Patriot Press
Week of September 24, 2024

Message From The Principal
Greetings Poynter Families,
Happy fall! Classes are starting to transition into their typical routines and students are now comfortable navigating the hallways. There has been a great energy in our classrooms and I appreciate seeing your students' smiling faces as they interact with one another. We have some upcoming opportunities for parents to come meet with me and I hope to see some of you there. As always, if you ever have anything you'd like to talk about, don't hesitate to give us a call or send us an email.
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
- 9/30 - No School (Staff Development Day)
- 10/3 - Play Auditions
- 10/7 - 6:00pm Principal Chat (Spanish Translation Available)
- 10/8 - 6:00pm Latino Parent Advisory Committee (English Translation Available)
- 10/11 - No School
- 10/24 - PoynterGreen Advanced Band Concert
- 10/24 - Fall Dance
English and Spanish Language Arts MAP Testing
This week, English Language Arts students are participating in MAP testing. Next week, Spanish Language Arts students will participate in MAP Testing. Good sleep, a nutritious breakfast, and a word of encouragement from you goes a long way in helping students do well.
October 7 - Principal Chat
Please join us for our first Principal Chat on Monday, October 7. Information will be shared about what's going on around school and talk about the experiences students and families have. I'm excited to see you there. These meetings will typically be the first Monday of every month and Spanish interpreters will be available.
October 8 - Poynter's Latino Parent Advisory Committee
We invite families to our parent advisory committee on October 7 to learn about Poynter and our new administrative team. The objective of the group is to ensure quality educational experiences for all students. These meetings typically occur on the first Tuesday of the month and English interpreters will be available.