Wrangler Weekly
Week of January 12, 2025
Message from Mrs. Bratton, principal
I want to start by thanking all of you in the parent pick up line who showed patience (and your rider number) during these cold & wet afternoons. Having that BIG BOLD number displayed is SO appreciated! 💙
If you would like a another print out of your rider number, you can request one with this quick form.
This week we reviewed expectations with all students by grade level during Wrangler Time. Some adjustments to share with you are the expectation to got to tutoring in the morning and then stay there until the bell rings to go to 1st period; we have had too many students socializing in the hallways, creating distractions for what needs to be a quiet, focused environment. So, once students go to a classroom for tutoring, they will be expected to stay there the duration of tutoring time.
Also, there is an update to ID infraction policy: when you have 10 ID infractions that will result in 1 lunch detention; if a student gets 20 ID infractions, that will result in 2 lunch detentions and 30 will be 3 lunch detentions. The majority of our students are doing GREAT with their IDs; there are some who need a little more encouragement.
We hope you can join us this coming week for the PTA meeting on Tuesday morning and the SVHS Football Rally Celebration on Wednesday night!
Additional excitement this coming week includes another SBMS pep rally to recognize winter sports. If you plan to attend the pep rally, please complete this quick form so we can avoid long lines and have your visitor badge ready for you.
With Wrangler Pride,
Mrs. Bratton
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Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
Student attendance for the week of Jan 7-10:
6th grade: 96%
7th grade: 95%
8th grade: 95%
Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday, January 13
SBMS 5th Grade Parent Night 6 - 7:30 PM
Comal ISD job fair, Support Services building, 5-630pm
Tuesday, January 14
PTA General Membership meeting, 9:30am SBMS library
Wednesday, January 15
SV Football State Championship Community Rally, Ranger Stadium 6pm
Thursday, January 16
Winter pep rally, 10am
Girls soccer vs MVMS
Boys BB vs CMS, 7th away, 8th home
Friday, January 17
FCA in main gym before school
Theater One Act Play, SVHS
Saturday, January 18
Boys BB tournament, 7th at DMS, 8th at CHMS
Girls soccer tournament at SBMS
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
Comal ISD Job Fair - Jan 13
Comal ISD is hosting a job fair on January 13th from 5-6:30pm at the CISD Support Services building for various positions available throughout Comal. Visit comalisd.org/jobs for more information.
8th grade course selection option: SVHS Piano class option
Dear 8th graders and parents...did you know that SVHS has piano classes? That's right! You can learn to play piano in high school! It is a class during the regular school day and counts as a Fine Arts elective. Sign up for Piano I when your student meets with their counselor for their course selections. If you already know how to play piano or if you play a different instrument but know how to read music, you can sign up for Piano I Accelerated. If you sign up for the accelerated class, I will contact you later in the semester to assess your knowledge and skill.
Dance Team Tryout Clinics - Jan 27
Your SVHS Silver Spurs and Silverado dance teams are hosting one more upcoming tryout clinic on Monday January 27th. Click here to register.
8th graders -- SVHS Cheer Tryout Mandatory Meeting - Feb 3 or Feb 5
Do you want to be a Smithson Valley High School Cheerleader? Cheer tryouts are quickly approaching! If you would like to try out for the cheer team, you and a parent MUST attend a tryout meeting on February 3rd or February 5th at 6:30 pm in the library at SVHS. You MUST attend ONE meeting in order to tryout. We hope to see you there!
Daddy Daughter Dance - Feb 22
Join the SBMS Silver Stars dance team for a night of enchantment at our annual Daddy Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 22. Families that register by January 18th will receive a tshirt.
Para información en español, haga clic aquí.
A Message from Nurse Keith
Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Save the Date: 6th & 7th End of Year Parties
It may seem like a long way away, but the end of the year will be here before we know it! Please mark your calendars…the 6th and 7th grade parties will take place on Thursday, May 15th and we'd love to have you there to help the students have the best End of Year Party ever!
There will be inflatables, music, snow cones, games and more. Please contact Amy Granfors at amygranfors@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Volunteer Sign Up coming soon! All visitors on campus must have a current CISD Background Check. You can fill it out the form here.
Parking Drawing
Want to skip the after school pickup line? You read that right! Enter the drawing for a chance to win so that you can pull into the front parking lot, park in your own VIP spot and your child will walk out to your car after dismissal.
For every SBMS PTA membership you buy, you will be entered into a drawing for our Membership VIP parking spot.
If you’ve already joined, don’t worry, you’ll be entered in as well! And there’s more: Student, sibling, and grandparent PTA memberships also earn you extra entries! Sign the whole family up and support SBMS PTA!
Don’t wait! This drawing will take place Friday, January 10th
The winner will be contacted and announced on our Facebook page, and will be able to use their VIP spot immediately and for the remainder of the nine weeks.
Navy and White Parking Space Raffle
Click the link below to enter to win. You have 2 chances to park up front and the PTA uses the funds to help our students and school…it’s a win-win!
Want a break from the car pick up line? Buy a raffle ticket for our 3rd 9week NAVY and White Parking Spots in the front parking lot!
Help support SBMS PTA upcoming events and teacher grants while trying to save yourself from the long lines!
Drop off and pick up for a 9-weeks starting 1/13/25 through 3/14/25.
The raffle is active online! The system will automatically end and notify the winners on 1/12 at midnight. It will also auto email the winner!
Thank You to IRC Roofing
We appreciate our sponsors so much! We couldn’t do such wonderful things for our community without your support.
Thank you for partnering with SBMS PTA this school year! Thank you to our 2024 Wrangler Round-Up Title Sponsor IRC Roofing
Check them out! Local / Experienced / Quality Work / Communication.
January 20: Student/Staff holiday
January 23: Girls soccer at DMS
January 25: Girls soccer at PRMS tournament
January 27: SVHS dance team tryout clinic
January 30: Girls soccer at CMS
February 1: Chess Tournament at CLHS
February 3 or 5: Ranger cheer mandatory tryout meeting, SVHS Library 6:30pm
February 6: Girls Soccer semi-finals at CHMS
February 8: UIL Tournament
February 8: Girls Soccer championship at CHS
February 12: Girls Soccer at SVMS
February 14: Student holiday/staff development
February 17: Student and staff holiday
February 22: UIL Tournament
February 22: Silver Stars Daddy Daughter Dance
February 25: Pre-UIL band concert
February 26: Track vs SVMS at SVHS
February 27: Tennis vs DMS at SVHS
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers