Wolverine Wire
January & February 2025
We made it through this week of wild weather! A bigger milestone is that we have also just made it through first semester. Thanks to all our families who shepherded and supported their students through their many final projects and tests, with a special shout-out to parents whose oldest children were experiencing this for the first time. Navigating a new school and high-school expectations is not easy. Report cards have been mailed out and should have arrived earlier this week. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Supporting Your Scholar: One of the best ways parents can support their students' academic success is by helping them establish strong routines at home. A consistent schedule for homework, study time, and sleep can make a huge difference in a student’s ability to stay focused and retain information. Encouraging students to set goals for the semester—whether it’s improving in a specific subject, maintaining strong grades, or getting more involved in extracurriculars—can also help keep them motivated. Small check-ins throughout the week, such as reviewing upcoming assignments together or discussing what they’re learning in class, show your student that you are engaged and invested in their success. Second semester is a wonderful 'fresh start,' as all the gradebooks start over and students are able to make wholesale changes to their overall grades.
Reminder: our library is open daily until 4:30pm, staffed with 1-3 paras (depending on the day - Wednesdays there tend to be more!). The National Honors Society also does peer tutoring individually or in small groups. If you would like us to help connect your student with any of these options, please let us know!
The More You Read: Another powerful tool for academic growth is reading, both independently and as a family. Research shows that students who read regularly develop stronger critical thinking skills, improved vocabulary, and greater overall academic achievement. Reading together as a family—whether through a shared book, listening to audiobooks, or discussing articles and current events—encourages curiosity and meaningful conversations. Even older students benefit from seeing their parents prioritize reading, and discussing books as a family can strengthen communication skills while fostering a lifelong love of learning. If you're looking for book recommendations, the school librarian is always happy to help. See below for her recommendations!
Books our students are reading in their English classes this year include: The House on Mango Street, Of Mice and Men, Romeo & Juliet, 1984, Brave New World, Night, The Book Thief, Maus, The Omnivore's Dilemma, Much Ado About Nothing, The Body, and all 9th- and 10th-grade students have a book for silent reading.
Athletic Updates: Our teams are nearing the end of the regular winter season. After the season-closer on Monday, playoffs begin later next week. First round for basketball is Thursday 2/13. State Wrestling is also on the horizon; we already know 3 of our young men have qualified. Best of luck to our athletes! Winter Sports Awards are 3/11 at 7pm. Pink slips for spring sports will be accepted the week after February break. If your student is planning on playing a spring sport, make sure to get your paperwork in order. Visit the FHHS homepage and navigate to 'Athletics' for details.
My husband told me yesterday that between 2/1 and 2/28 we gain 80 minutes of daylight. May we all feel the wonder of replenished Vitamin D levels - whether we're home or away during break (2/17-2/21).
Please never hesitate to reach out.
Andrea Hillman
Principal, Friday Harbor High School
360-370-7109 (off) | 360-298-8488 (cell) | andreahillman@sjisd.org
From the Nurse
Hello Parents and Caregivers,
We have passed the halfway point of the school year, whew! If your student has had any changes to their chronic health condition or had any new acute or chronic health concerns arise, updates are greatly appreciated. You can reach me by calling (360)627-1266 or email me at erindonaldson@sjisd.org.
In addition, I'd like to remind everyone that timely communication with the school regarding acute injuries that may affect classroom work or PE/recess participation is very much appreciated. Students are expected to participate in all parts of the school day including recess and PE. If their medical provider has restricted activity, please send a doctor's note, for example: "No contact sports x 1 week." We prefer detailed communication from the provider as to what your student can and can not do physically.
Thank you for helping to keep your child safe at school!
Erin Donaldson, BSN, RN
San Juan Island School District Nurse
(360)370-7306: Elementary School office
(360)370-7149: High School office
(360)627-1266: work cell
Care Week - February 10-14
Each year we celebrate Care Week to shift the focus of the week to self-care and care for others. Here's what's coming for our Wolverines this week.
Monday: CandyGram sales by ASB and art activity during lunch sponsored by Alchemy Arts; Spirit Day - Purple & Gold for home Orcas games!
Tuesday: CandyGram sales and Care Fair during lunch (Island Rec, Family Resource Center, Library, Prevention Coalition, Alateen)
Wednesday: Care Assembly about teen dating, consent, awareness of the law, etc. Students submitted their questions in Advisory recently. Panel members include representatives from the Sherriff's Office, Prosecutor's Office, Juvenile Courts, SAFE San Juans, and our very own Hailey.
Thursday: Make the Change workshop, 8-3 (see below)
Friday: Spirit Day - Freshmen: Pink; Sophomores: White; Juniors: Red; Seniors: Purple; "Palentines" - staff have all contributed to decking the halls with pick-me-ups and compliments for every HS student that wanders our halls!
Make the Change Workshop
We are elated to host a one-day "Make the Change" workshop developed by the Association of Washington Student Leaders. Designed to boost a more positive and compassionate school climate, student attendees will spend the day developing leadership and empathy skills through large- and small-group activities. Thank you to both the Public Schools Foundation and the FHHS PTSA for your support of this activity!
Expressing Our Gratitude: Mike Martin
After 15 years announcing our home football and basketball games, Mike Martin will call it a wrap at the last home basketball games. Thanks, Mike, for all the spirit you've put into the games, the time you've sacrificed to keep our island locals current on HS sports, and the support you've shown our student athletes. Wishing you a retirement filled with grand slams, game-winning shots, and endless field goals of relaxation. The crowd may not be roaring, but we’re all cheering for you! Congratulations!
Seniors: Bring in Your Acceptance Letters
College Planning: If you're ready to start the journey but don't know where to begin, our counselor, Hailey Henderson-Paul, has collected an amazing set of resources for you on her college process webpage. There will be an 11th-grade parent college information night on Thursday 2/27 at 5:15pm.
Myles P affixes his letters - way to go Myles!
Morgan D posts her letters - so many scholarship dollars already offered! Congrats.
Academic Calendars for 2025-25 and 2026-27 Approved by School Board
They will be posted on the district website soon with full details, but here are the important dates.
First Day of School: August 28th
Winter Break: December 20th-January 4th
February Break: February 14th-22nd
Spring Break: April 4th-12th
Graduation: June 6th
Last Day of School: June 11th
First Day of School: August 27th
Winter Break: December 19th-January 3rd
February Break: February 13th-21st
Spring Break: April 3rd-11th
Graduation: June 5th
Last Day of School: June 10th
FHHS Events Calendar Online
We are bustling!! Please know that we do our best to maintain the FHHS events calendar. We also post our weekly schedules and other timely announcements to our Facebook and Instagram pages, if social media works better for you.
San Juan Service Scholarship $1500
For over a decade, the San Juan Service Scholarship organization has been awarding $1,000 scholarships to our local graduates. For the Class of 2025 and all future graduating classes the award will be $1500. See their website for details. This scholarship is one of the few that all students are eligible for, regardless of income or GPA. If your student serves the community for 80+ hours between 8th grade and graduation, they earn this scholarship. What an incredible way to lay a foundation for caring for and serving community!
January & February Celebrate MLK and Black Heritage Month
We strive to have all our students represented in the richness of curriculum, activities, and resources available to students at our school.
PTSA Supports School Programs, Staff, and Grad Night 2025
Please be sure to update your annual PTSA membership. No meetings necessary! We get benefits based on the percentage of our families who join. Our small but mighty group does a big lift in supporting our staff and our students. In addition, our Grad Night couldn't happen without them! Membership form is here.
Quick Links - FHHS Social Media & Support Organizations
Buy yearbooks online at Jostens, and navigate to Friday Harbor HS
Spirit Wear online at fhwolverines.com, and navigate to SHOP
PTSA: FHHS PTSA website, www.facebook.com/FHHSPTA, or email at fhhsptsa@gmail.com
Band Families and Friends; also email the group directly at sjisdbff@gmail.com
Class of 2025 Grad Night Committee email: 2025fhhsgradnight@gmail.com
Important Dates
2/10-2/14 Care Week
2/13 - Make the Change Workshop
2/17-2/21 Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
2/27 11th-Grade Parent College Information Event - 5:15 - LIB
3/1 SJMEA Jazz Festival
3/3 First Day of Spring Sports
3/5 Knowledge Bowl - 7pm - SJCT
3/6 Rising 9th-Graders Pre-Registration Parent Meeting - 5:15 - Commons
3/7 Celebration of Academics - 8:15am - TGYM
3/7 Spring Dance - 9-11pm
3/11 Winter Sports Awards - 7pm - TGYM
3/12, 3/13, 3/14 Spring Conferences - Half Day - 11:20 Dismissal
3/14 Student vs. Staff Basketball Game (Grad Night Fundraiser) - Doors @ 5pm; Game @ 6
3/26 Senior Scholarship Rollout
3/28 FHHS Band to Music Festival - WWU
3/31 MS Spring Band Concert - 6pm - TGYM
4/1 HS Spring Band Concert - 6pm - TGYM
4/7-4/11 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
5/6-5/16 AP Testing: 5/6 - AP Chem AM; AP Gov PM. 5/7 - AP Comp Sci A PM. 5/8 - AP Stats AM; AP World PM. 5/9 - APUSH AM. 5/12 - AP Calc AM. 5/13 - AP Env Sci PM. 5/14 - AP Lang AM. 5/15 - AP Comp Sci PM.
5/19-5/22 State Testing Week
5/23 Half Day - 11:20 release
5/26 No School - Memorial Day
5/27 HS Band Year-End Concert - 6pm - Fairgrounds
5/29 Senior Exhibitions
5/29 MS Band Year-End Concert - 6pm - SJCT
6/3 HS Jazz Band Year-End Concert - 6pm - Lakedale
6/7 Graduation - 5pm - TGYM
6/11-6/13 Finals
6/12 Half Day - 11:20 release
6/13 Half Day - 11:20 release - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
Please call 360-370-7110 or email fhhs-attendance@sjisd.org if your student needs to be absent for any reason. Attendance counts!
We are always in the market for substitute teachers, paras, office staff, bus drivers, kitchen staff, and more. Scope out our open positions here!