From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
April 12, 2017
TECH TALK - 101 Free Tech Tools for Teachers
Are you looking for the best tech tools to use in your classroom? Look no further... Download Now. SimpleK12, meticulously scavanged the internet in search of the best free classroom tech tools. which you will find listed in this free eBook
Supporting Parents as Learning Partners: Quality Use of Technology at Home
bloomz - Monica Burns
Thursday, April 13, 5:00 PM (EDT)
The New Art and Science of Teaching
ASCD - Robert Marzano
Thursday, April 13, 3:00 PM (EDT)
Bringing Coding and Creativity to the Classroom
LittleBits - Christopher Dunkel and Killt Knight
Thursday, April 13, 2:00 PM (EDT)
Worksheets Don't Build Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies that Engage the Brain
edWeb - Marcia L. Tate
Tuesday, April 18, 2:00 pm (EDT)
Sustainable Financial Aid: A Strategy for Growth
CACE Innovation Webinar - Chuck Evans
April 25, 2:00 PM (EDT)
Digital Learning Trends at Private Schools
Seven Star - Julie Evans
Tuesday, April 25, 4:00 PM (EST)
How Can Digital Badges and Portfolios Show Proficiency?
Richer Picture - Dr. David Niguidula
Wednesday, April 26, 4:00 P< (EST)
FOR TEACHERS: Using Quick Check-Ins to Measure Students' Understanding
Giving students choices in their assessments can help teachers better gauge what students know and what they need for differentiated lessons the next day, educator and author Mike Anderson writes in this blog post. Anderson describes choice assessments using fifth-grade classes and offers tips for implementation.
FOR PARENTS: Why Social Media is Not Smart for Middle School Kids
Wondering why your middle schooler's social media use has ratcheted up your stress levels? Understanding the brain at this age can help you. Tweens' brains are simply too immature to use social media appropriately. Learn more here.
FOR TEACHERS: What One Teacher Learned by Watching Her Own Teaching
FOR SCHOOL LEADERS: Schools Worth Visiting
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 708-293-4984
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka