Perryville High School
January / February 2025
Respect the Paw
End of the Marking Period
Chromebook Inventory Time
From the PE Department: Service Learning Project
Unified Bowling
Spring Musical
Lunch Services Application: APPLY ONLINE for free and reduced meals!!!
It is so important to have access to food so students are not hungry in order for them to have their best chance at being successful in school. IF YOU QUALIFY FOR MEAL BENEFITS YOUR CURRENT PAST DUE BALANCE MAY BE CANCELLED! Additionally, if PHS has an accurate amount of students who qualify and receive free and reduced meal services based on our current population's need in the PHS community, PHS will receive more of the funding and resources from the state and local levels that we need.
Click here to apply now! https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
Check out the CCPS Food and Nutrition website. https://www.ccps.org/administration/administrative-services/food-nutrition
Cell Phones and Electronics
Mental Health Matters: Exciting Opportunity for Resources!
Youth Apprenticeship Program!
Come Out to Support Perryville Athletics!
Use County Sports Zone for Schedules!
Whether it is because of weather, transportation, or officials, there is a good chance our athletes will experience delays, changes, cancellations, or postponements. PHS will always try to communicate these changes via social media but REAL TIME, ACCURATE information regarding our sports schedules are always on County Sports Zone. See the link below for PHS sports schedules on the CSZ website.
PHS Goes to Great Britain and Paris in 2026!
Parking at PHS 2024-2025
1:1 Chromebooks for Students
Panthers Don't Have Zeroes!
Parents and Students,
You will be receiving biweekly emails alerting you to the fact that your student has missing assignments, which are zeroes in the gradebook. With things being so busy for so many people, this is a reminder for students and parents to check grades and turn in work. This email is useful to prompt the conversation between students and their support system to open up Powerschool and look at the grades they currently have. If you have questions about specific zeroes, assignments, how your student is doing in class, or why they have zeroes then it is the best idea to reach out to the student's teacher to get an idea of what's going on. Students, these will come out to all students with zeroes every two weeks so get on it and get those assignments turned in.
If you are unable to access Powerschool to see your student's account and grades, please reach out to your student's school counselor (contacts below with grade levels) to get the information you need.
Attendance + Turning in all assignments = Success! It's what we do, Panthers!
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Dr. Williams
End of Course Assessments
In the state of Maryland, students must earn a credit in American Government and Life Science (Biology) in order to graduate high school. All students in these courses must take the state’s End of Course Exam (EOC) in May, and it will account for 20% of the students' final grade in these courses.
An End of Course Exam (EOC) is a state administered high school assessment, incorporated into local courses as a final exam with a percentage counting towards the students’ final course grade. The EOC Exam was adopted by the State Board on May 25, 2021. The EOC Exam will comprise 20% of the student’s grade in the relevant course. (Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.03.02.06) As a result, the final grade for students taking American Government and Life Science will be calculated in the following manner. Each marking period will make up 20% of the grade and the EOC will comprise the final 20%. In other words, MP1 20% + MP2 20% + MP3 20% + MP4 20% + EOC 20% = 100% of the final grade for the course. It will be incredibly important that students work hard throughout the school year in order to prepare for the course EOC as it will have a direct impact on their final grade and GPA. According to the expectations set by the Maryland State Department of Education, students will not be allowed to retake the state test to improve their overall grade.
For students who are taking AP United States Government and Politics or AP Biology to earn a credit in American Government or Life Science, they must pass the course and take the AP exam to meet the graduation requirement.
For more information about an EOC and specific information regarding the high school American Government and Life Science MISA exams, please visit the Maryland State Department of Education’s website or reach out to your student's assistant principal.
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
No School Monday 02/10/2025 For Students
Virtual In-service Day for Teachers
Reach Out!
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have a question or concern! You can reach the school at 410-996-6000 or feel free to use one of the emails below.
Dr. Williams knwilliams@ccps.org
Mr. Drew (Grades 9 & 11) jdrew@ccps.org
Mr. Nagle (Grades 10 & 12) jnagle@ccps.org
Mr. Lee (Grade 9, Grade 11 H-O) arlee@ccps.org
Mrs. Owens (Grade 10, Grade 11 A-G) kowens@ccps.org
Mr. Canty (Grade 12, Grade 11 P-Z) jcanty@ccps.org
School Social Worker:
Mrs. Jamie Maners (All grades) jlmaners@ccps.org
Main Office
Ms. Miotla nmiotla@ccps.org