Navigating the River

August 9, 2024
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMStheGOLDstandard
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
- August 13th - Football Game vs. Hendricks MS (6:30 PM - West Forsyth HS)
- August 20th - 6th Grade Curriculum Night (5:30 PM)
- August 21st - 7th Grade Curriculum Night (5:30 PM)
- August 22nd - 8th Grade Curriculum Night (5:30 PM)
- August 23rd - Club Carnival for Students (takes place during grade-level Connections)
- August 26th - 30th - Wear the Wheel Week for Sources of Strength
- August 26th - 30th - Robotics Club Tryouts (4:30 PM)
- August 27th - 28th - Academic Bowl Tryouts (4:15 PM)
- August 30th - Early Release Day
- September 2nd - Student/Staff Holiday
- September 3rd - Football Game vs. South Forsyth MS (6:30 PM - Lambert HS)
- September 10th - Lambert Connected Parent University (6:00 PM - Lambert HS)
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook and Twitter (X)!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riverwatchms
A Message from Mrs. MacAllaster
A Note from RMS PTSO:
Hello Riverwatch families –
Once again, we would like to thank our wonderful families who have already donated to PTSO this year! As we wrap up the first full week of school, we are now at a total of 76 families who have generously donated to PTSO. Our goal this year is $12,000 in donations, and we are currently at $5,720.
Last year, with the support of our Riverwatch families, PTSO was able to provide students and teachers with:
$2,500 in PBIS rewards funding
$7,500 in additional Chromebooks
$8,000 in teacher grants, including $5,400 towards gifted certifications for 18 RMS teachers; classroom supplies; therapy dog trainings; a new buzzer system to help our Academic Bowl team train; and funding towards outside performances that align with curriculum standards
Every dollar donated to RMS PTSO goes back to our students and teachers!
Current family donation participation rates:
6th grade – 9% of students
7th grade – 4% of students
8th grade - 4% of students
Teachers – 78% of teachers
As your student may have mentioned to you, at the end of August, the students in the grade level with the highest percentage of families donating to PTSO will receive an ice cream treat. If 75% of students in a grade level donate, we will be able to provide a treat to all students in that grade (if less than 75% of families donate, the treat will only be for those students whose families donated).
Visit the PTSO website to DONATE TODAY.
As a reminder, your membership fee is a tax-deductible donation to the RMS PTSO (a 501c3), and is eligible for corporate matching programs if your organization offers that. Membership does not obligate you to attend meetings, volunteer your time, or fund subsequent activities this school year. Thank you for your help in contributing to Riverwatch.
Every Day Counts and Attendance Matters!
For more information on the Riverwatch attendance policy, please click here!
Reminder: Student check-outs will not be permitted after 3:30!
Links to RSVP for your grade-level will be sent via Campus Messenger. To align with capacity measurements in each session, we ask for only parents/guardians to be in attendance.
No business? No problem! Partners in Education covers businesses, families, and individuals. Our Partners in Education help the school by donating necessary materials, whether through a monetary donation or the items themselves! If you or someone you know would like to help us be #RMStheGOLDstandard, consider partnering with us!