Principal's Summer Updates
July 19, 2024
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
I hope you are having a restful summer vacation!
The administrative team has been hard at work preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. It is hard to believe that August is already around the corner.
Please be on the lookout on August 1st for your child's welcome letter and classroom supply list from his/her teacher.
I hope you enjoy these updates!
Looking Ahead
August 18th
- St. Mary of the Assumption Annual Parish BBQ (12-3 p.m. after 11 a.m. Mass)
- Back to School Professional Development for Faculty & Staff
August 28
- St. Mary's Night at Fenway Park!
September 3
- No School: Parent/Teacher Meet & Greet with ice cream truck
- 11:00-11:30 PreK-2
- 11:30-12:00 Grades 3-8
September 4
- First Day of School: Grades 1-8 - Early Dismissal: 11:30
September 5
- Orientation: Grades PreK-K2 (9:30-10:30)
September 6
- First Day of School: Grades PreK-K2 - Early Dismissal: 11:30 (for PreK-K2 students only)
September 9
- EDP Begins
- Brookline Lunch Program Begins
September 21
- St. Mary's 5K!
Congratulations to our Students on their MAPS testing results!
We recently received the MAPS results for the Spring session and we could not be more proud of our students! Over 75% of our students are exceeding expectations in both reading and mathematics! To put this in perspective only about 40% of students in Massachusetts Public schools are exceeding expectations in both reading and mathematics. These results show a significant growth in performance from the Fall. We are so proud of our students for all of their hard work and of our teachers who worked hard throughout the year to prepare their students to be able meet these benchmarks!
Welcome Suzette, Director of Early Childhood Education!
Suzette Torres-Perrier recently joined our team at St. Mary's as our Director of Early Childhood Education! Suzette was born and raised in the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, located in the Caribbean. She originally began her career as a teacher's assistant before attending Fisher College in order to obtain her director certification. She has been involved in many programs in and around Boston where she has cared for and mentored children and young adults. When she isn't working, Suzette loves to travel and experience different cultures around the world! We are so excited to welcome Suzette to St. Mary's to help enhance our Early Childhood Education programs!
Our Partnership with Catholic Schools Foundation
As many of you may know, our school has a strong partnership with the Catholic Schools Foundation. Catholic Schools Foundation is a Boston-based organization that has been providing support to students, families, and schools over the past thirty years. The mission of CSF is to provide families with financial support so their children can receive a quality education and a bright future. CSF works hard to help schools build and maintain sustainability, helping to guarantee a bright future for Catholic education. They also work to minimize the financial barrier that may stand in the way of families sending their children to Catholic schools. Over the last several years the Catholic Schools Foundation has been extremely generous to our school. They have helped us to significantly increase the amount of financial aid that we are able to offer to our families, allowing our school to continue to grow and thrive. We are so grateful to have this strong partnership supporting our school and our families.
Early Childhood Update
We wanted to take the time to express our gratitude to the Early Childhood teachers, Ms. Crapo, Ms. Porcello, Ms. Creamer, Ms. Curley, and Ms. Schneiders, who have been working hard to support our new director, Suzette as they continue to pursue licensure for our infant-toddler program! They are working hard to get our program licensed as soon as possible, and that is no easy task. They have put in a lot of hard work and dedication to ensure that we have all necessary materials to submit to the State in order to become a licensed program.
Construction Update
We are so grateful for the team of construction workers who have been working hard to create a space for our infant-toddler program! They have made amazing progress in the short month since the last day of school to ensure that we will have a beautiful space for our infant-toddler program as soon as the licensure process is complete.
Uniform Ordering
It's time to order your uniforms from Land's End for the new school year! We highly recommend that you place your uniform orders as soon as possible due to the fact that Land's End tends to get backordered closer to the start of the school year. To order your uniforms please visit the following link:
Time to Register for the 5K!
We are so excited to be hosting our second annual St. Mary's 5K on September 21st, 2024! We now have the link to sign-up to run! To sign up please use the following link: https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Brookline/StMaryoftheAssumptionSchool5K
St. Mary's Night at Fenway!
Join the St. Mary of the Assumption School community for a night of fun at Fenway!
Secure your seats now and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the school.
Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The purchase deadline is August 4th, 2024. Please click on this link to purchase tickets for $40 each.
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 7:00 PM
Fenway Park, Jersey Street, Boston, MA
St. Mary's Cookbooks are in! (and there's still time to place an order!)
The St. Mary's Cookbooks are in! We are so excited to have this collection of recipes contributed by members of our school community. In case you are looking for a fun summer activity, there is still time to order your cookbook! The St. Mary's staff would love to see photos of you working on these recipes throughout the summer. To order a cookbook please use the following link: https://forms.gle/ygDwxvmz9KcwyuSi6. The cookbooks will be available for pick up on Wednesday, July 24th between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.. If you have already ordered a cookbook you will be receiving an email about pickup/delivery options.
Follow Us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema