the email. Meals are available to all families in need. Samaritan Center also serves breakfast and lunch. Families can use their showers as well but need to meet with a caseworker at Samaritan Center to set this up.
Food Pantries: Samaritan Center and Still Waters Cafe continue to serve as our local food pantries. There is also a food pantry in Moorpark. The Moorpark food pantry is held at Moorpark College on Tuesdays 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. More information can be found here: https://rubencastrocharities.org/moorpark-college-pantry/
Overnight Shelter: Samaritan Center's PADS program offers overnight shelter each night through March 31. Participation is by invitation only. Families need to apply for this program at the Samaritan Center. Check in and registration is at 7:00 p.m. Proof of a negative TB test and residency in Simi Valley is required.
Digital Mental/Behavioral Health Resources: the state has released two new apps for families and children.
For children 0-12: BrightLife Kids - A CalHope Program by Brightline (hellobrightline.com)
For teens and young adults 13-25. Soluna | California's Mental Health App for 13 - 25 year olds (solunaapp.com)