Wasco Weekly
August 25, 2023
Wasco Families,
What a week it has been! It was a challenge to keep the learning going this week and we orchestrated some important changes in order to keep everyone safe and productive. A big thank you to our lunchroom staff and our PE Department. Each of these groups worked through changes in order to deliver services in cooled classrooms for the week. The changes impacted all of us, and I am super proud of our staff for presenting a can-do attitude and modeling commitment for our kids!
Tonight I hope you join us for our PTO Back to School Social! Partygoers will have a look at our new Book Vending Machine. We are excited to share this experience with kids. Student opportunities to use the machine are birthdays and earning PAW Bucks (we do honor summer birthdays). I hope to visit with you later today at our Back to School Social- it is a great time to catch up on your family news!
Kind Regards,
Principal Brennan
Wasco PAWS-itive Behavior Reinforcement System
Has your child come home from school excited about earning Wasco Bucks?
The goal of our “Paws”itive reinforcement system is to provide students with consistent teaching of our Wasco Expectations, consistent language and positive feedback when expected behaviors are demonstrated. Why?
Through a reward-based system, students will show interest and increased participation in everyday classroom duties and responsibilities.
Increases the likelihood that desired behaviors will be repeated.
Focuses student and staff attention on desired behaviors.
Fosters a positive school climate.
Improves social, emotional, behavioral and academic outcomes for all students.
We started our Paws-itive Reinforcement system last year where classrooms were able to earn paw prints for demonstrating excellent behavior as a group. Classrooms were awarded paw prints for walking safely and quietly in the hallways, demonstrating listening skills, on-task behavior and working collaboratively in Specials. Paw prints were collected each week and used to provide whole class and school wide incentives. The Paws-itive Reinforcement system helped to motivate our students to Be Safe, Be Kind, Work Hard and Do the Right Thing.
This year we are adding Wasco Bucks to our reinforcement system. Wasco Bucks are awarded to individuals who demonstrate expected Wasco Behaviors across the school building. We hope that your child has come home talking about how many Wasco Bucks that they have already earned. Your child will be able to spend their earned Wasco Bucks for small treats and/or experiences. A menu of experiences has been developed across the building with individual grade-level teams modifying a few special items for their specific grades. We have seen such excitement for this new addition to our reinforcement system and hope that you will continue to support us in providing positive reinforcement of our Wasco Expectations.
Important Upcoming Dates
August 25: 5:00pm-7:00pm PTO Back to School Social @ Wasco Playground
August 30: Early Release @ 2:10pm
September 1: Institute Day-No School for Students
September 4: Labor Day-No School for Students
September 11: Yearbook Photos-Information Below (Retakes on December 1)
September 12: Curriculum Night
September 27: Early Release @ 2:10pm
Back to School Party Tonight, Friday! 5:00pm-7:00pm
Attention 5th Grade Families!
We are starting band lessons very soon and we want your child to be part of the D303 Band Family! Not only is band fun, collaborative, and creative but Band is so good for your child's brain development. Check out this 5 minute video on how and why!
For more information check or the D303 Elementary Band website or contact Ms. Rice, 5th grade band director: marianne.rice@d303.org
To enroll your child in the band program complete the Band Enrollment Form
Mrs. Jacobs
4th Grade Teacher
Tell us a little bit about your family.
My husband and I have three children. Matthew (5), Audrey (3) and Emily (2).
What would students be surprised to learn about you?
I have swam with sharks.
Do you have any special/hidden talents?
Unfortunately, no.
What are some things you do for fun?
I love to travel, spend time outdoors, read, attend Cubs games, and play with my children.
What makes a "Good Day" at school?
This is a great question. I feel that a "good day" at school would be when students are engaged, able to demonstrate their learning and I was able to make connections with them. As we know, there is a lot more to teaching than just teaching the learning standards.
Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?
“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”
What is your favorite color, food, book, movie or subject?
Color: Blue
Food: Steak and Lobster
Subject: Science
What song do you know all of the lyrics to?
You and Me by Dave Matthews Band
How did you spend your summer?
Preparing for this school year and spending time with my family.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with the Wasco Community so that we can get to know you better?
I am excited to be here and look forward to getting to know all of you.
Early Release
Early Release:
One Wednesday per month, students will have an early release and dismissal will occur at 2:10pm. Please refer to the district website.
Need to pick up your student early?
Calling in an absence
Community News / Resources
North High School Football Tonight!
D303 Community,
St. Charles North is looking forward to our first home football game of the season this Friday vs. Palatine! The sophomore game starts at 4:45pm followed by the varsity at 7:00pm. This Friday is Youth Football Night! All youth football players in uniform will have free admission.
In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all of our spectators in attendance please take a moment to review some important reminders regarding the game:
-Gates will open at 4:00 pm.
-Tailgating is not permitted.
-No backpacks, bags or outside food or beverages are allowed. Bags no larger than 8x6 are acceptable. All bags are subject to search.
-All students under high school age must be supervised by a parent or guardian inside the stadium.
-No re-entry into the stadium is allowed.
-Use of profanity, taunting, including racial remarks of any kind, throwing objects, and possessing objects that block the view of other spectators are PROHIBITED.
-The Blue Fan Group student section is located in the bleachers on the south end. Parents and other spectators should plan to sit in the middle of the stadium. Our SCN Pep Band will play on the north end of the home bleachers.
Tickets will be sold at the gate. Prices are as follows:
-General Admission-$5.00
-Students & Seniors 65+-$2.00
-Visitors w/Student ID-$2.00
-D303 MS/HS Students and Staff w/ID-FREE
Please contact our athletic office at 331-228-6258 with any questions related to this event.
Come out and support our North Stars this Friday Night!
St. Charles East Girls Volleyball Team
Ways to receive Wasco News
The Principal sends a weekly newsletter on Fridays
Wasco Elementary has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WascoElementarySchool
Twitter account: @WascoD303
Join Membership Toolkit on the PTO site for ways to connect with parent community
Attention Parents!
Please be mindful of communications coming from “donotreply@d303.org”. This is the email address for our school newsletters and our all school emails. If you reply to this email address it will not be forwarded to office staff.
Office Contact Emails:
About us
Email: heather.kudabeck@d303.org
Website: https://district.d303.org/
Location: 4N782 School Street, Wasco, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2900
Technology Notes for Kindergarten, First, and Fourth Grade Families
Wasco first and fourth grades will be swapping devices on August 15th from 12:00-3:00.
Kindergarten's day to receive devices is August 29 from 12:00-3:00. Please make sure your student brings their Chromebook to school!