Weekly Update

27-29: No School
4: Math Fact Scholars, 8:10am
10: Chipotle Spirit Night, 4-8pm
11: Early Release Day, 2pm Dismissal
11: Math Fact Scholars, 8:10am
14: Master Kim's Parents Night Out
18: Math Fact Scholars, 8:10am
19: Winter Parties during Specials Times
20: Half Day, 1:05pm Dismissal
23-January 3 - No School
Current Attendance Percentage
Spirit of Giving Donations Needed
Please click the image to contribute to our Spirit of Giving fund and support Mason Ridge families in need over the holidays.
November & December Lunch Dates
Click the image to sign up for an November lunch date! Click here to sign up for a December lunch date.
Specialist Newsletters
Art News
Way to go, Mark Twain Winners!
November News from Nurse Wos
Please click the image to open the newsletter.
Sustainability News from Miss Marston
Please click the image for news from Miss Marston.
PTO News
Corporate Match
If you donated to MMF, please check if your company HR Dept has a Matching Gift Program before EOY books close.
Yearbooks on sale!
Yearbooks are on sale now! Order yours before 12/15 for $18.50. Price goes up to $25 after that. Order here!
Gift Wrapping Volunteers Needed
Give back time to our Teachers/Staff this holiday season-Sign up to help wrap their holiday gifts and you don't have to be an approved volunteer since not with kids.
Chipotle Spirit Night on 12/10
Save the date 12/10 (after wrapping) for our last spirit night of the year at Des Peres Chipotle
Support Mason Ridge PTO
Click the image to donate!
Master Kim's Parents Night out
Need a night to yourself? We've got you covered 12/14 . Drop the kids off for a fun night + dinner and earn $ for MR! Click here to register.
Minted for Mason Ridge
If you haven’t ordered your holiday cards yet, please consider shopping Minted this year using our promo code (FUNDRAISEMASONRIDGE) from now until December 31st. As a reminder, you’ll get 20% off your order and 15% will be donated back to Mason Ridge at the end of the year, so every bit helps.
Mason Ridge PTO Facebook Page
In an effort to streamline communications, follow our new Facebook page to be on top of all the latest fun PTO happenings at school.
Helpful School Information
School Hours
Morning Arrival: Doors Open at 8:45 am, Carpool Gates close at 9:00am
Afternoon Dismissal: All students should be picked up by 4:10 pm
About Us
Email: jbuchek@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/17
Location: 715 South Mason Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6450
Absence Line: 314-415-6476
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MasonRidgeElementary
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pkwymason_ridge/