RHS Modernization Project
August 2023
March 2024 - Status: Design
Get Involved ...We need your input on how Richmond High could look!
Please complete the survey by March 27th
Por favor, complete la encuesta antes del 27 de Marzo
Haga clic o escanee para ver la encuesta en español
Save The Date: Community Meeting April 25th @ 6:00pm
Where have we been?
On November 8th, the WCCUSD Board approved the scope and budget for the modernization project at Richmond High School. The scope includes demolishing part of the classroom building and building a new two-story building along 23rd Street. The remaining portion of the classroom building will be updated, including adding windows. The large gym and 600 Buildings will be refreshed. If you would like to see the options and other information from the scope development process, please click on the project website button below.