Wednesday, October 23 - Friday, October 25
*** Red Ribbon JH/HS ***
Send a Message. Stay Drug Free.
This year's Red Ribbon Week's theme is "Send a Message. Stay Drug Free." Encourage your student to stand with us as we unite together to bring awareness to drug prevention.
We love it when our students and staff dress up with the following themes. Together, we show our students how to enjoy life and find fun in all sorts of ordinary things.
Wednesday, October 23rd
Put a cap on drugs and step up to a drug-free future--Wear a hat or socks
Thursday, October 24th
Join Together in the Fight Against Drugs--Wear Your Favorite Sports Team
Friday, October 25th
Pledge to be Drug Free – Wear as much RED as possible. Let's end the week off with a powerful show of FORCE. We all stand together as one community against drugs.
Jenette Fruit
Jenette is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters