August News 2024

Note from the Coordinator
Improved School Success
August has always signified a time of new beginnings and fresh opportunities for me, starting from my first day as a Kindergartener at Pleasant Grove Elementary School in 1992. For 32 years, I have embraced the back-to-school excitement, whether as a student, a college attendee, or an educator. This year, however, marks a different kind of beginning for me. Although I am not starting the school year in the traditional sense, I am thrilled to channel my passion for education into my new role with the Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection Collaborative. I am grateful for the privilege of working with various partners to enhance school success in our community.
The Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection Collaborative is committed to using local data on child and family indicators to shape our strategy for each annual plan. Our strategy statement for the FY25 Annual Plan is, “The Dalton/Whitfield Collaborative strives to partner with local agencies and school systems to promote programs that improve school success.” By leveraging data and forming strategic partnerships, we aim to address the multifaceted needs of students and their families, ensuring that every child has the resources and support they need to thrive academically and personally. This collaborative effort is vital as we tackle the complexities surrounding educational success.
A student's success in school requires a comprehensive, whole-child approach. Factors such as food security, housing stability, physical health, mental health, and spiritual well-being all contribute to a child's ability to thrive academically. It truly takes a village—or an entire community—to work together towards this shared objective. As we embark on this new school year, I am eager to collaborate with all of you to improve school success for every child in the Dalton/Whitfield area. For those interested in further details about our annual plan strategy, programs, and activities, check our FY25 Strategy Diagram.
Our Stories
Basics Parent Classes
The United Way of NWGA, along with other community partners, secured a $14,000 grant to offer Basics Parent Classes for Dalton Public Schools families with young children. These classes focus on five powerful strategies to boost early childhood brain development. Over 70 parents joined this summer, learning how to give their kids a head start in life.
Read the Article to Learn More:
Early Language and Literacy Classes for DPS Summer Program Parents Article
Christmas in July Back to School Event
Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection helped to organize the Christmas in July Block Party Event in collaboration with local churches and agencies to support students in DPS summer programs. The event offered various attractions like inflatables, treats, and dinner, with additional incentives for parents completing classes. This initiative aims to assist families with school-related expenses by highlighting the importance of parent involvement in students' academic success. Our event exemplifies community support and partnership in providing educational opportunities and financial aid to families during crucial times like back-to-school and Christmas.
Read the Article to Learn More:
Collaborative Events
August Collaborative Meeting
Topic: State of Whitfield County-Guest Presenter: Kirk O'Brien
Local Whitfield County Data Dive for Child and Family Well-Being Indicators.
August 15, 2024
Mack Gaston Community Center
September Collaborative Meeting
Topic: Suicide Prevention- Guest Speaker: Noelle Beard, MA, LPC,
Suicide Prevention Specialist, Director of Mental Health Awareness Training
September 19, 2024
Mack Gaston Community Center
2024 Annual Teen Maze
Dalton/Murray/Whitfield Teen Maze 2024
September 23rd-27th
North Georgia Fairgrounds
Partner Highlight
Family Support Council
Dalton/Whitfield Family Connection collaborates with various agencies dedicated to supporting children and families. This month, we want to shine a spotlight on our Collaborative Partner, The Family Support Council!
Established in 1980, the Family Support Council acts as a central agency offering resources and services to families in Northwest Georgia. As a United Way agency, their goal is to foster a community where all children feel safe, nurtured, and empowered to achieve their full potential.
The Family Support Council offers a range of services including direct services, parent/caregiver education, and initiatives for child abuse prevention and support in the community. Some of their key programs and services are Camp A.I.M., CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates), Partners in Parenting Training and Divorce Classes, Darkness to Light Training, First Steps, Healthy Families, Kids on the Block, Mandated Reporter Training, Nurturing Classes, Oak Haven Second Chance Home, Parent Education, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, and Parents as Teachers.
For more information on the Family Support Council's programs, please visit their website at Family Support Council.
Collaborative Partner Events
Little Black Dress Event
NWGA Crisis Center Annual Fundraiser
Ethics Training
Amerigroup RealSolutions in Healthcare
Region 1 Virtual Trainings
Georgia Center for Child Advocacy