KAMSC Newsletter
August 16th, 2024

A Note From the Director
Hello! As the new director of KAMSC, I wanted to take a moment and tell you how excited I am to work with students, our staff and parents this school year. It is an honor to serve KAMSC. You will receive a newsletter from us via smore every week, usually end of day Friday. I hope that this communication will help your families feel connected to all of the great things going on at KAMSC.
I come to KAMSC from Otsego Public Schools where I served for 23 years. I served as a math and science teacher, a high school assistant principal and as Director of Instruction pK-12. With over half of my career's years in leadership, I bring a leadership style of relationships first, but also clarity and stability.
It has been a joy to have some freshman on campus the last two weeks with some brushing up on Algebra skills and some taking the Introduction to Science Inquiry course. I can't wait for the first day of school to meet all of the students!
Heather Kortlandt
Director, KAMSC
Meet Our Two New Teachers
We have two new teachers on staff this year that I would like to take a moment to introduce.
Ben Bakalyar comes to us from Plainwell high school. Mr. Bakalyar has been teaching for 18 years in total and is looking forward to helping students expand their potential and helping them use mathematical knowledge to open doors for other investigations. Mr. Bakalyar will be teaching Math II and AP Calculus AB for us this year.
Jodi Wiegerink comes to us from teaching at Portage West Middle School and has a total of 18 years of teaching experience. Mrs. Wiegerink will be teaching Math I and AP Statistics for us this year. She is looking forward to joining the KAMSC community and is excited to get to know her students and to be a part of this unique learning environment.
Mr. Bakalyar
Mrs. Wiegerink
9th Grade Orientation
We hope you are as excited to start school as we are! The 9th-grade teachers at KAMSC hope you(r student) can attend our annual 9th-grade Orientation on Tuesday, August 20th, from 2 - 5p at the Kalamazoo Nature Center (7000 N Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49009). The event is FREE and will be lots of fun! If there is someone from the KNC in the entrance booth just tell them you're there for the KAMSC Orientation.
There will be icebreakers and team-building events, time to get to know your new classmates and teachers, and even a chance to ask veteran KAMSC seniors your questions so you're ready for the first day. The event will wrap up with an ice cream social, and you'll get to take home your very own KAMSC tie-dye t-shirt! For families, there will be members from the KAMSC Parent Organization there at 4:45p for meet and greets when you arrive to pick up your student. While the event is not required, we cannot recommend it enough, so please try your best to attend. If your schedule prohibits attending the entire event, no worries! Come late or leave early, we'd still like to see you on Tuesday. :)
This event will take place outside regardless of weather (rain or shine), so please dress accordingly. Check the weather before heading out the door, bring a rain jacket or sunscreen, and wear comfy shoes and clothes so you can fully engage with the activities and KAMSC fun! If you have any questions please contact the KAMSC Office (269.337.0004) or 9th-grade teacher Katelyn McCarthy (katelyn.mccarthy@kamsc.org).
Thank you,
Information Technology Teacher Mrs. Katelyn McCarthy
Honors Biology Teacher Mrs. Colleen Chapoton
Integrated Math I Teacher Mrs. Jodi Wiegerink
Preparing for the First Day of School
Please note that the first day of KAMSC is Tuesday, August 27th, which differs from your child's partner school start date. If you have questions about:
1. Transportation to and from KAMSC - contact your partner school's office
2. Lunch - lunch will start the week of September 3 and we will distribute a sign up list for those who would like a sack lunch from KPS.
3. Medications - please make sure you have filled out the appropriate KAMSC office paperwork for this and drop that and the medication off in the office prior to the first day of school. The best time to do that next week will be Wed 8/21 - Fri 8/23 between 8am-3:30 pm
Drop off/Parking Procedures and Reminders
If you are dropping off or picking up your student at KAMSC, please do so at the Vine Street entrance. Please find a safe place to pull over and then have you student proceed to the Vine street entrance. If students are driving themselves:
1. They need to acquire a parking pass from the KAMSC office
2. They need to park by the El Sol playground off of Dutton Street (but then walk to Vine street entrance)
3. They should be reminded to not keep anything valuable in their car and to keep their cars locked at all times.
4. The building will have a campus security officer at the Vine Street entrance during times of arrivals and dismissals.
KAMSC Introduction to Science Inquiry Pictures
Students designed a lab to gather information on the relationship between ball diameter and bounce height.
Graphing M&M color distribution
Students learning about experimental design
Important Dates
Aug 20 - 9th grade orientation - 2-5pm Kalamazoo Nature Center
Aug 22 -10th-12th grade new student orientation - 4-5:30 pm at KAMSC
Aug 27 - First day of school at KAMSC
Aug 30 - No school
Sept 2 - No School
Sept 4 - KAMSC open house - 9th & 10th grade 6-6:55 pm 11th & 12th grade 7-7:55pm