The Patton Post
Friday, 18th October

- Principal's Message (NEW POST!)
- Erin's Law Presentations (NEW POST!)
- Parent Teacher Conferences (UPDATED POST!)
- 2nd and 3rd Grade Family Night (NEW POST!)
- Halloween (UPDATED POST!)
- Halloween - Traffic Team (NEW POST!)
- Patton Spirit Squad (UPDATED POST!)
- Yearbook Orders (NEW POST!)
- Cultural Arts Assembly (NEW POST!)
- Veteran's Day (2nd POST!)
- Change of Clothes (2nd POST!)
- A Message from the Social Worker (2nd POST!)
- Author Visit - 2nd and 3rd Grade (2nd POST!)
- PTA Reflections (UPDATED POST!)
- 1st - 3rd Grade Fitness Club (Ongoing Post)
- Running Club (Ongoing Post!)
- Homework Club (Ongoing Post!)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, October 18th
I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that helped our amazing PTA stock the teacher's lounge this week! There really are no words to describe how it felt to walk in and see the overflowing spread of snacks and treats on Monday morning! We relived the moment and felt the awe everytime someone new came in or out of the lounge as they marveled at the treats. We are all truly grateful for our Patton community and your generosity!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and, for those of you attending the PTA Sponsored tailgate fundraiser on Saturday night, I hope you have a great time!
Thank You!
Ellie Chin
Erin’s Law, Illinois Public Act 097-Â1147, requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for students in early childhood through twelfth grades. Age appropriate research-based instruction helps students recognize unsafe situations, keep themselves safe, and understand how to respond to unsafe situations. During the months of November and December, our school social worker, Mrs. Donahue, will work with each grade level to provide age Âappropriate information. Erin’s Law information and curriculum information can be found in this slideshow. The optional opt-out form can be found on the District’s website. This form needs to be completed each year and submitted to the building principal by any family who wants to opt their child out of Erin’s Law.
This fall, our Parent Teacher conferences will take place on Monday, November 4th. If you have not signed up yet, please find the link HERE. The signup window will close on Monday, October 28th at 12:00 pm.
Please note that school will NOT be in session during Parent/Teacher conferences and there will be no school the following day, Tuesday, November 5th, as Patton is a polling place for the General Election.
I hope our 2nd and 3rd grade families are ready for an evening at the beach next week!! I think you will all be "happy as clams" at this event and I can't wait to "sea" many of you there!
We sent out a dedicated Halloween communication on Thursday, October 17th with details about class parties, the parade, and lunch plans.
On Thursday, October 24th, we will email out the Lunch Google Form. Please complete the form and let us know if your child will be going home for lunch or if they will be staying at school for lunch.
The schedule for Halloween will be as follows:
12:10 - 1:10 - Lunch Hour If your child is going home, use the car line and pick up at 12:10 and drop off by 1:10.
1:45 - 2:15 - Parade (Times are approximate) Weather permitting, family members may watch the parade from anywhere along the route (see image below)
2:15 - 3:15 - Class Parties Thank you to all the parents who have planned these amazing parties!
Please partner with us in helping your child wear a costume that will not frighten our youngest Panthers, and please make sure they can safely see and walk in their costume. Props are best left at home for after-school festivities. Please also ensure that your child is able to remove their costume independently in case they need to use the bathroom.
Please consider signing up to help with traffic on Halloween if you are able to. We anticipate many parents picking up their children at 12:10 for home lunch to change into costumes. Please reach out to pattontrafficteam@gmail.com if you are able to help. As always, please make sure that students are entering and exiting only on the right side of the vehicle for everyone’s safety., especially with the anticipated increased traffic.
We can't wait to spread some Panther cheer and spirit through this amazing club!
Year books are available for a 10% discount through October 31, 2024. Two free customizable pages are included. Teachers will be updated shortly if you have any problems please contact yearbookpatton@gmail.com
Final day to purchase for a discount: October 31, 2024
Final day to purchase for school delivery: April 30, 2025
Personalized pages due: April 8, 2025
If there are any financial issues please contact: Barb Donahue bdonahue@sd25.org
We would love to honor and recognize all Veterans connected to the Patton community, even if they can't be with us in person, by including their photo and information in a display that will be in the Patton commons throughout the month of November. Please download and complete this form and include a photo or have your child draw a picture if you would like to have a special Veteran recognized at Patton. Copies of this will be available in the office if you do not have access to a printer. Please return these to the school office by November 1st.
We will post these at Patton throughout the month of November to recognize and honor these Veterans for their service and will celebrate them at our Veteran's Assembly on Monday, November 11th.
From playground puddles to tummy troubles, there may come a time when your child needs a change of clothes! Please send a change of clothes in your child's backpack just in case it is needed! These can be kept in their backpack or they can be stored in their classroom cubbies. Being clean and dry ensures students can go about the rest of their day comfortably should anything happen and will minimize the need for us to call you and interrupt your day.
Also - if you happen to have a pair of sweatpants/leggings that your child/ren have outgrown, please consider donating them to our nurse. She is always so grateful to have spare clothes she can keep in the office. We are most in need of small sizes.
Thank you so much for partnering with us on this!
As the seasons change and the weather gets a bit chillier, please know that we have a selection of coats/hats/gloves etc, available for families in need. Please reach out to Barb Donahue, our school social worker's confidential email bdonahue@sd25.org for more information or to request assistance.
Additionally, Barb Donahue has access to other community resources which might be helpful to your family - food pantries, holiday assistance, etc. Please reach out and she will be more than happy to help you!
AUTHOR VISIT - 2nd & 3rd Grade (2nd POST!)
Children's author and educator Dr. Rekha S. Rajan is visiting 2nd and 3rd grade students on Friday, October 25th to share her new early chapter book, Hurricane Rescue: A Branches Book (Disaster Squad #2). Book Order Form due Wednesday, October 23rd.
Meet the Disaster Squad! Leela, Jaden, and the rest of the Jackson family travel the country and respond to natural disasters, helping people in need and rescuing animals along the way. In this second adventure, the Jacksons are called to Texas, where a hurricane is heading down the coast. The Disaster Squad is ready to save the day in this action-packed early chapter book series perfect for fans of the Magic Tree House series, or for kids who aren't quite ready to read I Survived!
This workshop is open to any District 25 child who wishes to gain Poms and Cheer experience. Each participant will partner with a current TMS Poms or Cheer student athlete, learn technique and a routine, then perform the combination during halftime at a TMS Basketball game.
If you would like more information about this please click this link.
Looking for a way to showcase your child’s talents and artistic expression? Encourage your child to submit entries for this year’s national PTA Reflections program, with the theme: Accepting Imperfection.
Students can submit their completed works of art in one (or more) of the art categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Please read through these specific PTA reflections rules for each category submission.
All projects must be submitted to Patton’s main office by the end of school day on November 20th. Please fill out this student entry form to accompany each project. Feel free to reach out to Tina Shah (tinashah1@gmail.com) with any questions!
1st-3rd GRADE FITNESS CLUB (Final Post!)
Do you have energy to burn and want to get your body moving? Interested in FUN and FITNESS? If so, Join Fitness Club!
Fitness Club will meet on Wednesdays in October from 3:35-4:15. First meeting is October 2nd. (Enrollment limited to first 30 fitness fans!)
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success of this program. Please sign up if you can help.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
Questions: Jenna Apel jenna.apel@gmail.com
4th and 5th GRADE RUNNING CLUB (Ongoing POST!)
Are you interested in joining a club focused on FUN and FITNESS?
If so, join Running Club!
Running club meets on Mondays in October (10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28) from 3:35-4:30.
Each session will begin with a warm-up, 30 minutes of running at your own pace, strength & conditioning.
Huge thanks go to Mrs. Goumas for being the club sponsor again for this club!
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success as they provide a safe running path. Please sign up to volunteer for at least one session if possible.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
If your 4th or 5th grader is interested in taking part in running club this fall please sign up HERE
Once you sign up, more information about the club will be sent your way.
HOMEWORK CLUB - 4th and 5th Graders (Ongoing POST!)
4th and 5th Grade homework club provides a quiet space for students to complete assignments or read in a relaxing setting. Mr. Morkert will be available to answer questions and provide help when needed.
It is important that you note whether you will pick up your child or if they will walk home. Mr. Morkert will bring the kids to the front doors at 4:25pm. Please be there waiting at this time.
Please reach out if you have questions. (tmorkert@sd25.org)
This club will run on Thursdays, 3:35-4:40pm, starting on the 19th September.
If your child is interested, please SIGN UP HERE and be sure to enter your child's name when signing up!
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Saturday, October 19th - PTA Sponsored: Progressive Tailgate (Adults Only)
Tuesday, October 22nd - Bus Evacuation Drill
Thursday, October 24th - PTA Sponsored: 2nd/3rd Grade Family Night
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade and Class Parties
Monday, November 4th - Parent Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day NO SCHOOL
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton