Mora Elementary Newsletter
February 21, 2025
Update on Boys Basketball Dates!
The form for the upcoming K-2 Boys Basketball Clinic had the wrong dates on it. It originally said March 3rd-7th, but we don't have school on the 3rd, so the Clinic will be March 4th-7th.
If you have any questions please contact Coach Balmer: pbalmer@moraschools.org
Spelling Bee
Jude Rue represented Mora Elementary at the regional spelling bee on February 11th in St. Cloud.
Mustang Spirit Award!
Congratulations to Ms. Mace on receiving the Certified Mustang Spirit Award! Ms. Mace brings a fun-loving spirit to both students and staff, as seen in her picture. She creates engaging art lessons for students in grades K-6, which they truly enjoy. Thank you, Ms. Mace, for being a positive role model for the students at Mora Elementary!
Celebrating the 101st Day in Kindergarten!
Mrs. Miller's class celebrated the 101st day with 101 themed stations. We also enjoyed some Scooby Doo snacks for our doggie treats!
FFA Club visits and reads a story to first graders for I Love to Read month!!
We had some FFA students come read a book about how bread is made, from the growing and harvesting of wheat, to the baking and eating of the bread. There was also time to talk about what the FFA students do as part of the organization, and the many activities they're involved in with agriculture, animals, and more.
~Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class
I love to read!
This Thursday's dress up day was wear a hat and/or silly socks. Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class is shown above sporting their socks and hats.
Julie Rue from Welia Health gifted all 3rd grade students a book, led a discussion about reading wellness, and read stories with the students to help promote I LOVE to Read Month.
~Mrs. Gams' Class
Every year in February, Welia Health comes to visit our 3rd Graders and bring them a new book to take home! Pictured is Ms. Erickson and Mrs. Nolt's classes reading together with Julie from Welia!
Paper Flyers have been sent home for yearbooks. Please click on the photo to order yours now! Orders are due by March 21st. If you did not get a yearbook from last year (23-24), there are still some remaining. You can pick one up from the Elementary Office for $15.
Tatum Reitter Jackelyn Bekius
Grades K-2 Grades 3-6
320-679-6200 X4307 320-679-6200 X4313
The health office is in need of boys' pants. They can use all sizes, up to Adult Small. Donations can be dropped off at the Elementary Office.
Dear Mustang Parent/s or Guardians,
Listed below are guidelines to follow if you're unsure when to send your student to school or not, as well as the COVID guidelines. Please remember, our students need to be healthy in order to learn successfully. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers 4 free covid tests to households. Here's the link to order from: https://special.usps.com/testkits
Thank you for understanding and helping to keep our schools safe!
Contact Us
Email: kleach@moraschools.org
Website: Moraschools.org
Location: 200 9th Street, Mora, MN, USA
Phone: (320)679-6200
Facebook: facebook.com/MoraElem