Family Resources Newsletter
Worthington City Schools Special Education
August 2024
Welcome Back!
Hello parents and guardians!! I know you are getting A LOT of newsletters and emails right now. If you have received this, you have a kiddo who is receiving special education services in some capacity. I know you are overloaded but I really feel it is helpful to have a point person and resource for all of your special ed/therapy questions. Hopefully you are all getting to know your child’s team in their school, but if you are feeling like you are on an island, I can help you.
We have a new website that is more user friendly. Over the next few weeks I will be adding content there and getting things organized on my end. I will also be planning workshops and newsletter topics for the year. If you have some topics you want to know more about, please email or text them to me.
I am now working as an OT in the district in addition to my Parent Mentor role (you as caregivers will benefit from this as I will have more understanding of how it all works on the inside and can better help you) SO while I may not be responding to you at lightning speed, I promise you will get a reply or call back from me within 24 hours of you reaching out.
One last thing....We have a group of parents and caregivers called "key communicators" from each school that help communicate special education needs from that particular school directly to the special ed director and myself. The only requirements are answering a few emails here and there, communicating any needs that may arise at your home school and attending 3-4 meeting per school year. If you are interested, let me know ASAP. I try to make it fun and promise treats at every meeting!! See below for the schools from which we need new key communicators.
I know you are overwhelmed, I am too. Don’t forget I am here for you! You got this!
I included a picture of myself and my crazy crew so you will know my face or if you are like me, I recognize people by their kiddos. If you see me , please stop and introduce yourself!
Shannon Daily
Parent Mentor (and OT!) for Worthington City Schools Special Education Department
Want to be a Key Communicator so you can help make a difference??
Liberty Elementary
Bluffsview Elementary
Slate Hill Elementary
Evening Street Elementary
Granby Elementary