Please Join Us Tonight
March 28, 2023 at 7:00-8:00 am
Lowell's Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Good Morning Lowell Community,
Tonight we are joining together for our Lowell Diversity and Belonging Council Meeting. We will be creating space to process recent events at Lowell. This discussion will be facilitated by our own local mindfulness and mediation expert, Teo Evans from Emerged Wellness. We look forward to continuing this work together.
Please join us tonight, March 28th, from 7:00pm - 8:00pm on zoom.
Lowell DIB Mission Statement
We believe in meeting the needs of a growing and diverse student population and understand that by valuing and supporting our multicultural and multilingual students and their families, students will be more successful. We believe in promoting positive self-esteem and mutual respect by providing a safe and equitable environment through inclusive practices that reflect our global community.