Superintendent Update
District Strategy 2023-2028
A Shared Vision for the Dover-Sherborn Public Schools
Through the superintendent entry process, I sought to deepen my knowledge of the District through conversations with stakeholders, observations of systems and routines, the collection and analysis of data, and a review of documents and policies.
Following last spring's publication of the Superintendent's Report of Entry Findings, the Leadership Team conducted an analysis of emerging priorities and identified strategic objectives and initiatives that will drive our work over the next five years.
The District Strategy outlines five key areas for growth and development:
- EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION IN LEARNING - Maintain academic excellence and rigor while adapting practices to prepare graduates for success in a rapidly changing world.
- CHALLENGE & SUPPORT ALL STUDENTS - Enhance programming to ensure all students are able to achieve their full potential within a supportive learning environment.
- PROFESSIONAL LEARNING & GROWTH - Expand opportunities for professional growth and collaboration among educators in support of the District’s vision for teaching and learning.
- FAMILY & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Engage families and community members in the strategic pursuit of a shared vision and mission.
- SAFE & SUSTAINABLE SPACES - Evaluate and update facilities to ensure safe, sufficient and sustainable spaces amidst a changing educational and environmental landscape.
A recording (minute 38:24) of the September 12th formal presentation to the three school committees and accompanying slides are available as well.
Moving forward, the District Strategy will drive all decision-making and inform school improvement plans and educator goals as we work collectively to bring to fruition a shared vision for the Dover-Sherborn schools.
District Profile
Highlighting Academic Excellence
As a means to highlight students' dynamic learning experiences and their academic, artistic and athletic achievements, the District publishes various documents for reference by community stakeholders and post-secondary institutions.
Please take a few moments to learn more about the programming and student outcomes that make Dover-Sherborn an exceptional school system.
Communication Hub
School News All in One Place
- Juggling newsletters for children in multiple schools?
- Can't find the link to that permission slip?
- Curious about what is happening at the high school level?
Check out the Communication Hub located on the homepage of the new district website.
Newsletters from all four schools are posted and archived in the Communication Hub with the goal of increasing access to information (and reducing stress) for parents and caregivers.
Snow Days & Emergency Information
Register for Text Messages
While the last few weeks have allowed New England to maintain its reputation for significant shifts in weather patterns - 70 degrees one day, 40 the next, inevitably winter will settle in and snow will arrive.
As has been past practice, the District will rely on the expertise of local meteorologists and input from our partners in public works and safety to determine whether it is prudent for students and staff to travel to school. When there is little or no doubt that a significant storm will affect commuting hours, school may be canceled the night before. Otherwise, barring unforeseen circumstances, decisions will be made prior to 5:30 AM to allow families time to plan accordingly. If school is already in session and weather is likely to affect afternoon travel, an early dismissal may be considered.
Messages will be sent via School Messenger in the form of phone calls, texts and emails. Local news stations will also post updates.
On Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 PM, families not yet registered for emergency text messages will receive a text message from "DSPS." Please follow the prompts to "opt-in."
As a reminder, the practice of receiving "reverse 911" calls has evolved as many families no longer have land lines. If you wish to receive emergency calls from the Towns of Dover, Sherborn and/or Boston relative to a wider range of issues, please click on the links below. You need not live in a particular community to access their messages.
Superintendent Office Hours
Upcoming Zoom Sessions
- Want to learn more about district goals and initiatives?
- Have a question about district protocols and practices?
- Wish to share an idea or suggestion?
Zoom-in for one of these "office hour" sessions:
- Thursday, November 2 @ 9-10 AM
- Wednesday, November 8 @ 9-10 AM
- Monday, November 13 @ 6:30-7:30 PM
- Tuesday, November 28 @ 6:30-7:30 PM
Save the Dates
Reconnecting to Our Roots
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since we partnered with Challenge Success and 5 years since we developed the Dover-Sherborn Portrait of a Graduate.
Since then, we have experienced a pandemic, transitioned leaders at various levels and welcomed several new families to the district. As a result, our primary goal this year is to reground ourselves in the principles that define who we are and who we aspire to be as an institution rooted in academic excellence, social-emotional wellness and student belonging.
Whether you are a new family or a more veteran one, please join us for these upcoming events as we reconnect to our roots as a community:
- Challenge Success: The Well-Balanced Student - November 8 @ 6:30 PM, High School Auditorium
- Challenge Success: The Well-Balanced Child - January 9 @ 6:30 PM, Zoom
- Superintendent State of the District - January 24 @ 6:30 PM, Middle School Library
- Restorative Practices in Student Discipline - February 8 @ 6:30 PM, Middle School Library
- Portrait of a Graduate: Industry Panel - March 7 @ 6:30 PM, Sherborn Town Library
Portrait of a Graduate: College Panel - March 27 @ 6:30 PM, Dover Town Library
Acknowledging World Events
The ongoing crisis in the Middle East has profound implications for our community, particularly for those of us with ties to the area. Our top priority as educators is to support our students and staff as they grapple with the realities of the conflict individually and collectively. We do this in two ways: one, by acknowledging their pain; and two, by providing an environment and a pedagogy that prioritizes thinking for oneself. This means that, as educators, we do not take sides, except to uphold our democracy's values.
With that in mind, please know that while the intent of my October 9th email was to condemn the recent acts of terrorism in Israel and the region, I failed to explicitly address the trauma and loss of civilian life for all groups - Israeli and Palestinian, Jewish, Muslim and Christian. My heart goes out to the victims of Hamas's unconscionable attack and to the many hostages and their families. My heart goes out as well to the civilian bombing victims in Gaza and those suffering without water, fuel and food.
The diversity of our school community is our greatest strength. Moving forward, we will take care to be more inclusive of the multifaceted effects that local and global events have on people of all identities and backgrounds as unfortunately hate and violence threaten many areas.
My hope is for a peaceful resolution to conflicts and a world where all people can coexist harmoniously. Until that day comes, let us remember the values that bind us together as a community: respect, understanding and mutual support.