Monthly Parent Newsletter
December 2024
First Semester Dates to Remember
Star Testing
The Star Winter testing window is December 2nd-13th. Your child's teacher will information parents of the testing dates for their class.
School Book Fair - December 9th - 13th
Lower El. Winter Performance - Thursday, December 19th
Friday, December 20th - Early Release at 11:00 a.m.
Students will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m.
Winter Break - December 23rd - January 3rd
Teacher Workday/No School - Monday, January 6th
Save the Date!
Carline Procedures
Morning Procedures
- A reminder that effective Tuesday, September 6th, car riders will need to be dropped off in the carline. Parking is prohibited on the road in front of the school.
- Students will need to exit vehicles on the right side.
- Our school doors open at 7:05 a.m. Parents are encouraged to come early to avoid the long carline that begins around 7:20 a.m.
- Instruction begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Beginning 7:31 a.m., parents will have to come in the building to sign their children in as tardy.
Afternoon Procedures
- Please remain in vehicles.
- Place car tags in your rear view mirror.
- Students will enter vehicles on the right side.
- If you need to buckle your child in a car seat, please pull around to the second row of the parking lot.
- Car riders will need to be picked up no later than 2:45 p.m.
Parent Classroom Observations
Beginning Monday, September 9th, parents may begin classroom observations. Thank you for honoring this Brockman practice as it allows our students to establish key school routines. If you would like to come in for a Celebration of Life prior to Monday, September 9th, please inform your child's teacher.
Our goal is not to interrupt classroom instruction and learning; therefore, we ask that only one parent observe at a time. Please schedule classroom observations with your child's teacher.
A few reminders -
- During a classroom observation, parents are asked to sit quietly in the “observer chair” and observe their child.
- Observations are during Uninterrupted Work Time (UWT) and should not exceed 30 minutes.
- Please silence cell phones and refrain from using them during classroom observations.
Observers must sign in at the main office, at which they receive the brochure Tips for Observing in a Montessori Classroom. Questions about observing in the classroom can be directed to your child's teacher or Mrs. Giles.
Parent Lunch Visits
Beginning Monday, September 9th, parents may begin lunch visits.
- We have round tables in the cafeteria and the tables in the Peace Garden (weather permitting) that provide nice seating for children to host their parents.
- It is always appropriate for a child to invite 1 friend to join them and their parents.
- Please note that proper behavior is always an expectation for our students, regardless of where they sit.
- When your child’s class is dismissed back to their classroom, it is the expectation that your child will rejoin their group at this time.
When joining a child for lunch, parents must sign in at the main office. Parents must meet their child in the cafeteria or Peace Garden. When lunch is over, parents must report to the front office to sign out.