The Cardinal Connection
June 11th, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
June 11th: Virtual PTA Meeting @6PM
June 14th: Last Day of After-School Programming
June 15th: Hill Family Biking
June 17th: Last Day of School for Students
Virtual General Body PTA Meeting TONIGHT (Tuesday, June 11) at 6 p.m.
Today at 6 p.m., the PTA will hold the last General Body Meeting of the school year, where we will discuss some of the highlights from the year, review our financial picture, and share plans to remain connected as a community over the summer.
At this meeting, we will also consider a proposal to amend the bylaws to permit the Board to temporarily fill vacancies by Board appointment until an election can be held. Below is the language the Board will ask the General Body to consider:
Amending section 6b to read as follows:
"The executive board shall fill a vacancy in any office other than President through special election; provided, that the executive board may appoint, by majority vote, individuals to serve in vacant positions in an interim capacity. Individuals appointed to fill a vacancy in an interim capacity may serve for no more than 90 days from the date of their appointment."
We will also vote to approve the minutes from May’s General Body Meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpc-mprD8jHNNMDD0FH-MTvNhTKo4_m2FV
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
Friday, June 14th is the Last Day of After-School Programming !
Dear Families,
We would like to inform you that the last day for all after-school programming will be this Friday, June 14th. Please note that there will be no after-school programming on Monday, June 17th, which is the last day of school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Hill Family Biking - Team Ride on Saturday, June 15, at 4 p.m.
Are you on a team? Love watching one? Wear your team gear and join us for a tour of ball fields around the Hill ending at Watkins for popsicles and fun at the splash pad, playground and fields!
We’ll have volunteers marshaling to ensure we stay together as a group. MPD bike team will also be participating in the ride to connect officers with the community.
If your family’s bikes need some TLC, please come 15 minutes early to get some assistance–we will have bike maintenance tools available, as well as some experienced amateur bike mechanics on hand to assist.
Starting location is Stanton Park (north side of the park near 5th St intersection). Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hill-family-biking-team-ride-tickets-693294040137 for more information and to register.
You’re invited to Discover Summer with DC Public Library through Aug. 31!
Sign up now for D.C.'s all-ages, city-wide celebration of reading and learning. https://bit.ly/3UZ1Q5C.
DCPS Title I Policy Feedback 2024
Provide feedback on DCPS’ approach to partnerships with our families! Each year parents and family members have an opportunity to provide input around key Title 1 policies and school level compacts.
Through June 24, 2024, the DCPS Family and Community Engagement Division is conducting online engagement around drafts of three critical Title 1 documents:
DCPS Local Educational Agency (LEA) Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy- ESSA Section §1116(a)(2)(A)
DCPS School-Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy (Template for Schools to Use) - ESSA §1116(b)
DCPS School Parent Compact (Template for Schools to Use) - (ESSA §1118(b)).
These documents will be used at the district and school-levels to guide parent and family engagement in our Title 1 schools for School Year 2024-25.