"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - January 17, 2025
Upcoming Events
- 22: Third Grade Musical, OHS, 5:30 pm
- 28: PTO Valentine's Day Snack Prep/Lobby Decorating
- 31: Progress Reports Sent Home
- 4-7: Mid-Winter Break - No School
- 10: PTO Meeting, Conference Room, 3 pm
- 10: Bulldog Bitty Boutique, 4-4:30 pm
- 14: Valentine's Day Parties
- 14: Snowcoming Varsity Basketball Game
- 19: Bulldog Bitty Boutique, 9-10 am
- 21: Popcorn Friday
- 24: 3rd Grade Swimming Unit
- 26: SPARK! Science & Literacy Night
- 1: Father Daughter Dance
Superintendent Search Input Survey Open
You are an important part in the search for the next Superintendent of Otsego Public Schools. Our Board of Education, with the help of the Michigan Association of School Boards, is seeking input from all stakeholder groups to identify the qualities, experiences and skills you’d like to see in our next district leader.
Please complete the Otsego Superintendent Search Input Survey anytime between now and January 27th. Then, on Tuesday, January 28th, you are invited to meet with our MASB consultant from 5:15-6:15pm at the WSE Media Center. You can read more on the search process and timeline on our website.
School Board Appreciation Month
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Join us in saying Thank You to our Board of Education members for their dedication, time and commitment to our students, staff and district.
Mother & Son Game Night
The Mother/Son Game Night is TONIGHT! We hope to see you there! $20 at the door.
Help Us Stock Our Bulldog Bitty Boutique!
We’re looking for donations of dresses, shoes, tights, and accessories to help stock our special boutique for the Father Daughter Dance. If you have gently used items to contribute, please drop them off at the WSE office. See below for upcoming shopping days.
Scripps National Spelling Bee
Would you like to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee? Now, is your opportunity. 11 million students across America will begin their spelling journey in hopes to make it to the National Competition in Washington DC. This is your chance to win over $50,000 and also be filmed on ESPN. Will this be part of your journey? It is free to join and the schoolwide spelling bee is an online test, so there will not be an audience to qualify for the next round! Register at https://online-test.spellingbee.com to get started today!
Share the Warmth
Join us in Sharing the Warmth! National Honor Society members are collecting new scarves, gloves, socks and hats to help keep others warm during Michigan's harsh winters. This January drive benefits those at the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission. Donations can be dropped off at the high school or you can order off the Amazon wish list here: https://tinyurl.com/Sharethewarmth25 Thank you for your support!
Counselor's Corner
Respect & Inclusion
January’s CKH character trait of the month is RESPECT. What better way to think about respecting others than by practicing inclusion? At OPS we believe that all students have value and strive to ensure equality for all. Below are some practical tips for talking with your children about inclusion and how they can do their part.
Model inclusive behavior by looking at your own personal beliefs and behaviors. Do you promote the same values you want your kids to have? Celebrate ALL differences while treating everyone with kindness and respect.
Model to your children that it’s okay to have a difference of opinions, but we still need to be kind and respectful to everyone.
Help your child build a good self esteem by providing opportunities for them to be capable and competent.
Model and teach empathy by noticing feelings of those around you.
Emphasize similarities we have with everyone, even when it’s easier to notice the differences.
For more info please visit Big Life Journal and 7 Key Steps to Raising Inclusive Kids.
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as their classroom's PRIDE winner this week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: Charlotte Deuling, Zoey Majewski, Roselyn Myers
1st grade: Luka Adamczyk, Mya Bushee, Tessa Clark
2nd grade: Taylynn Connor, Sereniti Belton, Everly Hassing
3rd grade: Kano Horton, Mason Reed, Brice Dean
4th grade: Logan Shumaker, Baylee Hilts, Jase O'Connell
5th grade: Chelsea Lautenschleger, Ava Emmons
Watch D.O.G.S.
Recess Dress Code
Reminder: Students will need all of their winter gear! This includes **snow pants and boots**, especially with snow on the ground and real-feel temperatures expected to drop below 32°F.
Mileage Club
We love having families join us for Mileage Club! Check the times below. In case of rain, Mileage Club will be canceled. For updates, please visit the Washington Street Elementary Facebook page.
Milk is $.50 if your child brings a cold lunch and wants milk.
Sign Up for Mrs. Knight's Remind ASAP!
Washington Street Elementary Contact Information
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States