Morse Street School News
November 1 , 2024
A Message From the Principal
Dear Morse Street Families,
We were so grateful to have families come and meet with teachers over the last few weeks. We value family engagement and know that students are more successful when families know and understand where their child is on their learning journey.
In the upcoming weeks you will be receiving your child’s first trimester report card, which will give another opportunity for you to get a sense of your child’s progress. Each teacher will assess your students in Habits of Work:
Respect :
Respect for the ideas, feelings and property of others
Participation, listens and responds appropriately, group work
Completes tasks independently, transitions in a timely manner from one activity to another, organizes personal belongings
ability to set goals, persistence, effective use of feedback
In first and second grade we have started working on learning progressions to support clarity for our learners. Our classroom communities are co-creating progressions so that they can build common understanding about what each of our four habits of work actually mean. Teachers are asking students to self-reflect on the four star progression to determine where they think they are with their habits of work, and what they need to work on. This then becomes a base for goal setting and students owning their own learning. Students reassess every couple of weeks to see if they can reflect on growth they have made on working towards the goals they set. Teachers might use these progressions to support any skill development in any content.
We appreciate your continued partnership.
Julie Nickerson
Important Dates
11/4-11/7: Second Grade Families Visit STEM (see teacher's newsletter for more information)
11/5 : Professional Learning 1/2 Day - No School for Students
11/11: Veterans Day-No School
11/12: Freeport Elementary PTC Meeting, 6pm @ MLS
11/12-11/15: First Grade Families Visit Art
(see teacher's newsletter for more information )
11/13: Picture Retake Day
11/18-11/22: Thanksgiving Food Drive
11/20 & 11/22: Kindergarten Families Visit Library
(see teacher's newsletter for more information)
11/25: Students Deliver Food To Freeport Community Services
11/27: Professional Compensation Day- No School
11/28 & 11/29: Thanksgiving Break
12/5: Coffee & Conversation , 2-3 pm @ Morse Street School
12/10: Freeport Elementary PTC Meeting, 6pm @MLS
12/23-12/31: December Vacation-No School
1/1: New Years Day-No School
For More Information Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
Picture Re-Take Day is November 13th
Freeport Community Services Backpack Program
In partnership with RSU5, Freeport Community Services is reaching out to families who wish to receive free Backpack Program snack bags for their children. Parents/guardians/students can pick them up each week at Freeport Community Services. Free snack bags can be collected at the Food Pantry loading dock (55 Depot St., Freeport) every Thursday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. This supplemental food program is open to all households with children in Durham, Freeport and Pownal regardless of income. If parents are unable to pick up the bags on Thursdays, Freeport Community Services can arrange an alternate pick-up time.
Please contact Amy Liechty, Director of Programs at aliechty@fcsmaine.org or 207-865-3985 x205.