Gaithersburg HS Weekly Updates
Week of September 15-19

Message From the Principal - Mrs. Love-Campbell
We have made it through the first marking period, and the year is in full-swing. By now, everyone should be well-versed in all of the policies and procedures (listed below). Remember that we operate with the belief that "Excellence is the Standard."
With Veteran's Day being tomorrow, November 11, I want to send a huge THANK YOU to the following GHS staff who have served in different military branches. We appreciate your service and your commitment to us all:
Master Gunnery Sergeant Ronald Allender - US Marine Corps
Schauntell Green - US Army
Jay Maloney - US Marine Corps
Cpt. Robert Mitton - US Navy
Elaine Rattie - US Army
Rommel Villamor - US Army
Additionally, tomorrow, November 11 is GHS' Open House from 8-2. Families are invited to hear about community resources, see our CTE classes as they demonstrate their skills, and follow their child's schedule! We hope to see you there!
FINALLY - Report Cards for MP1 will be available in Synergy tomorrow, Nov. 11.
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 25 from 12:30-7pm. Conferences that occur between 12:30-3:30 can be held in-person or virtual (your choice!). Conferences from 4:30-7:00 will be virtual.
GHS Staff set up your ability to schedule conferences via ParentVue beginning November 11. Each conference will last 10 minutes. If you struggle with signing up for conferences, please email your child's teacher(s). If you're unable to attend conferences on this date, you can also email teachers (if you want to meet with one-two specific teachers) for a different date/time, or you can connect with your child's counselor if you want to meet with all of your child's teachers.
Updates on Schoolwide Policies
Student ID Badge Policy
- Lanyards have been provided to students by GHS.
- On a student's second offense of not having their ID to present, the replacement cost will be $5 for the ID card and $3 for the lanyard/sleeve.
Cell Phone Use Policy
As a reminder, it is expected that students have cell phones and airpods (or similar headphones) away during instruction. When permitted by the teacher, or due to special circumstances or accommodations, students may be permitted to use corded, over the head headphones.
If students refuse to comply, many consequences may be implemented, including:
- Confiscation by teacher or administration for the period
- Confiscation for the day
- Confiscation pending parent pick-up and conference
- Detention
- In-School Interventions.
Arrival to School and Class
School begins at 7:45 am. While we have seen a decrease in the number of students arriving late and without an excused note, there are many who are arriving late. The expectation of excellence is that students must be seated in their period 1 class by 7:45 am.
Additionally, students receive 5 minutes between classes to get from one to the other. Students need to be seated in their classes promptly when the bell rings.
Administrators will begin having conferences with parents whose children are consistently late to school and/or class.
Athletics Updates
Gaithersburg High School Coaches
Please see the slide deck that includes all of the Gaithersburg HS Coaches for the fall season.
Resources, Information, and Community Events
Signs of Suicide Student Lessons
The GHS school counseling department is conducting the annual SOS Lessons on 11/25/2024 and 11/26/2024. Please review the letter being sent home via Synergy.
Need-Based Scholarship for 10th and 11th Graders Interested in STEM
The scholarship includes:
- A minimum financial award of $1,000 for each qualified student.
- Free college counseling.
- Free mentorship valued at $10,000 to guide students toward future career paths.
The registration deadline for this scholarship is December 30, 2024
Should you need further information or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to aequumscholars@gmail.com.
Mini POMS Camp
Please see the amazing opportunity by Ms. Walsh, as she is hosting a Mini Poms Camp!
Hackathon with MCPS Students
Hello students!
Bugfix Hacks is on! The annual MCPS hackathon is aimed at high schoolers and middle schoolers. We offer prizes worth over $500 including Airpods, merch, xyz domains, and more to come. We have 8 industry professionals (including AI startup founders and seniors software engineers) as our judges. Submissions open Nov 16 until December 1. We have no required theme and students are encouraged to submit anything and everything. It is beginner-focused and students of all skills are encouraged to participate. We accept projects submitted to past competitions.
Winners will be posted on our website
Website: bugfixchill.xyz
Yearbooks are on Sale!
We are excited to announce that the 2025 Gaithersburg yearbook is now on sale. Our students and staff are working hard to capture the events, activities and memories of this school year. Place your order for the yearbook at jostensyearbooks.com or by calling 1-877-767-5217. This is one you won’t want to miss! Thank you from Gaithersburg Yearbook Staff!
CLASS OF 2025 Senior Portraits
Please use this website to schedule an appointment for your senior pictures, if you have not done so already! https://seniors.legacystudios.com/gaithersburg-hs-md/
GHS Boosters
The GHS Boosters need your help with concessions and spiritwear at games. Note that there is a TV in the concession stand so you can watch the game and volunteer. Sign up using this link: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090A4EAEAE23A02-51079169-2024
School Safety
Inclement Weather and Emergency School System Closures
The safety of our MCPS community is critical, and being able to communicate with students, staff, and families during severe weather or other emergencies is of the utmost importance. Use the link below to find all the ways you can connect with MCPS to receive emergency operational information from the school system. The current operating status options for the school district appear on the MCPS website and on individual school websites. In the event of a change in operational status, the second link below will provide more information about the MCPS Operating Status options.
Gaithersburg Highlights!
Ms. Ward's Forensics Class
At GHS, we love to celebrate teachers who are doing incredible lessons and fostering engagement and critical thinking for our students. Ms. Ward's Forensics class had the amazing opportunity to engage in a blood spatter activity! See the lesson description and a picture of the students in action below:
The culminating activity in the forensic blood spatter unit is the creation and reconstruction of blood spatter. Students go outside and create impact spatter using hammers and Halloween blood. Then, they use right-angle geometry to calculate the impact angles. Finally, string is used to show the flight path of each blood drop which results in finding the origin of the blood. This is a favorite activity of the students as it challenges them to collaborate as well as problem-solve in a real-world scenario.
NJROTC Drill Team
Our NJROTC Drill Team brought home "Overall Second Place" at the John F. Kennedy High School Drill Meet on Saturday, 9 November. Many cadets also brought home multiple individual event trophies!
NAACP Parent Reps
A huge shoutout to Ms. Delphine On and Mr. Kevin Simmons for becoming the Gaithersburg High School's NAACP Parent Representatives!
Contact Info
Gaithersburg High School
Website - https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/gaithersburghs/