Viking News
September 9 - September 13
A Message From the Principal
Viking Family,
Our first set of progress reports have gone out! Please make sure you are checking Skyward and checking your students grades and attendance as part of our contract commitments. Contact your child's teacher if you have questions or need help with anything class related! Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything! Remember that we ofter tutorials in the morning (schedule pictured below) and after school. For after school, please schedule with the appropriate teacher. We are here as your support, but need to know what your child needs in order to help.
We appreciate you choosing Vistas High School Program and thank you for being a part of Team Vistas!
Sarah Deckard
Technology Update...Klein ISD
Please keep personal computers at home. See information below...
Due to the impairment of content filtration and the lack of security mitigation, students will no longer be permitted to use their own personal devices on campus. Teachers/admin staff are requested to please take the personal devices away from the students and keep them until the end of the day, when the student can pick them up and take them home.
Class News
Click on the picture below for all classroom information!
Teacher commication is for you to stay in the know with all classroom academic information, upcoming exams, projects, and deadlines.
Viking AM Tutorials
*PM tutoring available. Please see individual teacher for more information.
Vistas 5 R's
Relevant, Rigor, Relationships, Responsibility and Respect
At Vistas High School we prioritize the "5 R's" as our Core Characteristics of Success.
Our Mission Statement:
In order to achieve success, Vistas is committed to
a RELEVANT and RIGOROUS curriculum
the development of RELATIONSHIPS, RESPONSIBILITY, and RESPECT for self and others.
Upcoming Dates
- September 10, 2024 - Klein ISD College & Career Summit | KMPC | 6-8 PM
- October 11, 2024 - End of Term 1
- October 14 - 18, 2024 - Fall Break (Staff & Student Holiday)
- November 5, 2024 - Election Day (Student Holiday/Staff Development)
School Reminders
Vistas Student & Family Contract Reminders
- Be on time! School starts at 7:25am. Dismissal is 3pm.
- If students come late...they MUST check in thru the front office.
- Medical excuse - must turn in the medical note within 5 days.
- If students need to leave early...they MUST check out thru the front office. They MUST have parent/guardian permission, even if they drive to school.
- Students must wear their ID badge, on a lanyard, around their neck visible at all times.
- Cell phone policy strictly enforced. Cell phones must be put in the cell phone holder when they enter any classroom.
- Dress code...no crop tops, spaghetti straps, sagging pants or pj's.
- Vistas is a closed campus.
- Only parent/guardian on Skyward can bring food for their student.
- Students may NOT leave campus for lunch.
- No food delivery such as Uber Eats, etc.
Vistas Early College High School
ECHS Students who will be ON LSC Spring 2025! You have mandatory paperwork due!
Students who are scheduled to take college classes ON CAMPUS at LSC-UP were given a Course Approval (blue form) that was due today!!! We must have this returned Monday to ensure placement in their college classes. Please email Ms. Adams at padams1@kleinisd.net if you have any questions.
Home Campus Homecoming Dates!
Macy's Willowbrook Model Call
If interested, please let Ms. Adams know Monday, Sept. 9th. She will give you the information and release forms that they require. Parents are more than welcome to come as well as Macy's will have seats available for those who want to watch the show.
Donors Choose
Our teachers are always looking for ways to enrich learning experiences for our students. Donors Choose is a great platform for teachers to create projects and help get funding for materials. If you work for a company who would be willing to donate, please share this link. Even if you cannot donate, please share our teachers projects on your social media accounts so others can donate. We appreciate anything you can do to encourage the funding of Vistas Donors Choose projects!
Counselor Corner
This month's Character Focus - Integrity