
Letter From Our Administration
December 5, 2024
Dear Families,
Thanksgiving Break provided me time to pause and reflect on the first half of the year. I found myself in awe of all there is to celebrate as a community. We enjoyed academic success in our high school with our AP Testing scores. Our school received recognition from US News and World Reports as one of the top charter schools in the country. Our community support resulted in a clean sweep of the Colorado Parent Magazine Choice Awards.
The break also offered me the opportunity to enjoy a slower pace. Paul and I took time to watch Christmas movies. One of my favorites is The Polar Express. I love watching Tom Hanks stare down at the faces of the children as he feverishly punches holes in each of their tickets. At first, the feverish punching of the tickets seems random and chaotic.
But as the story unfolds, we discover that each child receives a special word selected just for them. The word defines them. Encourages them. Or challenges them to think. As I watched the movie this year, I found myself searching for the words I would punch into the tickets of our SkyView Academy family. While we celebrated much success this year, I recognize that our success results from the words I would select for our SkyView Family.
Resilience comes to mind. Students throughout our building embrace challenges each day. Sometimes successfully. Sometimes, with struggle. But each step builds resilience.
Creativity dances through my heart. I watch in awe, day in and day out, as teachers seek creative ways to impart education into the hearts of the students.
Empowerment follows next. Words cannot express the elation I feel as I walk the halls of middle school and high school. I watch students at each level embrace opportunities to lead and take on responsibility. They seek opportunities to make a difference throughout our building.
Believe enters my thoughts, of course. The staff that walk the halls of this school are second to none. They not only educate your children, they believe in them to the core. They pour their heart and soul into their success.
I close with the final word that I would punch into our Polar Express ticket.
Value. The value of our staff, students, and community is priceless. Regardless of who we are, where we come from, or what we do, we all contribute to the beauty of our community.
Amid the hustle and bustle of this time of year, I hope that you find time to pause and reflect as a family on the blessings in your life. Consider watching The Polar Express. Take time to reflect on the words punched into the tickets of each character. Ask your children what word they think would be punched into their ticket.
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Important Dates and Information
Upcoming Dates
- December 6th: PrK-8th Dress of Choice
- December 6th: High School College Rep Visits
- December 9th-10th: Middle School Students Invited To Holiday Shop From 7:40-8:00
- December 9th: High School NHS Monthly Meeting
- December 9th: All School Choir Concert
- December 12th-14th: High School Thescon Conference
- December 12th: Middle School Jr. Thespian Convention
- December 12th: Middle/High School Band Concert
- December 9th: All School Choir Concert
- December 9th-10th: Middle School Students Invited to Holiday Shop from 7:40-8:00 am
- December 9th-12th: Elementary Penguin Patch
December 10th: Colorado Gives Day/SkyView Annual Campaign
December 12th: Middle and High School Band Concert
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2025 SkyView Board Election
The next election for SkyView board membership will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 and there will be two parent-elected seats open for voting. The Board Election Committee is currently collecting interested candidate information and scheduling pre-application interviews.
If you are interested in applying to run in the board election, please send an inquiry email to boardelections@svak12.org on or before Friday, December 13, 2024.
SkyView Annual Campaign | Help Us Reach Our Goal!
Tuesday is Colorado Gives Day!
It only takes a little to make a BIG impact!
At SkyView Academy, we’re committed to cultivating life-long learners and honorable leaders, and it’s thanks to our supportive community that we can continue to enrich their educational journey. This year, we aim to raise $40,000 to improve safety and security, upgrade technology, and make needed exterior site improvements. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference! There is no Big Event this spring so this is our primary fundraising event of the year.
Join us by contributing to the SkyView Annual Campaign on Colorado Gives Day, December 10th, or schedule your gift today. All donations are tax-deductible, and if your employer offers matching gifts, you can double your impact.
Thank you for being a vital part of our vision to create life-long learners and honorable leaders!
Switching to Attendance Notification Form Beginning Monday
HS Girls Soccer Interest Meeting: Wednesday, December 11, 3:30-3:45 pm, Room 108
This is for new and returning players. If you are interested in playing this season, please attend if at all possible. If you cannot attend, please email Coach Sunberg (hsunberg@svak12.org). Even if you have not decided whether or not to play this season, please plan to attend. Other updates are on the SVA website Girls Soccer Page!
High School Final Exam Reminders
Dear Parents and Students,
As you know, the first-semester final exams are just around the corner. As we wrap up the first semester, we want to remind you that we consider final exams at SkyView to be an important assessment and an essential opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning. Each high school teacher is required to administer a meaningful final exam (or equivalent class project). In some instances, students may be exempt from the final exam i.e. they demonstrated mastery of the content and standards at a 95% or above. These exams are comprehensive and will constitute approximately 10-15% of the student’s semester grade.
To that end, we want to remind you of the following:
Finals will run for four days from Tuesday, 12/17/24 to Friday, 12/20/24. Each day, students will take final exams in the morning and then be granted release in the afternoon according to the following schedule:
Tuesday, December 17th-Green Day
8:00-9:45, 1st Period Final Exam
9:50-11:35, 2nd Period Final Exam
Wednesday, December 18th-Blue Day
8:00-9:45, 3rd Period Final Exam
9:50-11:35, 4th Period Final Exam
Thursday, December 19th-Gold Day
8:00-9:45, 5th Period Final Exam
9:50-11:35, 6th Period Final Exam
Friday, December 20th-White Day
8:00-9:45, 7th Period Final Exam
9:50-11:35, Make-Up Exam Period
Attendance for Finals
Policy Change: All students, regardless of exemption status, are required to attend finals due to state seat-minute requirements.
Exemptions: Students with a 95% or higher in a class may be exempt from the final at the teacher's discretion.
Exempt and Not Attending: Students exempt from a final who choose not to attend that period must notify the attendance office here to report their absence and use a personal day.
Study Hall
Attendance is not required for study hall during finals. However, parents must report absences via the new attendance form to excuse their student.
Drivers Leaving Early
Students with a driver’s license may leave campus after completing their final if they do not return for the day.
If staying on campus, students cannot leave until the end of the final period.
Missed or Absent for a Final Exam
Students who miss a final must provide a doctor's note for the absence to be excused and to qualify for a makeup exam.
Absences without a valid medical excuse will result in a zero for the final exam.
Dismissal Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Dismissal at 11:35 a.m.
Friday: Dismissal at 9:45 a.m.
Teacher Study Sessions: Students may remain on campus in the afternoon only if they have pre-arranged appointments with teachers or if a teacher has scheduled a study session. Students should not show up unannounced to stay in a classroom.
Grade Submission and Availability
The grading window for HS is December 17th-21st.
All grades will be submitted by teachers by December 21, 2024.
Grades will be reviewed and posted to transcripts by 4:30 p.m. on December 22, 2024.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please reach out if you have any questions about these policies.
Please note the following:
Regular carline/student pick-up will apply.
Lunch will not be available during HS lunch periods on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Students must be picked up promptly, as we cannot provide study hall in the afternoons.
Most importantly, “Panic-akes” will be served Tuesday-Thursday of finals week.
Take care of each other,
Chris Bridgham and Kirsten Schuman
HS Assistant Principals
Middle School Students & Families
Your Middle School Student Is Invited...
We're so excited that SkyView will again participate in the Penguin Patch® Holiday Shop to spread holiday cheer! Due to popular demand, we would like to invite middle school students to shop again this year!
Students in grades 6-8 may visit the Penguin Patch on Monday or Tuesday, December 9th and 10th, before school from 7:40 to 8:00 AM. Please note that middle school students will only have the opportunity to shop during these two mornings. It is the responsibility of the students to shop and arrive to their first-period class on time. Attendance will not be excused for tardiness due to shopping.
Only CASH will be accepted. Checks and credit cards will be turned away.
Middle School Girls Basketball Tryouts
Tryouts will start on Monday, December 16th. You must complete and pay for the MS Sports registration for girls' basketball by 8:00 AM on December 16th. Take action and ensure you do this using the provided link.
Additionally, you are required to send an updated sports physical form to Jake Gregory at jgregory@svak12.org. Do not miss these deadlines!
PreK and Elementary Families
Elementary Penguin Patch Launches Next Week
We're so excited to launch our 2024 Holiday Penguin Patch next week, from December 9th to December 12th! Your child’s teacher will be in touch soon to let you know which day they’ll be shopping.
Envelopes were sent home in Thursday folders before the break, but if your child needs a new one, please let their teacher know ASAP. Ensure that you send the envelope back to school on the day of shopping so your student can participate!
We encourage you to send only the amount of cash that you’re comfortable with your child spending. This is a friendly reminder that we will only accept cash. Unfortunately, checks and credit cards will be turned away. There are no returns or exchanges. If you have an issue please contact The Penguin Patch directly.
The Penguin Patch is only for our elementary students, so our preschool friends will not be participating. *We will allow middle school students to shop on Monday and Tuesday mornings before school between 7:40 and 8:00 am ONLY. The shop will not be open to them on Wednesday and Thursday. Middle school students may not bring their ES siblings to shop before school.
More information can be found on our website.
Enroll Now in Camp Galileo's Summer Program!
Camp Galileo’s acclaimed curriculum combines STEAM exploration and outdoor fun for kids in grades K–8. Click here for more information and to secure your spot today!
News and Events
SVA Holiday Staff Gifting Opportunity
Can you believe that the holidays are right around the corner? SkyView has so much to be thankful for this year; our teachers, staff, students, and community are at the top of our list! We are honored and proud to partner together with you each and every day.
This year, we are using GiftCrowd as an easy, free, and virtual way for parents, caregivers, and students to express their gratitude toward our school’s Teachers and Staff. With GiftCrowd, we can easily collect contributions and organize meaningful individual and group gifts while you can add personalized greetings for your favorite teachers and staff members.
Start adding your gifts today, by clicking here to access our SVA gifting page. GiftCrowd will present you with a list of Teachers and Teams. Team gifts will automatically be split evenly among everyone on that team and gifted on the closing date of the gift period. Click “Join” next to the Teacher you wish to gift or join a team gift.
Hawk Shop Updates
New apparel in store and online!
Shoe Drive to Support SVA Teams Attend DI Global Finals
Have you outgrown your shoes? Getting new shoes for Christmas? This January, the SkyView community is invited to clean out their closets for a shoe drive to raise funds for SkyView Destination Imagination (DI) Teams heading to Global Finals in May 2025! Donations of gently worn, used, and new pairs of shoes (no single shoes) will be accepted. Adult sizes, kid sizes, men’s and women’s styles, cleats, sandals, fancy or plain shoes! (Just no rollerblades or ice skates.)
All donated shoes will be redistributed to micro-enterprise partners through Funds2Orgs, a for profit social enterprise used in developing nations for impoverished people to start their own businesses.
The amount of money raised is determined by the total weight of the shoes collected. All funds will help SkyView Destination Imagination Teams compete at Global Finals in May! Donation boxes will be set up in the SVA Lobbies starting in January.
Lost and Found Items To Be Donated
Missing a jacket, mittens, hat or water bottle? Please check the east entrance lost and found before Winter Break. All remaining items will be donated before Winter Break.
Donate to the Staff Cookie Exchange
At SkyView, the air is filled with a sprinkle of joy and a dash of sweetness during our beloved Annual Cookie Exchange, courtesy of our amazing Parent Community! It's a scrumptious tradition that spreads happiness faster than Santa's sleigh flies!
Share your secret recipes for delightful peppermint bark, unique cookies, or magical cookie bars that steal the show every year! Show off your baking mastery by signing up to treat our incredible staff! We welcome ALL kinds of festive goodies, especially gluten-free/dairy-free options.
Register to bring 3 dozen of your best creations on December 16th! Earn volunteer hours for every $20 spent! Please LABEL your treats with NAME and CONTENTS, especially for gluten- or dairy-free items.
Busy but still want to contribute? No worries! Register to bring a VISA or Wave the Grain gift card or small $10-15 gifts. We'll use the gift cards to purchase cookies from nearby popular bakeries, and the gifts will be for our staff holiday raffles and games during the fun holiday week! Please bring these by Friday, December 6th, so we have time to prepare everything. Label: Staff Holiday/Sarah Powell
Help Us End The Year Strong With Volunteering!
🍪 Staff Cookie Exchange: December 17th
🎁 Penguin Patch: December 9th, December 12th
👀👂 Vision and Hearing: December 10th
🥞 High School "Panic"ake Breakfast Materials: December 16th
🥪 Elementary Lunch:
December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
🛝 Elementary Recess:
December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
🥪 Middle School Lunch:
December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
Thank You To Our Preferred Educational Sponsors!
A heartfelt thank you to our exceptional 2024-25 Educational Partners, who stand as pillars of support for SkyView Academy. Their generous contributions uplift our educational initiatives, drive innovation, and empower the growth of our students. Their dedication resonates profoundly with our vision to create life-long learners and honorable leaders within our school, and we proudly recognize their names as a testament to their unwavering commitment to education.
Click on each name to find out more about their organization.