Hunt Middle School
Parent Newsletter - Week of May 11, 2020
Materials/Personal Belongings Pick Up
Please make sure you read this parent newsletter regarding details for picking up personal items at Hunt and dropping off school property. Students in Athletics, Band, or Orchestra should have received an email with specific instructions on returning items for these programs and getting personal belongings from athletics lockers.
Senior Class of 2020 Video
Yearbook Orders - Last Chance for Limited Yearbooks
As we all adapt to change, one thing that remains constant is the yearbook tradition of documenting the history of our students and our school year. We are pleased to announce that our yearbook staff has worked hard to complete the yearbook and make sure it was printed and delivered before summer. Students/Parents that already purchased a yearbook were notified on May 8th, via email, that the books would be handed out as part of the Materials Exchange Days (May 19-21).
There are a few extra yearbooks available for purchase. You can purchase one of these few remaining copies by clicking this link: http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01112854
20-21 Student Registration Information for Current FISD Students
Dear Parents:
The annual returning student registration snapcode notifications will begin May 18-28 for students enrolled prior to April 17. The primary student contact will receive a unique snapcode via email to complete the registration process online for each student. Parents of students who enrolled for the 2019-20 school year after April 17 can expect to receive their invitation emails June 15-23.
Proof of residency information will also be collected electronically for all campuses this year via a separate online form. The link to upload the yearly proof of residency will be available May 12. Please visit http://www.friscoisd.org/about/enroll next week for further details.
8th Grade Pictures/Videos for HOWL TV or EOY Video
8th Grade Husky Parents,
Please submit videos for HOWL TV and 8th Grade EOY video. Ms. Glennon has created a photo share. If you are a current 8th grader, please submit any photos of you and other 8th grade friends to https://photos.app.goo.gl/MtqeUkjMF1Urm3zf8
Thanks - HOWL TV
NJHS Induction & Awards Ceremony (change for NJHS)
- 5/12/20 - NJHS Induction Ceremony - This will be conducted live through Zoom. New inductees & their parents should receive an email with information to participate.
- 5/18/20 - Awards Ceremony (DATE CHANGE) - We will send a link to parents and students so they are able to watch the virtual awards ceremony on 5/18/20.
Certificates will be given when students pick up their personal belongings from Hunt (more information to come on dates/times).
Cleaning & Disinfecting Guidelines from the Texas Poison Center
Look here for really good information from the Texas Poison Control Center about the difference between Cleaning and Disinfecting. It also includes How to Disinfect with different products and safety information - Poison Prevention.
At the top of the page from the link below, click on TX Poison Control COVID-19
Nurse Solomon
Required Immunizations BEFORE 7th Grade
Letters are being mailed home this week regarding the Immunization Requirements for 7th grade. Please contact your child's physician to see if they need these immunizations or if they have had them already.
- IF they have had the immunizations, please request an updated copy of the immunization record and email it to the nurse office. Please do NOT fax records at this time.
- IF your child still needs to have these immunizations done, please make arrangements to have these completed and then provide the documentation to the nurse office
- Students need to have the immunizations completed and documentation provided before they can get their schedules or start school in August
- IF you never receive a letter, please email the nurse to inquire if your student is complete or still needs the immunization documentation provided to the nurse office
School Holidays
- May 22, 2020
- May 25, 2020
eLearning will be adjusted for the days/weeks included in the current closure. If school is back in session by May 22/25, there will be no school on those days.
Technology Support
- Students should never share their passwords with others. Likewise, a student should never log into someone else's accounts. If a student ever needs to change their password, they should go to the Student Portal and search for Password Change. They can reset it themselves.
- On the FISD Student Page and Parent Page there are links to this technology support site: https://fisd.instructure.com/courses/53785 (see screenshots below)
- The FISD tech support helpline: 469-633-6222 is another option available to parents ans students.
eLearning Reminders
- FISD Library/Literacy Resources
- FISD Frequently Used Online Resources
- Please ask your students to check their FISD email, Canvas Inbox, and Canvas Announcements for each class they are in.
- Here is a suggested eLearning Schedule for home
- FISD's Netiquette Guidelines.
- Here is the page that includes all previous newsletters.
- The deadline to turn in all lessons/activities from this previous week is 11:59 pm on Sunday.
- The eLearning lesson plans for the upcoming week will be posted on campus websites at 12:00 pm on Monday for the week.
- Teacher virtual office hours for accessibility are:
1:00-3:00 pm on Monday
9:00-11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm Tuesday - Friday
- RAIL Tutoring Information
Counseling Services Available During eLearning/School Closure
We want to make sure Hunt students' Social Emotional Needs are met while they are experiencing school in a drastically different way. We encourage parents and students to reach out for support, but the counselors only work virtually during the school day and are available from 9-11AM and 1-3 PM. If you or your student are experiencing an emergency or have a need outside of these hours, please call 911 or the appropriate organization for help. The counselors will continue to support students virtually in a way that is as similar as possible to a typical school day. Please complete the appropriate form if you need support from the counselor:
- Request to virtually meet with Mr. Stevens (last name A-K).
- Request to virtually meet with Mrs. Gaddis (last name L-Z) .
Additional Resources/Social Emotional Lessons (SEL):
- Hunt Counselor's Website
- Student Self-Care Tips for Virtual Learning
- SMU Center for Family Counseling Telehealth Services (NEW)
Zoom Hangouts w/HMS Counselors
If your student has questions about e-learning, organization, or stress management or miss seeing their friends. Encourage them to join the Counselors for a fun video chat where you can get your questions answered while also seeing some familiar faces. Join us every Friday at:
- 10:00 am: All Grades - https://zoom.us/j/236642054
If Your Child Receives Special Education or 504 Services:
- Parents of students receiving SPED services should communicate directly with their case manager and/or teacher.
- Students on a 504 plan should communicate directly with the teacher. If you have a specific question related to the 504 process or need information on your child's 504, please contact the 504 coordinator, Kelli Watters (wattersk@friscoisd.org).
- If the teacher, case manager, or 504 coordinator (504 students only) are not able to address your concern, you may contact an administrator (A-K Last Name: Dr. Chevalier chevalierm@friscoisd.org; L-Z Last Name: Mrs. Williams bobov@friscoisd.org).
HMS Social Media and Websites
Please follow our social media pages for ongoing information about Hunt.
Facebook - Hunt Middle School
Instagram - hunt_middle_fisd
Twitter - @Hunt Middle
HMS Counseling - Website
Hunt PTA - HMS PTA Website
HMS Contact Information
Email: hunt@friscoisd.org
Website: http://schools.friscoisd.org/campus/middle-school/hunt/home
Location: 4900 Legendary Drive, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 469-633-5200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hunt-Middle-School-523106827769099/
Twitter: @HuntMiddle