SDUC Newsletter 1/10/25

Message From Our Superintendent | January 10, 2025
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025! Given what we have all been through in the past week, let’s agree that the rest of the year owes us some smooth-sailing!
I thank all of our students, families and staff for their resilience over the past few days as we worked through the unusual challenges posed by this most recent winter storm. There are many factors to consider in these situations including temperature, road conditions across the metro area as well as in University City, state-mandated school hours, calendar agreements and more. But, please know, my first – and last – thoughts each day are for the safety of our school communities. Every decision is made in the best interest of our students and teachers at that time.
I also thank those who sent words of encouragement, suggestions on scheduling shifts and even those who questioned the closing decisions. The exchange is always valuable and appreciated.
Friday, January 17, Will Now Be an Instructional Day
So, now it is time to make strategic calendar shifts to help make up lost instruction time and avoid adding time at the end of the calendar. Last night, our Board of Education approved the recommendation to amend the 2024-25 academic calendar. Friday, January 17, will now be an instructional day. Students are in session. We are also exploring other options. While "snow days" are built into the calendar, the District has not extended the academic year beyond the published end date for several years. Because that affects summer travel and senior plans, I would like to avoid adding days to the calendar.
We also have flexibility in our AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction) days, which allows us to engage in virtual learning. Next week, we will communicate expectations and the plan.
I want to thank our operations and maintenance staff who have been on-site this entire week clearing paths, checking grounds and facilities, thanks to our bus drivers who have done of great job of navigating their routes. And, thanks also to the U. City road crews who have been working so hard to clear the streets for our return.
Inclement Weather Communications
DOWNLOAD THE APP: For the most up-to-the-minute information, please download the District app. The app can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play by searching University City School District (UCSD) or by clicking on the links below:
LINKTREE: You may also visit the District’s Linktree, which will connect you with all social media announcements. Our linktree can be found at https://linktr.ee/UCitySchools.
PARENT PORTAL: Please take a moment to be sure your contact information is updated in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account at ucityschools.org/ParentPortal.
State of the District | POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 10
The State of the District address originally scheduled for Monday, January 13, has been rescheduled to Monday February 10, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the UCHS Library. At that time, we will go over, in detail, our APR scores and progress on our five District priorities over this past semester.
As a reminder, Missouri’s public school districts have received the formal scores in the 2024 Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) Annual Performance Report (APR) for the 2023-24 school year. The School District of University City’s overall score was 75.2% (full accreditation) which holds steady compared to last year’s data.
The 2024 APR results, rankings, and supporting data are available in DESE’s Comprehensive Data System portal. Once again, we will hold a community State of the District review on Monday, February 10, 2025, and refreshments will be provided by One U. City. To register for this event, please visit ucityschools.org/SOD2025. I look forward to seeing you there!
As we embrace the start of 2025, I am filled with optimism for the year ahead. I wish you and your families a joyful new year. Stay safe, stay warm, and let’s make this a fantastic year together!
In Service of Our Children,
Sharonica L. Hardin-Bartley, Ph.D., PHR
UCHS FAFSA Frenzy Brunch | January 12
Join us Sunday, January 12 in the UCHS Library for an opportunity to work with financial aid experts to complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA. This event will run from 2:00 - 5:00 pm.
To register, please visit ucityschools.org/fafsafrenzy.
Black History Community Book Study 2025
Our Curriculum & Instruction team invite you and your neighbors, family, and friendsto join in our annual Title I Black History Community Book Study with in-person events and virtual community reading and discussion sessions of Jim Crow's Pink Slip: The Untold Story of Black Principal and Teacher Leadership by Leslie T. Fenwick. There will be an in-person kick-off event with the author on Friday, January 31, 2025. This kickoff will be followed by virtual sessions on each Monday in February from 6 to 7:30 p.m., with a in-person Fireside Chat scheduled for Thursday, February 27.
To register to attend, please visit ucityschools.org/bookstudy2025.
UCHS Students Eligible for the Missouri A+ Program
The A+ Scholarship Program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of A+ designated high schools who attend a participating public community college, vocational/technical school, or certain private two-year vocational/technical schools.
Students may sign up at any time between grades nine and eleven, but seniors must enroll in the A+ program no later than January of their senior year due to the need to complete fifty required hours of tutoring/mentoring.
For more information, please visit ucityschools.org/aplusprogram.
Spring 2025 Board of Education Candidates
The School District of University City Board of Education has two candidates for two seats for April 8, 2025: Guerin V. Pichon and Laverne Ford-Williams (in order of filing).
According to The School District of University City's Policy BBB-1: School Board Elections, we will not have a School Board Election in April 2025 since the number of candidates who have filed is equal to the number of positions for each office to be filled by the election.
Candidate statements will be printed in the March 2025 PRIDE newspaper and archived to ucityschools.org/PRIDE.
A Winter Wonderland! | Julia Goldstein Early Childhood Education Center
In this edition of SDUC's School Spotlight, we'd like to highlight Julia Goldstein!
A beautiful sight, we were happy that night, as we walked into Julia Goldstein's Winter Wonderland!
As soon as families entered the school, enthusiastic staff greeted them with take-home books and a cozy read by the fire. Throughout the hallways and classrooms, there were create-your-own snowman activities, "Ice Skating" with paper plates on the floor, and more sensory development games. Inside the multipurpose room, families enjoyed a light meal (Jimmy Johns sandwiches and chips), hot chocolate (make your own with marshmallows, whip cream, sprinkles, etc), and an indoor snowball fight with paper snowballs.
Events like these provide an excellent opportunity for our youngest students to engage in activities that foster literacy and sensory development, which are essential building blocks for early learning.
We would like to recognize the following seniors who have submitted their college and career acceptances and scholarship awards:
List of Colleges and Careers:
UCHS Holiday Mystery!
When UCHS Principal Dr. Peoples walked into his office the day before winter break, everything—yes, everything—was wrapped in holiday cheer. From the couches to the coasters, not a single object escaped the gift treatment. Could it have been elves? A rogue art class?
We sat down with Math Teacher Ms. Morris, Instructional Coach Ms. Hieke, Athletic Trainer Ms. AJ, and senior Markel Holman to try to get to the bottom of this holiday mystery!
Chris Goode Visit at Pershing Elementary
We had a great time welcoming author, community advocate and founder/owner of Ruby Jeans Juicery Chris Goode at Pershing Elementary!
Remembering Jimmy Carter
The School District of University City honors and remembers Jimmy Carter, our 39th U.S. president.
His dedication to making the world a better place continues to inspire us all. We honor his legacy and extend our deepest gratitude for his contributions to our country and the world.
#2MillionCans | Flynn Park Elementary
January 2025:
- January 10: No School | 0.5 Plan Day/0.5 Records Day; End of Second Quarter
- January 12: UCHS FAFSA Frenzy Brunch | 2:00 - 5:00 pm
- Register to attend at ucityschools.org/fafsafrenzy
- January 17: School in Session due to Snow Days used Jan. 6-8
- January 20: District Closed for MLK Day
- January 23: Board of Education Regular Meeting | 7:00 pm
- January 24: UCHS Winter Musical Production | 7:00 pm
- January 25: U City Equations Tournament | 8:00 am - 11:30 am
- For more information, please visit ucityschools.org/ucityequations
- January 25: UCHS Winter Musical Production | 7:00 pm
- January 28: Elementary Strings Showcase | 6:30 pm
- January 29 & 30: 8th Grade Parent Night at UCHS | 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- January 31: Black History Community Book Study Kick-Off | 6:00 pm
- Register to attend at ucityschools.org/bookstudy2025
- February 10: NEW DATE | State of the District
- Register to attend at ucityschools.org/SOD2025
The School District of University City
Address: Ronald E. McNair Administration Building | 7700 Olive Blvd., University City, MO 63130
Contact: cco@ucityschools.org