HPE Patriot Post
Harrison Parkway Elementary
August 23, 2024
Attendance: 99.82%
HPE Expectation/Goal is 97%
Upcoming Events at HPE
23= Spirit Wear orders DUE
2= Labor Day (NO STUDENTS)
5= Blaze Pizza Dine-to-Donate
8= Mum Orders DUE
13= PTO Movie Night- Coco (8:00 PM)
20= PTO Meeting (8:30 AM)
26= Picture Day
26= Mum Pick-Up (4:30-6:30 PM)
27= E-Learning Day (NO STUDENTS)
Attendance Policy
A student may not be absent from school for more than ten (10) days per school year. Both excused and unexcused absences count toward this maximum of ten days. Further undocumented absences will be unexcused. Students must have a written explanation from their doctor for every absence above and beyond the maximum of 10 days per year. Parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for their child’s school attendance. Students with excessive absences and/or tardies will be referred to the HSE attendance officer.
At the elementary level, the half day absence mark is 10:55AM for student day. Any student arriving after 8:40AM and prior to 10:55AM will be marked half day absence.
Attendance Line
If your student will be absent from school, or tardy, for any reason, please report it to the office by 9:00am by calling the attendance line. You may leave a message 24 hours a day by calling 317-915-4210 and selecting 2.
If English is not your first language, and you would prefer to communicate an absence by email, you may send a ParentSquare message or directly email Amy Powell, at apowell@hse.k12.in.us
In an effort to comply with the Indiana Senate Enrolled Act No. 282 regarding elementary school attendance, HSE district has amended its attendance policy.
The Student Handbook for Elementary has been modified and is available to view on the district website or by clicking here: HSE Elementary Student Handbook 2024-25
Students are allowed a maximum of 10 absences in a school year.
Planned absences for more than 2 days is highly discouraged when school is in session.
If you do have a planned absence for 2 or more days, a Prearranged Absence Form should be completed and submitted to the office at least 24 hours in advance in order to be considered excused. The absences will go toward the total of 10 allowable absences for the year.
Any absence over 10 will not be excused unless accompanied by medical/legal documentation.
Attendance notification letters will be sent to parents/guardians at 5, 8 and 10 absences.
Assistant Principal, Michael Perry, will make contact by phone at 8 total absences, if not before if there are attendance concerns.
HPE's Special Ed & ENL students started the Coffee/Snack Cart today. It was a wonderful treat for our staff and our students love to learn and talk to our staff. The coffee/snack cart is a great opportunity for our Special Ed students to practice social-emotional skills and ENL students to practice speaking English.
We have created a list of items needed for the cart. Donations can be dropped off at the office. Please let the office staff know the items are for the, "COFFEE CART"!
The attached spreadsheet will be updated weekly for the items that are needed for the cart. Thank you for your donations! Our staff and students truly appreciate your support.
Lunch Menu - Week of August 26, 2024
Please be mindful there can be last minute changes.
Monday = Calzone Italian Beef Pepperoni with Roasted Sweet Chili Cauliflower
Tuesday = Walking Taco with Pinto Beans w/Salsa
Wednesday = Chicken Nuggets with Roasted Sweet Roots
Thursday = Joe Fritos Sammy with Pizza Green Beans
Friday = French Toast and Sausage with Glazed Carrots
**Daily alternate entrees: PBJ; Impossible Burger, Muffin & Yogurt Bento Box, Crispy Chicken Salad, Garden Salad.
All lunches are served with milk, vegetable and fruit.
Counselor's Corner
Hello HPE family!
This week, we are focusing on coping skills! Coping skills are essential tools that help children manage stress and emotions effectively. Teaching some simple techniques can empower them to handle challenges with resilience. Here are some examples of coping skills your child could use in those tricky moments!
1. Deep Breathing Exercises: Taking slow, deep breaths can help calm our minds and bodies when we’re feeling anxious or upset. A simple technique is to inhale deeply through the nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through the mouth.
2. Art: Use drawing, coloring, or painting to express their feelings. Art can be a powerful way for them to communicate emotions they might not yet have the words for.
3. Physical Activity: Engaging in physical activities like running, jumping, or playing sports can help release pent-up energy and can improve mood and focus.
4. Talk it Out: Create a safe space for children to talk about their feelings with a trusted adult. Sometimes just voicing concerns can help us feel understood and less overwhelmed.
5. Mindfulness: Introduce simple mindfulness practices, such as paying attention to their senses (what they see, hear, and feel) or using a “calm-down corner” with comforting items to help them center themselves when feeling stressed.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Williams
HPE School Counselor
Social Emotional Learning
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that you need to use your eyes, ears, and brain when you focus attention on something. Your child is also learning how to make an “attent-o-scope” to help focus.
Try This at Home:
When sharing important information or instructions with your child, let them know that you really need their focused attention. Ask your child to show you how an attent-o-scope helps them focus.
1st Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn that you need to use your eyes, ears, and brain when you focus attention on something. Your child is also learning to say things to yourself (self-talk) can help you pay attention.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child about what you can do to help you focus attention. What does focusing look like (Use an attent-o-scope)? What words can you say to yourself to remind you to pay attention?
2nd Grade
Your child is learning to identify examples of focused attention and focused listening as well as how to apply those skills in response to scenarios and in the context of a game.
Try this at home:
Notice when your child focuses their attention and listens when you give them a task to complete. REINFORCE the behavior with specific feedback: for example, “I can see that you’re focusing your attention on what I’m asking you to do because you’re facing me, keeping your body still, and asking questions.”
3rd Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn to identify classroom distractions and demonstrate the use of self-talk in response to different scenarios.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share with you about what self-talk means and how it can help you each day.
4th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn and practice techniques that improve their ability to focus and listen well. Listening with attention is a skill necessary for effective communication with others and academic success.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share with you about when a good time would be to practice listening with attention and how they use their listening skills each day.
Notes from the Nurse
How sick is too sick?
One area that HPE would like to touch upon is the importance of regular school attendance. We all understand that life can sometimes present unexpected challenges and circumstances that disrupt our daily routines. However, consistent attendance is vital for your child’s academic progress and overall well-being. If your child isn’t feeling 100% and you’re unsure whether to send them to school or not, here is a resource to help guide your decision from the Indiana Department of Education.
Attending school regularly not only ensures that your child doesn’t miss out on valuable instruction but also helps them develop essential habits that are crucial for success in school and later in life. We understand that occasional absences may be unavoidable due to illness or family emergencies. In such cases, please remember to notify us as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Again, we thank you for your support.
Skyward and Back to School Forms
Skyward is a school management and information system for families in the district. Each family is issued a Skyward account, which organizes all of your student(s) information, including attendance, grades, bus information, teacher assignments, etc. Please access Skyward by clicking this link.
If you have not yet done so, please complete the back-to-school forms (student information, health information, transportation needs, technology rentals, etc.) that are posted to your student's Skyward account. Please click this link to access Skyward and complete the forms.
Please complete the student health forms and consent to treat in skyward if you have not done so. If these forms are not filled out the nurse can not see or treat your child.
Deadline to have vaccines completed is 09-04-24. If vaccines aren't completed by 09-04-24, your student will not be able to attend school until they are completed. Please reach out to the nurse for any questions regarding your student's vaccines.
PTO Board Members
Co-President: Lindsey Berndt
Co-President: Mandy Leverenz
Vice President: Amanda McCullough
Treasurer: Carla Sklorenko
Co-Secretary: Jamie Davis
Co-Secretary: Kaitlin Trueblood
PTO News
PTO Website: https://hpepto.com
Join our email list: https://volunteer-45556.cheddarup.com
Contact the PTO: HPEptoVolunteer@gmail.com
Stay informed and connected to the HPE community!
Like the PTO Page - https://www.facebook.com/HPEPTO and join the Harrison Parkway
Elementary Parents group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/harrisonparkwayelementaryparents
Easy Ways to Help the PTO!
For Kroger, login to your online account or create one using the Kroger Plus Card number you already have or get a new one. Then go to www.kroger.com/communityrewards and enroll in Community Rewards. Search for “VA241” and select “HARRISON PARKWAY ELEMENTARY - PTO.”
Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit your school’s earnings online. If you find any traditional Box Top “official coupons” on a product, please clip them and send them to school.
Donate money directly to the PTO with the ‘No Frills’ fundraiser! https://no-frills-fundraiser.cheddarup.com
HPE Spirit Wear On Sale now!
HPE Spirit Wear is on sale now! Spirit Wear is all custom-ordered, so don't miss out on getting yours this year. It makes great gifts for holidays, too!
Orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your student when they are ready! Turnaround time is typically about 2 weeks. If you have any questions, please reach out to Laurie Dyer at lauriedyer@ymail.com. All orders must be submitted by the end of day on Friday 8/23!
Mums are on sale now!
We are selling a variety of fall plants to support the PTO! The 9" Garden Mums come in a variety of colors. The 9" Ornamental Kales are great for decorating and make great gifts. A variety of Houseplants are also available when purchasing online!
Follow the link to order online and share with your family and friends - Order Mums OR return the paper order form with payment to the school. Please do not return a paper form if you order online. Paper forms are due to the school no later than August 28th! Online sales will run through 9/8!
All mums, kale, and plants will be delivered to the school on 9/26 for pickup between 4-6 p.m.!
R.A.V.E. Review
Do you know an employee who makes HSE Schools a better place for others?
Do you know someone who exemplifies the Mission of HSE Schools?
Have you observed an employee who goes above and beyond their job responsibilities/duties to make a difference?
These individuals deserve a “R.A.V.E. Review.”
We recognize and appreciate that Hamilton Southeastern Schools has some of the most talented and dedicated employees. Every HSE staff member has an important role, responsibility and stake in the safety, security, and success of our students. The goal of the R.A.V.E. (Recognizing All Valuable Employees) Review is to identify and honor those, in their contributions and service to HSE Schools, exemplify our mission.
Mission Statement
Hamilton Southeastern Schools, as a forward-thinking school district, provides excellence in education and opportunities to ensure the success of each and every student, to become a responsible citizen and to positively influence an ever-changing world community.
Nomination Rules:
Staff, students, and community members can nominate HSE employees. All staff are eligible for nomination. To submit a R.A.V.E. Review, fill out a quick and easy online form and share why the individual is a 5-Star employee.
All recipients will receive a R.A.V.E. Review window cling to proudly display their nomination in their workspace, a certificate and recognition letter with their review. Each month, One R.A.V.E. Review recipient will be selected in a random drawing for a $100 gift card, courtesy of RE/MAX Complete and the Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation.
Employees can be recognized multiple times and will receive their reviews, but they will not be eligible for more than one window cling or certificate. In addition, second-time recipients will receive a coupon for a free large pizza courtesy of Domino's, in addition to their R.A.V.E. submission form.
To submit a R.A.V.E. Review:
R.A.V.E. Reviews - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
Important Parent Information
Parent Square
At HPE we communicate a lot of information through Parent Square. ParentSquare allows us to communicate with families, staff, and students via email, text and app notifications.
ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage families to access their accounts and download the mobile app in order to update their information.
For more information: https://www.hseschools.org/departments/technology/parentsquare
Transportation Change During the Day
Occasionally, parents must make unplanned transportation changes during the school day. All telephone calls must be received by 1:00 pm. This is to allow enough time to accurately deliver messages to teachers, as well as time to confirm the change if necessary. Please do not call the school after 1:00 pm to make a transportation change except in the case of extreme emergencies.
Lunch with Students
We will begin lunch visitors the week after Labor Day. Due to the limited space in the cafeteria, we will be able to accommodate 2 guests during each grade's lunch time. Once the time slots are full, we cannot accommodate any more requests for that day and no exceptions will be granted. Please be mindful that ONLY the person signing up for the lunch spot can attend. Please only sign up for one slot during a school week. Every Friday, we will post the next weeks sign up. You MUST have an approved background check on file.
Visitor Guidelines:
All visitors will need to have their ID with them to sign in and sign out of the building. All visitors must have an approved valid Safe Visitor background check on file with the district before coming into the building. Visitors are required to wear their visitor badge and lanyard while in the building.
All visitors must eat lunch with their child at the table designated for visitors.
NO restaurant food or drink may be brought in, Ex: McDonalds, Chic Fil A, Jimmie Johns etc. You can bring a lunch from home or you have the option to buy a school lunch ($4.30) (again, no restaurant food). If purchasing a school lunch, you will need to bring exact change or a check (you may not charge this purchase to your child’s lunch account).
Phones must be put away at all times. Please note that visitors should not take photos of students due to FERPA privacy.
Students will not be pulled out of lunch to eat with siblings.
Siblings not attending HPE will be discouraged from attending lunch due to space constraints.
You may only have your child eat lunch with you during this time. Friends and students who are extended family are not permitted
We ask that when your child lines up with their class at the end of lunch, you check out in the office to turn your badge and lanyard in.
More information will come soon about how to sign up. We look forward to seeing you in the Café!
Volunteering and the Background Check Process
Parents/visitors to HPE must have a background check on file with the school (including watching the anti-bullying video and completing the video survey) in order to volunteer in the school or to have lunch with a student. The link for the background check information can be found on link below at https://www.hseschools.org/departments/school-safety under Visiting and Volunteering.
The background checks are conducted by a 3rd party company, and are good for three years at any school in the district. These background checks will cost $15.95. (Please note - this process could take 3 to 6 business days). Once your background check is approved, watch for a badge notification email from “info@safevisitorsolutions.com.” Your badge will be attached as a PDF. You can either print it, save it on your phone, or download the SafeVisitor app. A photo will be required and added upon your first visit to the school.
Safe Visitor Badge
Per HSE Policy, visitors must have their Safe Visitor Badge scanned to check-in to the building. Please have ID ready when entering the building to allow staff to have you checked into Safe Visitor.
Upon leaving, please give your printed badge to the office staff for quick check-out.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tobi Fields at 317-594-4100.
Lost & Found
Harrison Parkway Elementary has a Lost & Found located outside of the Music Room for any lost items. On the last day of each month, we donate all items to charities that serve people in need. Please have your student check it out if they are missing items.
Updates from Mudsock Youth Athletics:
Register Now for Winter Basketball:
- Boys Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Boys Basketball rec season (K - 8th) and (New) Mudsock Elite (formerly Rec+) is open at myathletics.com. Travel tryout registration (3rd – 6th) is also open. Please note, Mudsock Elite will be separate from the rec league; players who register for Mudsock Elite will NOT be required to register for rec basketball. Learn more.
- Girls Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Girls Basketball rec season (K-8) is open now at myathletics.com, along with Mudsock Select (formerly Travel) for 3rd – 6th graders. Learn more.
Winter Scholarships - Are you interested in winter registration scholarship opportunities with our leagues? Families can apply for one per season per child and must apply and be accepted during our open registration period. For winter sports these dates are 8/1 – 8/31. Email info@myathletics.com.
(New) esports - Registration for our brand-new esports league is just around the corner, and it’s open to gamers age 8-15. Team play kicks off this winter. Information will be updated here soon.
Fall Updates:
- (New) Fire Elite Fall Cross Country Option – Open to athletes in the 10U - 15U age divisions, participants must register for the recreational cross country season at myathletics.com to be considered for Fire Elite. Athletes who qualify and are approved by the board will be offered roster spots early in the season. Learn more about this advanced program.
- Mudsock Youth Softball All-Star Tryouts – Attend the parent/guardian information meeting on August 28th and learn more about this program here.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information.
HSE Report It!
A school safety mobile reporting app that allows students, staff and community members to provide anonymous information about concerns for their own safety or the safety of others. HSE Report it!, can be downloaded via Google Play or the Apple App Store. It’s anonymous and reports are made exclusively through the mobile app. HSE Report it! will has no length limitations or the need to remember a short code. Reporters can attach photos, screenshots, videos, documents and/or audio recordings to their concerns and they can engage in a two-way dialogue with a real person.
Harrison Parkway Elementary School
Website: https://hpe.hseschools.org/
Location: 14135 Harrison Parkway, Fishers, IN, United States
Phone: 317-915-4210
Twitter: @HPEPatriots
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551616581898