October News
Pepin Elementary
Flu Shot Clinic
Picture Retake Day
A note from Mrs. Riesgraf
Welcome Autumn!
As the seasons change, I find joy in the vibrant fall colors and crisp air. This is a wonderful time to embrace outdoor activities during recess! Please ensure your child comes dressed for the weather with light hats, mittens, and coats. We have extra gloves and hats available for those who forget.
Responsibility: Show It and Grow It.
Our focus this month is on Responsibility. This is a big word, but an important one. Responsibility means taking action and understanding the impact of our choices. This can mean lots of things, but mostly it’s about choosing actions that lead to good outcomes - like caring for a pet, turning in your work, being kind to a new student or standing up for what is right.
Please help us start our school day on time. We begin our day at 8:05 a.m. Elementary students can start eating breakfast at 7:45 a.m. - so please ensure your child arrives between 7:45-8 a.m. If your student needs breakfast, please ensure they arrive early enough to have time to eat before class begins. Thank you for helping us start the day smoothly.
What’s New This Month?
Please consider joining us at the annual Wheel Rally on October 7 at the Pepin Fire Hall. The event begins at 6 p.m. We will serve a light meal of hotdogs, chips, bars and fruit. The children will enjoy exploring a large variety of vehicles. You will also be able to take some apples home to enjoy from the Lost Creek Hippies Orchard. We hope to see you there.
Faith Adventures begins on October 2. If your child(ren) attends, please send a note so we know if they should be attending. A blanket note that would include all Wednesday Faith Adventures would be acceptable, but please notify us of any changes to that. Students in grades K-5 will be bussed over and the Grade 6 students will walk from school.
We’re off to a fantastic start! Thank you for your continued support. If you need assistance, feel free to reach out.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Riesgraf