
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
2/4 - The 100th Day of School!
2/6 - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30PM - 6:30PM
2/7 - NO SCHOOL -Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00AM - 11:40AM
2/11 - EHS Socialization 10AM/3:30PM
2/13 - Policy Council Meeting 11:30am-12:30pm
2/18 - Parent Connection Group @BB GYM 5PM-6PM
Dear Bright Beginnings Families,
The month of February is always such a fun month in preschool! We will celebrate Kindness week and highlight friendship at our building. We also start our spring conferences and get the opportunity to show you all the growth your child has made!
February & April Conferences
This year, parent-teacher conferences will be split between February and April. Your child’s teacher will reach out to schedule a time to discuss their progress and goals. You child will be scheduled for one time during these two months. Stay tuned for more details!
Kindergarten Visits – First Week of March
If your child is heading to Kindergarten next year, you’ll have an opportunity to visit schools during the first week of March. These visits include a tour, giving you a chance to explore the school and learn more about what to expect.
District Kindergarten Enrollment Begins March 1
Don’t forget to schedule an appointment to enroll your child in kindergarten, starting March 1st. Early enrollment helps ensure a smooth transition into the next school year!
Bright Beginnings Applications Open April 1
Families interested in Bright Beginnings for the 2025-2026 school year can apply starting April 1st. If your child is currently attending preschool, you do not need to reapply. However, all new applicants must complete the enrollment process.
Emergency Contact Information
Please ensure that you have updated your contact information if anything has changed such as phone numbers, work numbers, authorized person to pick up your child, address, etc.
Thank you for being a part of our preschool community! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Bianca Alvarez
Bright Beginnings Bumble Bees
Preschool Education
Literacy is a huge part of our learning we do here at school, it includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Phonological Awareness (playing with the sounds in words) is where we begin, naming and identifying letters and their sounds, knowledge of print, comprehending books, and practicing writing skills are all pieces that make up literacy.
Phonological Awareness
Letter Names and Sounds
We have been learning a letter a day for many days now, we are into our third cycle through the whole alphabet. Mrs. Andreas’s children are searching for specific letters.
Knowledge of Print
Comprehends Books
As Mrs. Blackburn reads to her class, students show comprehension by making predictions, answering questions, making connections to their own lives, and asking questions about the book.
Retells Stories
The children in Ms. Amy’s class are retelling the story of about trains using the toys from around the classroom.
Writes Name
Preschool Parent/Child February Activity Calendar
Parent/Child Activity Calendar for the month of November
- Review and Approval of the December Minutes
- Kansas Early Head Start Home Visitation Renewal Grant
- Kansas Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Renewal Grant
- EHS Payment Contract
- Income Verification 2025-2026
- Priority Criteria 2025-2026
- Director's Report
- Monthly Fiscal Report
Our next Policy Council Meeting is on February 13 from 11:30-12:30pm in the Policy Council Room at Bright Beginnings.
If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or Brenda Carmona for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council. We are so excited to share our program information with parents and have our parents guide our program decisions.
Our Next Parent Event
Civic Center
We hope to see you there!
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 05:00 PM
2100 1st Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Thank you for sharing your children with us and being a part of our Bright Beginnings School Family! Your School and Class families are growing and learning!
Children are forming relationships with their adults and peers in the class families. With those relationships come big feelings as they develop ways to recognize their feelings, how their choices impact others and how to respond to other's feelings. All of these experiences are part of forming friendships. We work together to give the children tools and strategies to do just that! The safe place, calming corner and area in the room, adults being present to co-regulate with the children, and bringing a sense of safety and unity. We will keep meeting and helping our "Feeling Buddies" to practice regulation, empathy, and being a good friend to ourselves and others. See the video of our Friends Time with our Buddies for an example. Also, come and meet the Buddies during Parent Connection Times on Tuesdays.
During Friend's Time this month we will continue to practice our assertive skills as well as learning how our choices impact our learning. The Power of Empathy reminds us that "It is what it is and he skill of Acceptance. Your have the opportunity to learn what your child is learning by clicking on the links below, on the Social Emotional Google Site, and following on Facebook/Talking Points.
Look below for more information on Parent/Guardian Friends Time and Parent Connection Groups/Mini Sessions on topics and the monthly evening Parent Connection Session. I look forward to seeing you at the School Readiness Parent Event.
Be looking for ways to join in any or all of these opportunities as well as on Facebook, Talking Points, and when we see each other in the hallways. We are in this together!
Thank you for being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family! You got this family!
Wishing you Well!
~Miss Melyssa
Parent Friends Time and Evening Group
February's Focus is Social Emotional Focus
Read Aloud by Miss Melyssa
Friends Time with the Feeling Buddies
Sophie's New Sibling
To teach a toddler to brush their teeth, you can make it fun, use a reward system, and demonstrate how to brush.
Make it fun
· Sing a song: Pick a song your child likes or make up a new one
· Play a video: Watch a toothbrushing video or app
· Use a battery-powered toothbrush: This can make brushing more fun and help teach proper
brushing motions
· Brush a toy: Use a teddy bear or other toy to show your child how to brush their teeth
Use a reward system
· Create a reward chart: Give your child a sticker or point for every time they brush their teeth
· Offer a reward: Give your child a treat like an extra book or a special outing
Demonstrate how to brush
· Let your child watch you: Show your child how you brush your teeth
· Ask other family members to help: Have siblings or parents brush their teeth with your child
· Take turns: Let your child brush their teeth and then brush theirs
Other tips
· Use a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles
Use a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste for children ages 3 to 6
Use a smear for children under age 3
· Brush in small circles, making sure to brush the gums and the insides of teeth
· Set a timer for two minutes
· Praise your child for good brushing habits
Kendra Tieben BSN, RN
Health/Nutrition Facilitator~School Nurse
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
BB 620-371-1227 T/Wam/R
EHS 620-371-1260 M/Wpm/F
Our classrooms have been up to some fun during January. We are playing outside almost daily! Please be sure to send your child in appropriate clothing. Hats, mittens, and coats will keep us warm when we go outside! We go outside if the “feels like” is 20 degrees or more.
Enrollment for next year has started. If you are planning on sending your child to Bright Beginnings Preschool please speak with your Family Advocate to schedule an appointment.
Mark your calendars! Conferences at the daycare will be throughout the week of February 3-7. Your teacher will schedule a time to meet with you. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s areas of growth and opportunities for development. We look forward to connecting with each of you.
We will also have a Special Person day in each room. One adult is able to attend child care with their child from 2:30-3:30pm. Each room has a different day scheduled. Please plan to take your child home afterwards if you attend. See flyer below
Kimber Barry
Early Head Start Specialist
Ms. America’s class playing outside
Ms. Samantha’s class reading stories
Arts and crafts in Ms. Maisbel's class
Ms. Monica's room
The infants are working on sitting up!
Ms. Samantha's Class
Dotting around their letter name.
Ms. Maisbel's Class
working on number 3 art craft
Daycare February 2025 Parent Calendar
Our Early Head Start Socialization will be held at the Dodge City Public Library for the month of February. Please bring your child to socialize with other children their age. We will have story time, Snack and we will provide a free book.
Bring your ID and $1 to open a library card!
Tuesday, February 11
Dodge City Public Library
1001 N. Second Ave.
The Children's Department is towards the back of the building.